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Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry chapter - 9 ( Voice of The Unwanted Girl ) Summary


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Class 11th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

Class 11 English Rainbow - 1 Poetry Chapter 9 : Voice of The Unwanted Girl  Summary

Voice of the Unwanted Girl is a tragic poem written by Sujata Bhatt. It is a modern poem expressing the feeling and emotions of a victim girl child . The girl child , here questions the inhumanity and horror of female infanticide. As the victim girl happened to be the second daughter of her parents she was killed. The voice of the unwanted Girl' is addressed to the mother . the poem begins on a pathetic note , or a note of lamentation. In the end, the growing infant was killed with a help of a  injection. It is the pathetic voice of an unborn girl which haunts the imagination . The poem is a protest against the barbarous and inhuman act of female infanticide. The unwanted girl who died in the womb appeals to the mother to look for her. The unwanted girl goes on lamenting the cruel practice of feamle foeticide. 

The unborn child was killed not in accordance with divine will but because of social constraints. the unborn girl was like a gas with no colour and a strong smell, used mixed with water to preserve things in a laboratory. This poem is taken from the anthology My Mother's way of Wearing a Sari . This poem is written with rare sensitivity and social concern . It offers a criticism of patriarchy and it demands a world in which gender discriminations are erased . 

Class 11 English Rainbow - 1 Poetry Chapter 9 : Voice of The Unwanted Girl  Summary In Hindi 

वॉयस ऑफ द अनवांटेड गर्ल सुजाता भट्ट द्वारा लिखित एक दुखद कविता है। यह एक पीड़ित बालिका की भावनाओं और भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने वाली एक आधुनिक कविता है। यहां बालिकाएं कन्या भ्रूण हत्या की अमानवीयता और भयावहता पर सवाल उठाती हैं। पीड़ित लड़की अपने माता-पिता की दूसरी बेटी होने के कारण उसकी हत्या कर दी गई। अनचाही लड़की की आवाज 'माँ को संबोधित है। कविता एक दयनीय नोट, या विलाप के एक नोट पर शुरू होती है। अंत में बढ़ते हुए शिशु को एक इंजेक्शन की मदद से मार दिया गया। यह एक अजन्मी लड़की की दयनीय आवाज है जो कल्पना को सताती है। यह कविता कन्या भ्रूण हत्या के बर्बर और अमानवीय कृत्य का विरोध है। गर्भ में मरी अनचाही लड़की मां से उसकी तलाश करने की अपील करती है। अवांछित कन्या कन्या भ्रूण हत्या की क्रूर प्रथा का विलाप करती रहती है।

अजन्मे बच्चे की हत्या दैवीय इच्छा के अनुसार नहीं बल्कि सामाजिक बाधाओं के कारण की गई थी। अजन्मी लड़की बिना रंग और तेज गंध वाली गैस की तरह थी, जिसे प्रयोगशाला में चीजों को संरक्षित करने के लिए पानी में मिलाकर इस्तेमाल किया जाता था। यह कविता मेरी माँ के साड़ी पहनने के तरीके के संकलन से ली गई है। यह कविता दुर्लभ संवेदनशीलता और सामाजिक सरोकार के साथ लिखी गई है। यह पितृसत्ता की आलोचना प्रस्तुत करता है और यह एक ऐसी दुनिया की मांग करता है जिसमें लैंगिक भेदभाव मिटा दिया जाए।

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry Chapter 9 (Voice of The Unwanted Girl  ) - Textual Questions Solved

B.1. Write T for true and F for false statement. 

a. Mother was taken to the autopsy room by force. - F
b. The doctor was solely responsible for the heinous crime. - F
c. The female foeticide took place in Bombay - T
e. Mother loved pomegranate very much. - F
d. Everybody loved the speaker.- F

B.1 2. Answer the following questions briefly : 

Q.1. Who is 1 in the opening line ?

Ans. 1, in the opening line, is the girl child who was terminated after it was confirmed that she was a girl. She is the speaker in the poem. 

Q.2. Who does the speaker address to ?

Ans. The dead girl child, the speaker in the poem addresses her mother who got this girl terminated in the womb itself after she came to know that she was going to be her second girl child.

Q.3. What did the mother do to the speaker ?

Ans. She went to the doctor to know about the sex of the child in her womb. The doctor said that a girl child was going to be born to her. An injection was given on her demand which caused the termination (death) of the girl child.

