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Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Prose chapter - 1 (Animals in Prison ) Summary


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Class 11 English Rainbow -1 Prose Chapter 1 : Animals in Prison 

Animals in Prison by Jawaharlal Nehru About the Author

Jawahar Lal Nehru (1889–1964) India’s first Prime Minister was popular among the children as “Chacha Nehru”. He was a man of rare sensitivity. He got his education at Horrow and Cambridge University. He became a barrister after studying Natural Science and Law. He returned to India in 1921. He joined Indian Politics, being deeply influenced by Mahatma Gandhi. Soon after he emerged as a leader of the country’s youth. He was not only a politician, but also a dreamer, idealist, humanist and artist as well. His works include; An Autobiography, The Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History and Letters from a father to his daughter. His work is remarkable for a rare vigour and beauty and had established him as a master of English Prose.

Animals in Prison by Jawaharlal Nehru About the Author in Hindi 

जवाहर लाल नेहरू (1889-1964) भारत के पहले प्रधान मंत्री बच्चों के बीच "चाचा नेहरू" के रूप में लोकप्रिय थे। वे दुर्लभ संवेदनशीलता के व्यक्ति थे। उन्होंने अपनी शिक्षा होरो और कैम्ब्रिज विश्वविद्यालय में प्राप्त की। वे प्राकृतिक विज्ञान और कानून की पढ़ाई करने के बाद बैरिस्टर बने। वे 1921 में भारत लौट आए। महात्मा गांधी से गहरे प्रभावित होकर वे भारतीय राजनीति में शामिल हो गए। इसके तुरंत बाद वे देश के युवाओं के नेता के रूप में उभरे। वह न केवल एक राजनीतिज्ञ थे, बल्कि एक सपने देखने वाले, आदर्शवादी, मानवतावादी और कलाकार भी थे। उनके कार्यों में शामिल हैं; एक आत्मकथा, द डिस्कवरी ऑफ इंडिया, ग्लिम्पसेज ऑफ वर्ल्ड हिस्ट्री एंड लेटर्स फ्रॉम ए फादर टू उनकी बेटी। उनका काम एक दुर्लभ शक्ति और सुंदरता के लिए उल्लेखनीय है और उन्हें अंग्रेजी गद्य के एक मास्टर के रूप में स्थापित किया था।
Animals in Prison Summary

Summary : Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru lived in the little cell in the Dehradun Jail for fourteen and a half month. He was Familiar with every bit of it. He was not alone in his cell but here were variety of animals like moths,wasps, hornets and lizards. The cell was so small that there was no room to walk about in it. Nehru was allowed to walk up and down infront of the gate in the time of morning and evening. He used to observe the beauty of the himalyas from there. He used to watch flying birds and wandering clouds in the sky. He found great comfort in the proximity of the Himalayas. Spring was more pleasant in Dehradun that of the plains below. Peepal tress which stood in front of the jail gate had dropped nearly all their leaves. Autumn was also pleasant Nehru remembers one day particulary. It was the 24th of December, 1932. There was a thunder storm and rain all day. it was bitterly cold. It was one of the most miserable days that he had spent in Jail. Pandit Nehru did not indulge himself in normal activities rather he became more observant of nature's way. He watched various animals and insercts that came his way. As he grew more observant he noticed all manners of insects living in his cell or in little yard ouside. He never felt loneliness in the company of creeping or rawling or flying insects. They hardly interfered with him in any way and he saw no reason why he should interfered with him in any way, and he saw no reason shy he should interfere with them. But there was continouse war between him and bed - bugs, mosquitoes and , to some extent, flies. Once Nehru thought to get rid of , but they fought bravely in defence of their temporary home , which probably contained their eggs. So long as he remained in the cell surrounded by these wasps and hornets. they never attacked him, and they respected each other. 

Nehru had a deep love for animals . He did not like bats. He had a horror of them. but he had to endure them. He used to watch the ants and the white ants and other insects by the hour. Squirrels were very adventure some and come rights near him. In Lucknow jail a squirrel would climb up his leg and sit on his knee and have a look round. Pigeons were found in plenty in all the jails. Nehru went to except in the mountain prison of Almora . There was pair of mainsa nested over his cell door in Dehradun and he used to feed them If there was any delay in their meal they would sit quite near him and loudly demand their food. In Naini there were thousands of parrots. Their love 

making was always a fascinating sight. and sometimes there were fierce quarrels between two male parrots over a lady parrot. The lady parrot sat calmly by waiting for the result of the encounter and ready to grant her favours to the winner. 

