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Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Prose chapter - 2 (Nalanda : Ancient Seat of Learning ) Summary


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Class 12th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

Class 11 English Rainbow -2 Prose Chapter 2 : Nalanda : Ancient Seat of Learning

Summary - 

The prescribed prose. Nalanda : Ancient seat of Learning is a speech deliver by the first President of India. Dr. Rajendra Prasad at the foundation stone - laying -ceremony of Magadh Research Institute on Nov 20 1951. In his speech. Dr. R. Prasad recollects the pristine glory of the Nalanda University and urges for its revival. 

Dr. Prasad starts his speech travelling down the memory lane. In the past Nalanda was associated with Lord Buddha. Mahavira and the great Asoka. It had a great university where students from all over Asia came to study . Chinese travelers like Fa- Hien in 4th C.A.D. & Hieun T sang in 7th C A.D. have narrated the glories of Nalanda. As per Nalanda derives its name from Nalanda - Da . the  peace of mind. which Lord Buddha failed to achieve in his previous births. Nalanda university was born with public charity and donations. The university was self - sufficient. 

The archaeological excavations prove to us the international relations of Nalanda. 

During Hieun T Sang's visit Nalanda had 10.000 students and 1.500 teachers. Scholars from various countries came to Nalanda to study and collect Buddhist literature. The people of Nalanda helped to preserve the texts of the library by getting copies. When in the 12th C. The library was destroyed many manuscripts had traveled to Nepal and Tibet . ensuing their safety. Around 100 lectures were delivered in every day at Nalanda. Vedic and Buddhist literature. philosophy , science & arts formed part of the syllabus of Nalanda University . The syllabus of Nalanda made study of five subjects compulsory grammar. logic , medical science . handicrafts and religion or philosophy. It was a well co-ordinates course which was both philosophical and practical . Nalanda Scholars traveled far & wide to spread knowledge. They learnt the Tibetan language & translated Buddhist and Sanskrit works into it. Dr. Prasad puts a valid point about finding the translated works in other languages which can lead to a collection of lost manuscripts of Nalanda . 

Nalanda was also a center of fine arts &  influenced the art of Nepal Tibet. Indonesia & Central Asia. 

At the end of his speech Dr. Prasad pleads for the revival of the lost glory of Nalanda. He ferventy hopes that the newly established Magadh Research . Institute would develop into a great center of learning.  

Nalanda : Ancient Seat of Learning Summary - in Hindi

निर्धारित गद्य। नालंदा : प्राचीन विद्यापीठ भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रपति द्वारा दिया गया भाषण है। डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद 20 नवंबर 1951 को मगध अनुसंधान संस्थान के शिलान्यास-समारोह में। अपने भाषण में। डॉ. आर. प्रसाद नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय के प्राचीन गौरव को याद करते हैं और इसके पुनरुद्धार का आग्रह करते हैं।