Q.4. What happened to the speaker ?

Ans. The girl child who is the speaker in the poem was forcefully driven out of the womb at the very initial state. It was thrown by the road side while it was raining. No one wanted to touch it. It was alive till that moment but it was picked up by the police to be brought to the autopsy room. All this was done after it was ensured I was dead.

Q.5. What did the doctor tell the mother? How did it affect her ? 

Ans. The doctor, on examination, found that there was a girl child in her womb. He told her so which horrified her because she already had a girl child. To get one more girl child was not acceptable to her. She thus got her terminated.

Q.6. How did the mother dress up when she knew about her second girl child ?

Ans. As soon as the mother came to know from the doctor that there was a second girl child in her womb she immediately put on her grass green sari and parijatak flowers in her hair. She went out to throw away the girl child. 

Q.7. Do you find any evidence in the poem that shows the mother's lack of concern for her girl child ?

Ans. There is evidence in the poem about the mother's lack of concern for the apparent horror of the girl child. Immediately after the doctor informed that there was a female child in her womb she asked the doctor to destroy it. The way she dressed up and decorated her hair with flowers before she went out to get her pregnancy terminated shows the mother's total lack of concern for unborn girl child.

B.2. Answer the following questions briefly : 

Q.1. Who does 'everyone' refer to in the line 28? Why did everyone smile?

Ans. Everyone as used here stands for the passers by who happened to have a look at the girl child thrown in the road side. They smiled to see the ack of concern of the mother. They smiled at the cruelty of the mother and passed away.

Q.2. How does the unwanted girl' question her mother's concience ? 

Ans. In the poem the unwanted girl wants her mother to look at what she had done to the unborn and unwanted child. She wants her to see how she was forced out of her womb to be thrown on the road side for the passers by to look at her and feel hatred. The child tells her mother that she did not come to her womb in dream but in reality. She was so killed and abandoned for the people to spit on not because it was God's will. She smell of formaldehyde because the mother reduced her to that state.

Q.3. What does the killed infant smell of ?

Ans. The killed infant smell of formaldehyde, a gas with no colour and a strong smell. It is used with water to preserve things in a laboratory. 

Q.4. How many times has the verb 'look' been repeated in the poem ? 

Ans. The verb 'look' has been repeated as many as eleven times in the poem. This word is repeated so many times to remind her mother of what a heinous thing she had done. She wants to repeatedy hammer at the mother's conscience.

Q.5. What does ‘God's will' mean in line 44 ?

Ans. In Indian society Children are supposed to be the gifts of God to the parents. If the number of children is big, the parents do not own the resonsibility calling it to be the mercy of God. If there is no issue to a couple, God is blamed. But in this case God's will was never the termination of pregnancy. The parents did kill an unborn female child for the sake of their convenience which is highly immoral.

Q.6. What does the speaker wish in the last two lines of the poem ? 

Ans. The speaker, the unwanted creature, wishes to awaken the steeping conscience of the erring mother. The speaker wishes no injustice is done to the female child in future. She wants her mother to realise how wrong she was in getting her terminated. What was her fault. The mother should rise to the occasion, look for the innocent victim girl and introduce a change in her inner climate. The gender bias should end once for all times to come.

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry Chapter 9 (Voice of The Unwanted Girl ) - Long Answer Question 

Q.1. Who, in your opinion is responsible for the killing of the unborn society or all of them ? female child - mother, doctor, or all of them ?

Ans. Female foeticide is affecting the society for a long time. A female child is treated as a curse in the family she is born. It is so since very long. This girl in our Indian society was diagnosed long back. Very drastic laws were enacted to chain this girl. But the ailment is so deeply rooted uptill now. The main reason for such a treatment is the dowry system. There are severe laws against dowry as weil but that too fails to work in the right direction. Female infanticide too is a criminal offence. There are laws against this as well but the desired result is yet to come out. For female foeticide the parents,the doctor, the society - all are to the blamed. We have become so inhuman that for personal gains we do not at all hesitate in actively participating in the heinous crime.

Q.2. How will you react if you find that female foeticide is being committed before you? Would you try to stop it or remain indifferent to it? 