In Dehradun there was variety of birds. Nehru would observe the singing of koels. gliding of eagles and kites and flying of wild ducks-high up in the air. There was a large number of monkeys in Bareilly jail .One of their antics impressed Nehru immensly. A baby monkey managed to come down into the barrack and he could not mount up the wall again. The prisoners caught hold of him. After sometime one of the huge monkeys jumped into the crowd and rescued the baby monkey. Scorpions were frequently found in the cells. Nehru kept one of them in a bottle for some time, feeding him with flies. 
Three or four snakes were also found in the cells or near them. News of one of them got out, and there were headlines in the press. As a matter of fact Nehru welcomed the change in prison life, as it was monotonous. Nehru welcomed the change in prison life, as i was monotonous. Nehru did not welcome snakes but they did not fill him with terror. Centipedes horrified him much more but he had no feeling of repulsion. 

On Dehradun Jailgate Nehru saw a new animal. which was being carried by a forest dweller for making bhujji'-a kind of curry. Later on, he discovered from reading F.W. Champion's book 'The Jungle on Sunlight and Shadow'-that this animal was the Pangolin. 

Nehru opinion that prisoners have to suffer most from emotional starvation. Often they seek some emotional satisfaction by keeping animals pet. The commonest pets were squirrels and mongooses. Dogs were not allowed in jails but cats seemed to be encouraged. Nehru made friends with a little kitten. Though dogs were not allowed, he made relations with some dogs in Dehradun. He used to feed a bitch who was deserted by jail officer on being transferred. The bitch gave birth to a group of puppies. One of the puppies fel ill and Nehru nursed her with care , and sometimes he would ge up a dozen times on the course of the night to look after her. She survived, he was very happy that his nursing had cured her.

In Prison , Nehru was grateful to animals for their company.He says that inspite of Indians general philosophy of non - violence to animals, they are often unkind to them. The Hindus warship the cow but worship and kindness do no always go together. Lastly Nehru wants to say that different countries have adopted different animals as their national symbols and most of them are aggressive and fighting animals. It does not man that the people of those countries should take up aggressive attitude and the Hindus should be mild and non-violent because their patron animal is the cow that is gentle. 

