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Bihar board class 11th English book solution story of English chapter-5 Story of English Poetry

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Bihar board class 11th English book solution story of English chapter-5 Story of English Poetry 

Gist:  The meaning of words in a poem is quite different from what we find in a short story or in a drama. Words in a poem are used for meaning, sound and images. Poetry started its journey from the time man used language to express his emotion. During the Middle English period we notice the emergence of a national language and literature. Geoffrey Chaucer made great contribution in this regard.

In his poetic works Chaucer did not use the Old English irregular lines and alliteration. In his poem 'the vision of Piers the Plowman Langland attacks the social ills and urges men to learn to love.

In England the influence of the Renaissance was felt clearly. Arnold has described poetry as the criticism of life. 'Paradise Lost' and 'Paradise Regained' are the two epics of English. James Thomson, William Collins, Thomas Gray and Robert Burns are the four leading Romantic poets of the nineteenth century. Dante Gabriel, Rossetti, William Morris, and AC Swinburne are known as the three Pre Raphaetites poets. Poets from the commonwealth nations and from African and Asian countries have successfully used English for creative purposes.

Bihar board class 11th English book solution story of English chapter-5 Story of English Poetry Exercise

Q.1. Complete the statements given below: 

(a) Words in a poem are used for .................. and.............  
(b) In his poetic works, chaucer did not use the 
(c) The word Renaissance means 
(d) The three great poets of the Elizabethan period are ............ and.......
(e) The Faiery Queene is a
(f) Shakespeare's sonnets deal with 

Answer - 
 (a) meaning, sound, images. 
(b) Old English, irregular lines and alliteration 
(c) 'rebirth' 
(d) Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare: 
(e) romantic epic based on chivalry. 
(f) tragic failure in love and broken friendship. 

Q.2. Answer these questions very briefly :

(1) What does Langland do in the vision of Piers the Plowman?

Ans. In his poem "The Vision of Piers', Langland attacks the social illsand urges men to learn to love.

(2) When was the infuence of the Renaissance felt clearly in England? 

Ans. In England the influence of the Renaissance was felt clearly during the period from the accession of Elizabeth in 1558 to the death of James I in 1625. 

(3) Who wrote 'Astrophel and Stella? 

Ans. Sir Philip Sidney wrote 'Astrophel and Stella'.

(4) Name the two epics in English.
Ans. Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained are the two epics in English. 

(5) Name four leading Romantic poets of the nineteenth century. 

Ans. James Thomson, william collins, Thomas Gray and Robert Burns are the four leading Romantic poets of the nineteenth century. 

(6) Who has described poetry as the criticism of life? 

Ans. Arnold has described poetry as the criticism of life. 

(7) Name any three pre-Raphaelites poets.

Ans. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris and A.C Swinburne are known as the three pre-Raphaelites poets.

(8) What aspect of modern civilization does T.S. Eliot present in his poems?

Ans. T.S. Eliot presents the hollowness and vulgarity of the modern civilization in his poems which does not have any awareness of spiritual values.

(9) What were the two concerns. of the American poets writing in English, ?

Ans. To define the 'self' and to identify the nation' were the two concerns of the American poets writing in English.

(10) What were te major concerns of the early Indian poets writing in English ?

Ans. Patriotism and the glorious past of India were the major concerns of the early Indian poets writing in English.

(11) Name four canadian poets writing in English. 

Ans. Jeannethe Armstrong, Claire Harris, Cyril Dabydeen and Arnold Ifwaru are the four canadian poets writing in English.

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

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