Ans. If I find anyone indulging in this mean act in my presence i shall, perhaps very vehemently, oppose it with all my might. But in the beginning I shall try to persuade him to goodness. But if he refuses to see reason I would do everything possible to frustrate his or her plan. I may even resolt to legal course. I shall do all this in full public view so that others see and realize that it is a mean act and illegal as well. The people in general should be aware of the gravity of this crime. If one who is found doing this is ably punished and publicly humiliated the trends of doing it will be frustrated. Thus, I shall not in any way remain indifferent to such a crime. I sha'l rather want others not to be indifferent if they confront such a situation.

Q.3. Describe the scene of autopsy room with all minute details. Have you ever been to an autopsy room ?

Ans. An autopsy room is a room in a hospital where a medical examination of a dead person is carried out to find out the cause of death. Such an examination is not done on a person who dies a natural death. It is done, rather it is mandatory, in the case of unnatural death. Death caused by accident of all types is unnatural death. If someone has been murdered, his dead body is put to autopsy room. I can not give here the minute details of the room. But I think scene of the room must be very horrible. There will often be more than one dead body in it. It is always smelling of formaldehyde. 

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry Chapter 9 (Voice of The Unwanted Girl  ) - Composition

Q.1. Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the following: a. foeticide

Now a days science has found out ways to determine the sex of the foetus in the mother's womb. Most people are so much feared of a girl child that they get her killed much before her birth. It is this that is known as female foeticide. It is an alarmingly devilish. It is a social evil of magnitude. Despite massive awareness programmes and advertisements very little has been achieved. There are examples available everywhere that girls are excelling in different fields. They are no more a burden on the parents or on the society. They are an asset. The government have enacted laws against female foeticide but people in general do not change their outlook about the girl children. It is this theme that finds expression in the poem 'Voice of the unwanted Girl'. To our satisfaction in some sections of the society the outlook is changing. They are not so much against the female child. We may hope that in times to come the evil would be overcome gradually. It is only then that the society and so the nation would prosper as desired.

 (b) A visit to an autopsy room.

Ans. Autopsy room is a place in a hospital where medical examination of a dead person is carried out to find out the cause of death. It is a must in the case of unnatural death-death in accidents, murders and such other unnatural death. Since only dead bodies are kept in it the scene within it is horrible, Sometimes several dead bodies are seen in it. A very strong smell of formaldehyde is always there. Formaldehyde is a colourless gas with a very strong smell. It is used mixed with water to preserve the dead bodies from rotting. The doctors who work in the autopsy room go in it bearing a heavy look and return the same way. Doctors who enter an operation theatre so with some anxieties and very often return sporting a happy look after the operation is successful. Such is not the case with the autopsy room. Inside the room there is gloom and outside the Kith and Kin of those killed are found glooming.

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry Chapter 9 (Voice of The Unwanted Girl  ) - Grammar Related Question

D.1. Word Study

Correct the spelling of the following words: 

Incorrect      -   Correct 
Insection      -    Injection 
Trafic           -    Traffic 
Cluched      -      Clutched 
Blosoms     -      Blossoms 
Glisened     -     Glistened 
Formaldehide -   Formaldehyde

D.2. Word meaning Match the words in Column A with their meaning in Column B


Column A                                  Column B 
Rushing                              Speeding up 
Slush                                  Snow that is starting to melt and become dirty. 

Sulking                               blowing away angrily 
Clutched                             grasped 

Glistened                            Shine due to wetness 
Autopsyroom                     Room for medical examination of a dead person. 
Will                                    Wish, desire 
 Formaldehyde                   a gas with no colour and a strong smell.

D.3. Word formation 

Read the following line carefully 
Look for the unspeakable 

Ex-Note how prefix on is added to speakable-Add a prefix to each of the following words and use the new words in sentences of your own. 

  • Told - Untold - This is an untold story. 
  • heard - unheard - This episode was unheard to us. 
  • Wanted - Unwanted - He is an unwanted guest. 
  • Touch -- Untouch - There are preparations which are still untouched. 
  • Send - Unsend -- Prepare a list of the unsent items. 
  • Turn - Return - Please return the letter untyped. 
  • Speakable - unspeakable. - Killing helpless old couple is an act of unspeakable cruelty.
  • Describe -- undescribe - Many postions of the story remained undescribed.

D.4. Registers

Find out from the poem words which are used in the medical field. e.g. autopsy.

1. Doctor, 2. Injection, 3. Autopsy room, 4. Sliced pomegranate, Formaldehyde

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

Next Chapter 

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