Class 11 English Rainbow -1 Prose Chapter 1 : Animals in Prison Summary in Hindi 

Animals in Prison Summary in Hindi 

पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने देहरादून जेल की काल कोठरी में साढ़े चैदह महीने काटे थे ।  वे जेल के कोने -कोने से पूरी तरह परिचित थें  वे अपनी काल कोठरी में अकेले नहीं थे अपितु उसमें अनेक प्रकार के प्राणी जैसे - कीट - पतंग , बारों , हड्डे तथा छिपकिल्लियाँ थीं । काल-कोठरी इतनी छोटी थी कि इसमें टहलने की भी जगह नहीं थी ।  नेहरू को सुबह - शाम जेल गेट के आस - पास घूमने की अनुमति थीं । वे वहाँ से हिमालय का सौन्दर्य निहारा करते थे । वे उड़ती हुई चिड़ियाँ और आकाश में मंडराते हुए बादलों को देखा करते थे । वे हिमालय की निकटता में अपूर्व सुख प्राप्त करते थे । वसंत ऋतु देहरादुन में तराई की तुलना में ज्यादा मादक थी । पीपल का पेड़ जो जेल गेट के ठीक सामने था , के प्रायः सभी पत्ते गिर चुके थे । शरद ऋतु भी सुखद थी । नेहरू एक दिन को विशेष रूप से याद करते हैं । यह 1932 का 24 दिसम्बर था । पूरे दिन गरज के साथ पानी पड़ रहा था । कड़ाके की ठंढक थी । यह दिन नेहरू के जेल जीवन का सबसे खौफनाक दिन था । नेहरू ने अपने को सामान्य क्रियाओं में न उलझाकर प्रकृति के क्रिया - कलाप को देखा । अपने मार्ग में आने वालें नाना प्रकार के प्राणियों तथा कीट - पतंगों को देखा । चुकी वे अत्यन्त विवेकी थे इसिलिए उन्होनें अपनी काल - कोठरी तथा बाहर के आँगन में भी इन संगीत प्राणिंयों के कार्य - कलापों में विघ्न नहीं डाला और न नेहरू को उनके कार्य - कलापों में विघ्न डालने का कारण समझ में आया । लेकिन खटमलों , मच्छड़ो तथा कुछ हद तक मक्खियों से उनका अनबरत संग्राम चलता रहा । एक बार नेहरू ने बर्रो से छुटकारा पाने के बारे में सोचा परन्तु बर्रो ने अपने अस्थायी घरों , जिसमें सायद वे अपने अंडों को रखा करते थे , के रक्षार्थ बहादुरी से लड़ाई लड़े । अतः उन्होने निर्णय लिया कि उन्हें शांतिपूर्वक रहने दिया । नेहरू जब तक अपनी काल - कोठरी में बरे और हड्डों की संगति में रहे उन्होने कभी भी इन पर आक्रमण नहीं किया और वे एक - दूसरे को आदर देते रहे । 
नेहरू को जानवरों से गहरा लगाव था । वे चमगादड़ों को नापसंद करते थे । वे उनसे डरतेे थे ।  लेकिन वे उनके प्रति सहिष्णु थे ।  वे घंटों चिटियों , दीमकों तथा अन्य कीट - पतंगों को घंटों निहारते रहते थे ।  गिलहरियाँ अत्यन्त हिम्मती थीं और उनके बिल्कुल समीप आ जाती थी । लखनऊ जेल में तो एक गिलहरी उनके पैरों पर चढ़ जाती थी और घुटनों पर बैठकर चारों ओर देखती थी ।  अलमोड़ा के पहाड़ी - जेल को छोड़कर नेहरू जितने जेलों में गए उनमें कबुतर काफी संख्या में थे । देहरादून जेल की काल कोठरी के दरवाजे के ऊपर मैना की एक जोड़ी ने घोंसला बना रख था और वे उन्हें खिलाया करते थे । भोजन में देर होने पर वे उनके काफी समीप आकर बैठ जाते थे और जोर - जोर से चिल्लाकर भोजन मांगते थे । नैनी के जेल में हजारों तोते थे । तोतों को प्रेमालाप एक अद्भुत दृष्य हुआ करता था और कभी - कभी  दो नर तोते के बीच किसी मादा तोते के कारण भयानक लड़ाई भी ही जाती थी । मादा तोता चुपचाप लड़ाई देखते रहती थी और लड़ाई के परिणाम की प्रतीक्षा करती थी तथा विजेता तोते  के साथ प्रणय के लिए तैयार रहती थी । 
देहरादून जेल में अनेक प्रकार के पक्षी थे । नेहरू कोयल के गीत , बाजों , चीलों तथा जंगली - बत्तखों के उड़ान को देखा करते थे। बरेली के जेल में अनेक बंदर थे । बंदरों की एक ठिठोली ने नेहरू को बहुत प्रभावित किया । एक शिशु बंदर किसी प्रकार छावनी के के नीचे आ गया तथा वह पुनः दीवाल फांद कर वापस नहीं जा सका । कैदियों ने उसे पकड़ लिया । थोड़ी देर के बाद एक बड़ा बंदर भीड़ के बीच कुदा और शिशु बंदर को बचाकर ले भागा । काल - कोठरी में बिच्छू प्रायः दिख जाया करते थे। नेहरू जी ने एक बिच्छू को कुछ समय के लिए एक बोतल में बंद कर रखा था और उसे कीट-पतंग खिलाया करते थें । काल-कोठरी के अन्दर और आस - पास तीन - चार साँप भी पाए गए थे ।  उनमें से एक साँप के बारे में समाचार - पत्रों की सुर्खियाँ भी बनी थीं । 
वस्तुतः नेहरु जेल जीवन में परिवर्तन का स्वागत करते थे क्योंकि यह जीवन उबाऊ था ।  नेहरू साँपों के प्रति कोई सहिष्णु नहीं थे परन्तु उनसे डरते भी नहीं थे ।  कनखजूरे से वे काफी भयभीत होते थे लेकिन प्रति उनके मन में कोई विकर्शण का भाव नहीं था ।  देहरादून के जेल गेट पर नेहरू ने एक नये प्राणी को देखा जिसे कोई बनवासी भूजी यानी एक प्रकार का व्यंजन बनाने के लिए जा रहा था ।  बाद में उन्होने एफ0 डब्लू चैम्पियन की पुस्तक ‘द जंगल इन सनलाइट ऐंड शैडों ’ पढ़कर पता लगाया कि उस जानवर का नाम पैंगोलिन था । 
नेहरू का अपना विचार है कि कैदियों केा भावनात्मक-क्षुधा से सबसे अधिक पीड़ित होना पड़ता है ।  वे पालतु जानवरों को रखकर भावनात्मक संतुष्टि ढुँढते है । गिलहरियाँ तथा नेवले सामान्यतः सर्वाधिक पालतू थे । जेल में कुत्ते पालने की अनुमति नहीं थी । परन्तु बिल्लियों को उत्साहित किया जाता था । नेहरू ने एक पिल्ले से मित्रता की थी । यद्यपि कि कुत्ते पालने की अनिमति नहीं थी फिर भी उन्होने देहरादून में कुत्तों से अपना सम्बन्ध बनाया । वे एक कुतिया जो एक जेल पदाधिकारी के स्थानांतरण होने के कारण त्याग दी गई थी , को भोजन कराते थे । उस कुतिया ने पिल्लों के एक झूण्ड को जन्म दिया । उनकें से एक पिल्ला बीमार पड़ गया । नेहरू ने उसकी सेवा की । कभी - कभी उन्हें रात में दर्जनों बार उठकर उसकी देख - भाल करना पड़ता था । वह पिल्ला बच गया जिससे नेहरू को काफी आनन्द की अनुभूति हुई  । 
जेल में नेहरू जानवरों के साथ रहकर उनके प्रति अत्यन्त कृतज्ञ थे । वे कहते है कि भारतीयों का दर्शन जानवरों के प्रति अहिंसा का है फिर भी ये प्रायः उनके प्रति कठोर होते है । हिन्दू लोग गाय की पूजा करते है लेकिन उनमें पूजा के साथ दया का भव की कमी होती है । अन्ततः नेहरू का कहना कि विभिन्न देशों ने विभिन्न जानवारों को अपना राष्ट्रिय प्रतीक बनाय है और जानवरों में अधिकांश जानवर आक्रामक और लड़ाकू है । इसका यह तात्पर्य नहीं है कि उन देशों के लोग भी आक्रमक प्रवृत्ति अपनाएँ और हिन्दुओं को नाजुक और अहिंसक होना चाहिए क्योकि उनका प्रतीक पशु गाय है जो सीधी है । 