डॉ. प्रसाद स्मृति लेन में यात्रा करते हुए अपना भाषण शुरू करते हैं। नालंदा अतीत में भगवान बुद्ध से जुड़ा था। महावीर और महान अशोक। इसमें एक महान विश्वविद्यालय था जहाँ पूरे एशिया से छात्र अध्ययन करने आते थे। चाइनीज यात्री फा-हिएन को चौथी सी.ए.डी. में पसंद करते हैं। और ह्वेन टी ने 7वीं ईसवी सन् में गाया था जिसमें नालंदा की महिमा का वर्णन किया गया है। नालंदा के अनुसार इसका नाम नालंदा - दा से पड़ा है। मन की शांति। जिसे भगवान बुद्ध अपने पिछले जन्मों में हासिल करने में असफल रहे थे। नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय सार्वजनिक दान और दान के साथ पैदा हुआ था। विश्वविद्यालय आत्मनिर्भर था।पुरातात्विक उत्खनन हमें नालंदा के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंधों को साबित करते हैं।ह्वेन टी संग की यात्रा के दौरान नालंदा में 10.000 छात्र और 1.500 शिक्षक थे। विभिन्न देशों के विद्वान बौद्ध साहित्य का अध्ययन और संग्रह करने के लिए नालंदा आए। नालंदा के लोगों ने प्रतियां प्राप्त करके पुस्तकालय के ग्रंथों को संरक्षित करने में मदद की। जब 12वीं सदी में पुस्तकालय को नष्ट कर दिया गया था तो कई पांडुलिपियां नेपाल और तिब्बत की यात्रा कर चुकी थीं। जिससे उनकी सुरक्षा हो रही है। नालंदा में प्रतिदिन लगभग 100 व्याख्यान दिए जाते थे। वैदिक और बौद्ध साहित्य। दर्शनशास्त्र, विज्ञान और कला नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय के पाठ्यक्रम का हिस्सा बने। नालंदा के पाठ्यक्रम ने पाँच विषयों के अध्ययन को अनिवार्य व्याकरण बना दिया। तर्क, चिकित्सा विज्ञान। हस्तशिल्प और धर्म या दर्शन। यह एक अच्छी तरह से समन्वयित पाठ्यक्रम था जो दार्शनिक और व्यावहारिक दोनों था। नालंदा के विद्वानों ने ज्ञान का प्रसार करने के लिए दूर-दूर तक यात्रा की। उन्होंने तिब्बती भाषा सीखी और उसमें बौद्ध और संस्कृत कार्यों का अनुवाद किया। डॉ प्रसाद अन्य भाषाओं में अनुवादित कार्यों को खोजने के बारे में एक वैध बिंदु रखते हैं जिससे नालंदा की खोई हुई पांडुलिपियों का संग्रह हो सकता है।नालंदा भी ललित कला का केंद्र था और नेपाल तिब्बत की कला को प्रभावित करता था। इंडोनेशिया और मध्य एशिया।अपने भाषण के अंत में डॉ प्रसाद नालंदा की खोई हुई महिमा के पुनरुद्धार के लिए याचना करते हैं। उन्होंने जोश से उम्मीद की कि नव स्थापित मगध अनुसंधान। संस्थान शिक्षा के एक महान केंद्र के रूप में विकसित होगा।

Nalanda : Ancient Seat of Learning Summary - Question Answer 

A. Answer these questions - 

Q1. Who was Dr. Rajendra Prasad ?  

Ans - Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first President of the republic of India. 

Q2. When and where was he born ? 
Ans - He was born in Zeradai, a village in the sate of Bihar 

Q3. What is his contribution to the nation. 
Ans - As a President, Dr. Prasad had a-moderating influence on the political thinking of his time. He was a statesman, scholar, historian, educationist, lofty idealist, social reformer & above all , great constructive thinker . 

Q4. Where is Nalanda ? What was it famous for in the past ? 
Ans- Nalanda is a town in the state of Bihar . It was famous in the past as a place of learning & above all, great constructive thinker . 

B.1. Answer the following questions briefly .

Q1. Why did people gathered in Nalanda ? 
Ans - people had gathered in Nalanda with the noble aim of reviving the ancient glory of Nalanda in the world of knowledge. 

Q2. What does Nalanda symbolise ? 
Ans - Nalanda sybolises the most glorious period of Indian histroy as a place for quenching the sacred thirst of knowledge . 

Q3. With which great religious teacher is Nalanda associated . 
Ans - Nalanda is associated with the great religious teacher , Lord Buddha. 

Q4. When did it emerge as flourishing university? 
Ans- In the seventh century A.D. Nalanda emerged as a flourishing university . 

Q5. How long did Lord Mahavira live in Nalanda . 
Ans - Lord Mahavira is said to have lived for 14 years in Nalanda . 

Q6. Who was Lepa ? What did he do with Lord Buddha ? 
Ans- Lepa was a rich citizen of Nalanda . He welcomed Lord Budha with his entire wealth & possessions and became Buddhas' disciple. 

Q7. Who was Fa-Hien ? When did he visit Nalanda ? 
Ans- Fa - Hien was a chines pilgrim. He visited Nalanda in the 4th century A.D.

Q8. When did Hien 'T' Sang visit India ? Why did he refer to a Jataka story ? 
Ans- Hieun T' Sang visited India in the 7th century A.D. He refered to a Jataka story to tell us about the origin of the name Nalanda . According to him, the name is derived from Naalam-Da meaning peace of mind, which Lord Budha failed to achieve in his previous births .

Q9. How was Nalanda University born ? 
Ans- Nalanda University was born with the help of liberal public charity of donations. It is believed to have been founded originally with an endowment created by 500 traders who purchased land with their money & offered it to Lord Budha as a gift. 

