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Bihar board class 11th English book solution story of English chapter-4 Future of English

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Gist: About 800 years ago, Latin was a world language. It spread all over Europe as the Roman empire grew. With the fall of the Roman Empire, the varieties moved apart from Latin and from one another. In the last few decades of the 20th century the English language has seen rapid changes and many of the earlier concepts of standard grammar, spelling and pronunciation have been diluted. Exercises

Q.1. Answer these questions very briefly : 

(1) Name the language which was a world language about 800 years ago.

Ans. About 800 years ago, Latin was a world language. 

(2) Why is Latin no longer in popular use? 

Ans. With the fall of the Roman Empire, the varieties moved apart from Latin and from one another. So Latin is no longer in popular use.

(3) Name three areas of English language in which rapid changes have been noticed in the last few decades.

Ans. In the last few decades of the 20th century the English language has seen rapid changes and many of the earlier concepts of standard grammar, spellings and pronunciation have been diluted.

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

Bihar board class 11th Hindi Book Solution 

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दिंगंत हिंदी पुस्तक कक्षा 11 बिहार ​​बोर्ड 100 अंक हल ( गद्खंड ) 

दिंगंत हिंदी पुस्तक कक्षा 12 बिहार ​​बोर्ड 100 अंक हल ( कब्यखंड) 

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