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Chapter 1 (Animals in Prison ) - Word-Notes

  • Goal-jail, prison, - कारागार, बन्दीगृह, 
  • dent-firsure, imprint, - छेद, गड्ढा, 
  • motheaten - कीट द्वारा नष्ट पदार्थ, 
  • rafters - बल्ले (जो छत को टिकाए रखे), 
  • prey - शिकार, 
  • privilege -विशेष अधिकार, 
  • convicts -अपराधी, 
  • psychological-मनोवैज्ञानिक, 
  • torrents-जल-प्रवाह, स्रोत, वेग, धारा, 
  • towering-बहुत ऊँचा, 
  • intimacy-घनिष्ठ संबंध, 
  • proximity-समीपता, 
  • denuded-वस्त्र उतार लेना, 
  • gaunt - दुर्बल, पतला, कृश (क्षीण), 
  • russet - भूरे रंग का, 
  • tint - रंग, आभा, 
  • haunt - बारम्बार भेंट करना या आना, 
  • cooped up (adverb) - पिजड़े में बंद रहना, 
  • corrugated - झुरींदार, पनारोदार, 
  • artillery - आग्नेयास्त्र, तोप, 
  • indulging in - हिस्सा लेना, 
  • tiff - छोटा झगड़ा, 
  • inadvertently - गलती या असावधानी से, 
  • exterminate -सर्वनाश कटना, 
  • desisted - विरत या बंद करना, रोक देना, 
  • eerie -अद्भुत, डराने वाली, 
  • squirrel-गिलहरी, 
  • venturesome-वीर, साहसिक, 
  • disable it-जड़, अशक्त कर देना, 
  • Scamper-तेजी से भागना, 
  • ingeniously-चतुराई से, 
  • abounded- भरपूर, प्रचुर मात्रा में, 
  • Crevices -छिद्र, दरार, 
  • Courtship -विवाह के निमित्त आराधना, 
  • grant her favours -पत्नी बन जाना, 
  • jumble - मिलावट करना, मिश्रण, गड़बड़ी, 
  • persistence - दृढ़ता, हठ, 
  • a horde of -बहुत सारे, संख्या में, 
  • reckless - असावधान, प्रमत्त, 
  • Scorpious - बिच्छुएँ, 
  • Lined-उठाना, पंक्ति में रखना, 
  • brute--असभ्य व्यक्ति, 
  • diversion-परिवर्तन, बदलाव, 
  • repulsion-वितृष्णा, 
  • Centipedes-कर्नखजूरे, 
  • Vaulted-कुदना,
  • Pavlov's reflexes- प्रतिक्षप-क्रिया, जिसे