Q10. How many Viharas did Nalanda have ? 
Ans - Nalanda ad , at the time of Hieun T' Sang ' s visit , six large viharas. 

Q11. What arrangements were made to meet the recurring expenditure of the university ?
Ans - To meet the recurring expenditure of the university the revenue of 100 villages had benn set apart , in the form of a trust. By the time of Hien-Sing's visit the property of the trust had increased to 200 villages. 

Q12. Name the states that contributed to the maintenance of the Nalanda university. 
And - The three states of Uttar Pradesh. Bihar & Bengal contributed to the maintenance of the Nalanda University . 

B.2. Answer the following questions briefly :-

Q1. When Hien 'T' Sang visited ? How many students and teachers were at Nalanda University. 
Ans- Hien Sang came to India in 7th Century . At the time of Hieun T' Sang's visit , Nalanda had 10,000 studnets & 1,500 teachers. 

Q2. How was the pupil teacher ratio significant ? 
Ans- The pupil teacher ratio is significant as the teachers could pay individual attention to the education & traning of their students. The lesser is the ratio , the greater will be teacher's attention on the students. 

Q3. Name the countries from where the scholars came to study and collect Buddhist literature ? 
And- Scholrs from such distant countries as China , Korea, Tibet, Turkistan & Mangolia came to study & collect Buddhist literature. 

Q4. What kind of library did Nalanda possess? 
Ans-  Nalanda possessed the biggest library in Asia . 

Q5. When was it destroyed ? 
Ans- It was destroyed in the 12th century A.D.

Q6. what kind of libarary is there in your school / college ? 
Ans- Lepa was a rich citizen of Nalanda . He welcome Lord Buddha with his enite wealth & possessions and became buddhas' disciple. 

Q7. Who was Fa-Hien ? When did he visit Nalanda ? 
Ans- Fa - Hieun  was a Chinese pilgrim. He visited Nalanda in the 4th century A.D. 

Q8. When did Hieun 'T' Sang visit India ? Why did he refer to a Jataka story ? 
Ans- Hieun T sand visited India in the 7th century A.D. He refereed to a Jataka 

Q9. How was Nalanda University born ? 
Ans- Nalanda University was born with the help of liberal public charity of donations. It is believed to have been founded originally with an endownment created by 500 traders who purchased land with their money & offered it to Lord Buddha as a gift. 

Q10. How many Viharas did Nalanda have ? 
Ans- Nalanda had , at the time of Hieun T' Sang's visit , six large viharas .

Q11. What arrangements were made to meet the recurring expenditure of the university ? 
Ans- To meet the recurring expediture of the university the revenue of 100 villages ahd been set aprt, in the form of a trust. By the time of Hien - sing's visit . the property of the trust had increased to 200 villages. 

Q12. Name the states that contributed to the maintenace of the Nalanda university. 
Ans- The three states of Uttar Pradesh , Bihar & Bengal contributed to the maintenance of the Nalanda University . 

B.2 Answer the following question briefly :- 

Q1. When Hieun T' Sang visited ? How many students and teachers were at Nalanda University 
Ans- Hien Sang came to India in 7th Century. At the time of Hieun T' Sang's visit , Nalnda had 10,000 students & 1,500 teachers . 

Q2. How was the pupil teacher ratio significant ? 
Ans- The pupil teacher ratio is significant as the teachers could pay individual attention to the education & traning of their students. The lesser is the ratio, the greater will be teachr's attention on the students . 

Q3. Name the countries from where the scholars came to study and collect Buddhist literature ?
Ans- Scholars from such distant countires as China , Korea , Tibet, Turkestan & Mongolia came to study & collect Buddist literature . 

Q4. What kind of library did Nalanda possess? 
Ans- Nalanda possessed the biggest library in Asia. 

Q5.When was it destroyed ? 
Ans - It was destroyed in the 12th century A.D.

Q6. What kind of library is there in your school / college ? 
Ans - There is a big library in our college . It has more than a 1000 books on various subjects . 

Q7. Have did several manuscripts survive ? 
Ans- The citizen ensure d the pretension of manuscripts by gettin copies of them.  Travelling pilgrims form China , Tibet & Nepal took the copies of manuscripts with them . In this manner , several manuscripts survived. 

Q8. How many lectures were delivered daily at Nalnda ? 
 Ans - Without any reference to one particular religion 100 lectures were delivere d every day at Nalanda . 