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Chapter 1 (Animals in Prison ) - Textual Questions Solved

A. Work in small groups and discuss these questions :-

Q.1. Make a list of the birds whose songs are sweet. Do you hear them often ? When and where do you hear them ? 

Ans. The birds whose songs are sweet are - Cuckoo, nightingale, peacock , parrot etc. Yes, I hear them often. I hear them singing in shrubs, meadows,gardens and woods. They sing generally at dawn and at dusk. Sometimes they sing in afternoon also.

Q.2. What is the relation between birds and trees ? Can you imagine birds without trees ?

Ans. Birds and trees are two sides of the same coin. Trees are dwelling places of birds. They make their nests there on the trees and they feel safe there than that of the houses of people. Trees give them fruit to eat. Birds depend on trees for their food and lodging. Hence I can not imagine birds without trees.

Q.3. Do you love animals ? How do you show your love to them? 

Ans. Yes, I love animals. I do not want to confined them in cages. I love doing plantation so that birds may find their shelter and food from trees. I am not in favour of uncontrolled industrialisation and use of insecticides. This causes pollution which is dangerous for birds. I do not disturb the dwelling places of birds which have been made by them in my home and outside as well. 

B.1.1. Read the following sentences and write T for True and
• F for False statement :

(i) Nehru disliked his little cell. 
(ii) Nehru lived with other prisoners in his cell.
(iii) Nehru was allowed to go out and walk up and down in front of the gate.
(iv) Nehru was imprisoned in the European lock-up. 
(v) Nehru loved the sight of the Himalayas. 
(vi) Spring in Dehradun is longer than that in the plains. 
(vii) The change from lend to leaf is sudden. 

Ans.(i) F (ii) T (ili) T (iv) F (v) T (vi) T (vii) T B.1.

2. Answer the following questions briefly : 

Q.1. How long did Nehru live in his little cell in Dehradun jail?

Ans. Nehru lived there for fourteen and a half months. 

Q.2. Whom did Nehru treat as his old friends ? Can you make friends with them?

Ans. He treated little tufts of grass and odd bits of stone as old friends. No, I can not make friendship with them.

Q.3. Who were the other occupants of the little cell? Did Nehru like them?

Ans. There were wasps, hornets and lizards as the other occupants of the little cell. Yes, Nehru liked them.

Q.4. ....... but in Dehradun I had one privilege. What is the privilege Nehru is refering to ? Was it Nehru's special privilege ?

Ans. In Dehradun Nehru was allowed. morning and evening, to go out and walk up and down infront of the jail gate, a distance of about hundred yards. This is the privilege he is refering to. It was not a special privilege for him. It was common for all the A and B class prisoners kept in Dehradun. 

Q.5. What was European Lock-up meant for? How was it different from the other jail ?

Ans. It was meant for European convicts and others. This Lock-up was situated within the compound but outside the jail wall. This had no enclosing wall, and a person inside the cell could have a fine view of the mountains and the life outside. In this way it was different from the other jail.

Q.6. "Only a prisoner who has been confined for long behind high walls can appreciate the extraordinary psychological value of these outside walks and open views. What does Nehru mean by this ? Explain.

Ans. Nehru opines through these lines that the monotony and weariness of prison forces a prisoner to have outside walks and open views. Outings break the monotony of the prison. A civilian does not give proper value to such outings. Hence Nehru highlights the importance of outside walks and open views through these lines.

Q.7. How did the sight of the towering Himalayas move his heart? What lesson did he derive from mountains ?

Ans. The sight of the towering Himalayas moved his heart by adding joy which removed the boredom of the prison. The solidity and calmness of the mountains gave him lesson of not being tired and it worked as a soothing balm for his fevered mind.

Q.8. Which sight does Nehru call gay' and `cheering' ? How does he describe it?

Ans. Nehru describes four magnificent peepal trees who were thin and cheerless because they had dropped nearly all their leaves. With the spring air there was a change in peepals and other trees. They started producing green bits. And then, very rapidly the leaves would come out in their, millions. Nehru calls this sight 'gay' and cheering.

B.2.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the lesson.

(i) The monsoon rains were always welcome, because .... 
(ii) One longed for decent habitation because of ....... 
(iii) The prisoners became more observant of nature's ways because
(iv) Nehru wanted to exterminate wasps because ..... 

Ans. (i) they ended the summer heat. 
       (ii) thunder and rain and piercing cold winds. 
      (iii) they were prevented from indulging in normal activities. 
       (iv) a wasp had stung him. 

B.2.2. Answer the following questions briefly :

Q.1. What is the colour of fresh mango leaves ? When do they become green?

Ans. The colour of the fresh mango leaves are reddish-brown. russet coloured, remarkably like the autumn tints on the Kashmir hills. They change colour soon and become green.

Q.2. What made Nehru cooped up?

Ans. Fifty or sixty inches of rain made him cooped up in a little narrow place.

Q.3. What made noise like an artillery bombardment ? 

Ans. Hail storm, with hailstones made noise like an artillery bombardment 

Q.4. Why does Nehru remember 24th of December 1932? How does it throw light on Nehru's love for nature ?

Ans. The 24th of December 1932 was one of the most miserable days in Nehru's prison life. There was a thunder storm and rain all day and it was bitterly cold. That is why he remembers this day particularly. In the evening all his misery disappeared when he saw all the neighbouring mountains covered with snow. It throws light on Nehru's love for nature.

Q.5. “I realized that while I complained of loneliness, that yard which seemed empty and deserted, was teeming with life, which life is being referred to here?

Ans. The life of various animals and insects is being referred to here. 

Q.6. How was the problem of feeding. The lost baby squirrels solved ? What was ingenious about it?

Ans. A fountain pen filler, with a little cotton wool attached to it, made a suitable feeding bottle. Thus the problem of feeding the lost baby squirrels was solved very ingeniously.

Q.7. What behaviour of the parrots does Nehru describe here ? Does it have any resemblance to human behaviour ?

Ans. Nehru describes courtship and love making behaviour of the parrots. It has resemblance to human behaviour. Sometimes there is fierce quarrels between two male parrots over a lady parrot. The same case happens with human beings.

B.3.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the lesson:

(i) Nehru could not see most of the birds, he could only hear them, because ........
(ii) In Alipore jail Nehru woke in the middle of the night because ..... 
(iii) Long term convicts often keep animal pets because ...... 
(iv) The bitch used to come to Nehru for food because ...... 
(v) The pupy survived because ... 
(vi) Nehru could not look after his pet dogs properly because .... 

(1) there were no trees in his little yard. 
(ii) he felt something crawling over his foot 
(iii) they seek some emotional satisfaction  
(iv) he was being hept in the lock-up outside the jail proper. 
(v) Nehru nursed her with care. 
(vi) other matters claimed his attention.

B.3.2. Answer the following questions briefly 

Q.1. Dehradun had a variety of birds'. Make a list of the birds that make this variety.

Ans. They were - Koel, Brain-Fever bird, eagles, Kites and wild ducks 

2. Why was 'Bird-Fever' named so?

Ans. It was so named because it went on repeating the same notes, in day-time and at night, in sunshine and in pouring rain. 