Q9. What was so unique about the academic attitude at Nalanda ? How does it compare with the academic attitude at your school / college ? 
Ans -  The liberalism practiced by the educational authorities of Nalanda was unique & seeds of Nalnda's rise & progress lay in the academic attitude which freely exposed itself to the religion & philosophy of all mankind without any prejudice whatsoever. In our college , too similar attitude is maintained by the teachers & students. 

Q10. How many subjects were made compulsory ? 
Ans-Five subjects were made compulsory. They are : 
Grammar, logic , medical , science, handicrafts & either religion or philosophy. 

Q11. What appeal does Dr. Rajendra Prasad make to the people ? 
Ans - Dr. Rajendra Prasad appeals to the people to aim at reviving the educational system of a pas age & re-establish Nalanda as a center of art, religion, philosophy , literature & science . 

Nalanda : Ancient Seat of Learning Summary - Long Question Answer 

Q1. Describe after Rajendra Prasad , the academic activities at Nalanda. Assess the activities at your school / college in the light of the academic activities at Nalanda. 

Ans - Nalanda was a great university of bygone era. It had 10,000 students & 1,500 teachers. The ratio was ideal for the teachers could pay individual attention to the education & training of their students. Scholars from various countries came to Nalanda to study & training of their students. Scholars from various contries came to Nalanda to study & collect Buddhist literature. Around 100 lecture were delivered every day at Nalnda. Both Bramanical & Buddhist literature, philosophy, sciences & art formed part of the syllabus of Nalanda University . the university had the biggest library in Asia. A majority of the monks studied the works on Mahayana & the often 18 Nikayas of the Buddhist faith , but there also was a provision for the study & teaching of the Vedas & allied literature. The liberalism practiced by the educational authorities of Nalanda was unique & seeds of Nalanda's rise & progress lay in the academic attitude which freely exposed itself to the religion & philosophy of all mankind , without any prejudice whatsoever . The students studied five compulsory subjects : grammar, logic , media science, handicrafts & religion / philosophy. 
Our college is also very large. We have 100 teachers & 1800 students . The teachers try to pay attention to all the students . We have a big library wit books on various subjects. We all also study five compulsory subjects. 

Q2. The syllabus of Nalanda University was drawn with great wisdow . Explain. 

Ans - The syllabus of Nalanda University was prepared in such a way to facilitate its students with knowledge as well as practical know - how . It was drawn up with great wisdow & by following its students were increasingly successful in their daily life. It had made a study of five subjects compulsory : grammar, by which one could get an adequate mastery of the language; logic; which taught the student to judge every issue rationally; medical science , a study of which enabled the student to keep himself , also others, in perfect health; & lastly , handicraft. Knowledge of one craft or another was compulsory to make the students financially independent. Besides these four subjects, religion & philosophy were studied, depending on one's own special inters. the high ideal which Nalanda had set in the matter of the courses of study deserves our attention & consideration even now. It was this well co-ordinates course which made the knowledge of students both deeply penetrating & utilitarian in its practical application . 
Q3. Why were the students of Nalanda University increasingly successful in their daily life ? How did the syllabus help it students ? Evaluate your own syllabus in the light of the syllabus of Nalnda of Nalnda University, 

Ans - The students of Nalnda were increasinghly successful in their daily life because they followed they syllabus of Nalnda University which was drawn up with great wisdom. It was this well co-ordinated syllabus which made the knowledge of its students both deeply penetrating & utilitarian in its practical application. 
The syllabus of Nalanda University helped its students develop an all- round personality that is very necessary for a successful career . The students studied 5 compulsory subjects : grammar , by which taught the students to judge every issue rationally; medical science , a study of which enabled the student to keep himself as also others, in perfect health & lastly , handicrafts. Knowledge of one craft or another was compulsory to make the students financially independent. Besides these four subjects, region & philosophy were studied , depending on one's own special inters. It was this well co-ordinates cores which made the knowledge of students interes. It was this well co-ordinates course which made the knowledge of students both deeply penetrating & utilitarian in its practical application. 
Yes , my syllabus is very helpful. my syllabus consists of English,Physical Education, Math , Physics & Chemistry . English helps me master the language y health & the rest are the subjects necessary for higher education .  
Q4. What do the copper plates tell about the international relation maintained by Nalanda ? 