Q.3. How was the little monkey rescued ?

Ans. A huge monkey jumped down into the crowd which surrounded the little monkey and lifted it in his grip and mounted up the wall. Thus the little monkey was saved.

Q.4. 'We often had animal visitors that were not welcome.' Name the animals Nehru is referring to.

Ans. They are scorpions, snakes and centipedes.

Q.5. 'As a matter of fact I welcomed the diversion! Which 'diversion is Nehru talking about ?
Ans. He talks about the 'diversion that may be anything that breaks through the monotony of the jail life.

Q.6. What made  Nehru vault clear out of the bed ? 

Ans. Nehru felt something crawling over his foot that made him fault clear out of the bed.

Q.7. How did Nehru get tied to some dogs ? 

Ans. He got tied to some dogs accidently.

Q.8. What did Nehru do when the puppy fell ill ? Do you have a similar experience of your own ?
Ans. Nehru nursed her with care and sometimes he would get up a dozen times in the course of the night to look after her. No, I do not have a similar experience of my own.

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Chapter 1 (Animals in Prison ) - Long Answer Questions

Q.1. Pick out instances that show Nehru's love for small animals. 

Ans. There are several instances that show Nehru's love for small animals. In Lucknow jail he allowed the squirrels to climb up his leg and sit on his knee for a long period. In Dehradun jail he used to feed a pair of mainas. In Bareily jail he kept a black and poisonous scorpion in a bottle for sometime and fed him with flies. He made friends with a little kitten in Dehradun Jail He also got tied up with some dogs there. He used to feed a bitch which was deserted by a jail official. The bitch gave birth to a group of pups. One of them felt ill with a violent disease. Nehru nursed her with care and sometimes he would get up a dozen times in the course of night to look after her. She survived and Nehru was happy that his nursing had cured her of her illness. Thus we see that Nehru had great love for small animals,

Q.2. How did the parent monkey rescue its baby? Why does Nehru call its courage 'reckless'?

Ans. The parent of the little monkey jumped down and rushed into the crowd which surrounded the baby monkey. He lifted it and climbed upon the high wall. In this incident all the wardens had sticks and lathis and there was a big crowd around the baby monkey and it was a herculian task to resue it. The courage of the parent monkey was beyond thinking or imagination of mankind. The literal meaning of 'beyond thinking' is ‘reckless'. Hence Nehru, calls its courage as 'reckless'.

Q.3. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the monsoon ? How did it affect Nehru's life in jail ?

Ans. Duri įg the monsoon the sight of the towering Himalayas was beyond it was for Nehru an extra hapiness which removed the weariness of prison life. On the other hand during the monsoon there was heavy rain and Nehru had to walk in ankle-deep of water. His love for natural beauty would not stop even in unfavourable weather. Thus we see that the monsoon did not effect Nehru's life in jail in any form.

Q.4. Does the parent monkey's behaviour in saving its baby tell anything about the human nature ?

Ans. Yes, it tells many things about the human nature. It reveals that human beings are not generous towards animals rather they are cruel towards them. The warders had sticks and lathis in their hands and they caught hold of the baby monkey and tied a bit of string round his neck. They started toturing him. This generated anger in the parent monkey and consiquently he jumped among them rescued his baby. His behaviour shows that animals have lost their faith in men.

Q.5. Why does Nehru say that worship and kindness do not always go together? How does he show it?

Ans. Nehru says that inspie of Indians general philosophy of nonviolence to animals, they are to cureless and unkind to them. He shows it by citing a burning example of the chs. The cow is worshipped by many Hindus and often the cause of riots. But she is not treated kindly. That is why Nehru says that worship and kindness do mut always go together

Q.6. What does Nehru say about people and their patron animals?

Ans. Nehru says that different countries have adopted different animals as symbols of their ambition or character. Most of them are aggressive and violent. It is highly improper that the people who grow up with these examples before them should become aggressive and violent and roar on others where as the Hindus should be mild and non-violent for their patron animal is the cow that is perfectly mild and non-violent.

7. We could not see most of these birds, we could only hear them as a rule, as there were no trees in our little yards' what light does it throw on the relation between the birds and plants ?