Ans - Copper - plates & statues of the age of Maharaja Dharampal Devapal Deva of Bengal have been excavated at Nalanda in the course of archaeological digging. One of these copper - plates throws ample light on the international relations maintained by Nalnda. From the plates we get the information that Shri Balputra Deve, the Shailendera Emperor of Swarna Dwipa ( now a part of Indonesia ) , had sent his ambassador to Deapal Deva , the ruler of Magadha, with a request that he should make a gift of five villages to Nalanda on behalf of the former. According to his copper - plate inscription, Balputra, the emperor of Java , being deeply impressed by the achievement of Nalnda , had a large vihara constructed here to give visible expression of his devotion to Lord Buddha. These examples amply prove of an indelible impression of the glory which Nalnda enjoyed the world over. 

Q5. What have been found in the archaeological excavation in Nalanda ? What do they suggest ? 

Ans - Archaeological excavations bring to light the erstwhile glory of Nalanda . the relics excavated by archaeological digging show us how big the university was at its pristine glory . the remains prove beyond doubt that there were 300 bog rooms & eight halls, at the time of the Chinese traveller Hein Sang's visit . Copper - plates & statues of the age of Maharaja Dharmapal Devapal Deva of Bengal have been excavated at Nalnda in the course of archaeological digging. One of these copper - plates sheds light on the maintenance of international relations by Nalanda . From the inscription on the copper - plate we learn that Shri Balputra Deva, the Shailendra Emperor of Swarna Dwipa , had sent his envoy to Devapal Deva, the ruler of Magadha, with a request that he should make a gift of five villages to Nalnda on behalf of the former. According t his copper plate inscription , Balputra , the emperor of Java, being deeply impressed by the achievement of Nalnda , had a lrge vihara constructed here to give visible experession of his devotion to Lord Buddha. the Nalanda Mahavihariya Arya Bhikshu Sang was held in great esteem all over Asia. Many clavy seals of this Sangh have been found at Nalnda. All these examples give us an indelible impression of the glory which Nalanda enjoyed the world over. 

Q6. How did scholars of Nalanda carry the torch of knowledge to foreign courtiers ? 

Ans - The scholars of Nalanda carried the torch of knowledge to foreign countries. For example , strong Chan Gampo, the emperor of Tibet, with a view to introducing & popularising Sanskrit script & the knowledge of Indai in his country sent a scholar called Thonim Sambhot , to Nalanda , where he studied Buddhistic & Brahmanical literature under Acharya Deva Vida Sinh . 
In 8th century A.D. , Acharya Shanti Rakshit, the chancellor of Nalanda university , went to Tibet in response to an invitation from the emperor. Archarya Kamal Shila , the chief authority on Tantra Vidya , also visited Tibet. Nalanda Scholars learnt the Tibetan language & Translated Buddhist and Sanskrit works into it. Thus, they presented and entirely new literature to Tibet & gradually converted its inhabitants to Buddhism. Acharya Shanti Rakshit of Nalnda established, for the first time, in 749 A.D. , a Buddhist Vihar in Tibet. It is also believed that Korean scholars came to study the Vinaya & Abhidharam at Nalnda . It is quite possible that Korean translations of original Sanskrit works may still be extant in Korea.  

Q7. Nalanda is the symbol of the most glorious period of our history ? Explain . 

Ans -  Nalanda is the symbol of the most glorious period of our history , for not only did the pursuit for knowledge flourished here into its finest shape but also because it bound together, at that time, the various parts of Asia with links of knowledge. there are no national & racial distinctions in the realm of knowledge & this was true of Nalnda  The message of Nalanda was heard story of Nalnda dates back to across the mountains & oceans of the Asian mainland & for nearl six centuries, it continued to be the centre of Asain consciousness. The history of Nalanda dates back to the age of Lord Buddha & Lord Mahavira. According to Jain records, Lord Mahavira met Acharya Mankhila at Nalanda. Lord Mahavira is said to have lived here for 14 years. According to the Sutra - Kritanga, Lepa , a rich citizen of Nalana, welcomed Lord Buddha with his entire wealth & possessions & became his disciple According to Lama Taranath, the learned historian of Tibet , Nalanda was the birthplace of Saripurtra, whose samadhi survived till the reign of Emperor. Ashoka enlarged it by installing a temple around it. 

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