Ans. The abuve mentioned lines throw a penetrating light on the relation between the birds and plants. The survival of birds depends on availability of trees. Without trees we can not find birds. Both are allied and integrated. We can not separate them from each other. Where there is a tree, there is a bird, where there is not a tree, there is not a bird.

Q.8. All animals, howsoever small they might be, deserve respect. Pick out instances from the lesson in favour of this statement, 

Ans. There are several instances in the lesson in favour of the above statement. Important among them are as follows:

(1) There were various types of insects and small animals in Nehru's cell but he never interferred with them in any way, not did they harm him in any form.
(ii) Nehru did not like bats but he was in the habit of enduring them .
(iii) In Lucknow jail a squirrel would climb up Nehru s leg and sit on his knee and have a look round. 
(iv) One of the prisoners picked up three baby squirrels. They were so tiny that it was a problem of feeding them. He solved the problem very cleverly. A fountain pen filler, with a little cotton wool attached to it made an efficient feeding bottle.
(v) Nehru used to feed a pair of mainas in Dehradun jail. 
(vi) He kept a black and poisonous scorpion in a bottle for sometime and fed him with flies.
(vii) He nursed one of the puppies who tell all with a violent distemper, He would get up a dozen times in the course of the night to look after her. Hence, we see that above instances throw an important light on the above mentioned statement.

Q.9. A good autobiography is honest. In what ways do you think that Pandit Nehru is honest in writing about his life in jail ? Use specific references from the lesson as examples.

Ans. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru is absolutely honest in writing about his life in jail. The following examples throw a penetrating light on this assumption

(i) Nehru says that he lived in his cell in the Dehradun jail in the company of flies, insects, lizards and wasps and hornets. He narrates the facts in a straight forward manner.

(ii) He says that he was allowed to have a morning and evening walk. He further says that this was not a special privilege for him, rather it was common for all the A and B class prisoners kept at Dehradun.

(iii) He says that only a prisoner can give due importance to outside walks and open views.

(iv) He describes the towering sight of the Himalayas that he could not see from his little cell

(v) He talks of the heavy rain durig the monsoon and it was not pleasant 10 sit cooped up in a little narrow place trying to avoid the water dripping froin the ceiling or rushing in from the windows

(vi) He describes hailstorm, with hail stones bigger than marbles coming down on the corrugated iron roofs and making a tremendous noise. sometimes like an artillery bombardment

(vii) He remembers the 24th of December. 1932. There was a thunder storm and rain all day and it was one of the most miserable days that he had spent in jail.

(viil) He says that prevented from indulging in normal activities he became more observant of nature's way.

(ix) He realized that while he complained of loneliness, that yard, which seemed empty and deserted. was teeming with life with presence of various types of insects and small animals.

Hence, we sum up that Pandit Nehru is honest in writing about his jail life.

Q.10. A good antobiography is also very self aware. How self aware do you think the author has been in the personal statements contained in the work ? Use examples from the work to support your opinions.

Ans. I think the author has been self aware in the personal statements contained in the work. The following examples from the work sufficiently support my opinions.

(i) Nehru lived for fourteen and a half months in Dehradun jail, and he began to feel as if he were almost a part of it. He was familiar with every bit of it.

(ii) Nehru had one privilege in Dehradun jail and that was very precious to him

(iii) As a prisoner he appreciated the extraordinary psychological value of outside walks and open views.

(iv) He found great comfort in the proximity of the towering Himalayas. 

(v) He used to watch the ants and the white ants and other insects by the hour.

(vi) He used to watch the eagles and kites gliding gracefully high up in the air

(vii) He realized that prison life was dull enough, and every thing that broke through the monotony was appreciated. Even snakes did not terrify him because he welcomed the happy charge which was brought by them by their frequent presence in the jail compound.

(viii) Nehru came in contact with animals far more in prison than he had done outside

(ix) He felt that Indians were not kind enough to animals despite their general philosophy of non-violence to them.

With these few points we can conclude that the author has been in his personal statements contained in the work.

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Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

Animals in Prison Summary in English and Hindi by Jawaharlal Nehru ,Animals in Prison by Jawaharlal Nehru About the Author,Animals in Prison Summary in English,Animals in Prison Summary in Hindi,English Summary,

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