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Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry chapter - 1 (Where the Mind is Without Fear ) Summary


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Class 11th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

Class 11 English Rainbow - 1 Poetry Chapter 1 : Where the Mind is Without Fear Summary

Where the Mind is Without Fear is a beautiful poem written by Rabindra Nath Tagore. Tagore was great poet of our country . Here , in this poem , he prays to God for his country's Freedom. Tagore was a great lover of his motherland 
Tagore says that his country should have that kind of freedom where he can keep his head high without any sense of fear. There should be no restrictions over knowledge . Knowledge should be free. In a country like India, there should be no consideration of caste, region, religion , etc. The country should no be divided by such narrow domestic walls. 
Tagore thinks that there should be no falsehood in his country . Words must come out of the depth of truth . The poet wants that every body in the country should try for perfection. There should be a clear understanding and reasoning. His countrymen must not be guided by dead habits and customs. 
Tagore prays to God that he should lead the country towards ever-widening thought and action. He should take the nation into the heaven of freedom. The poet , thus, does not want political freedom only. He wishes for spiritual and cultural freedom, too. Tagore's concept of the heaven of freedom would bring an ideal freedom to India. Such are the dreams of the poet for making India an ideal country on the earth .

Class 11 English Rainbow - 1 Poetry Chapter 1 : Where the Mind is Without Fear Summary In Hindi 

व्हेयर द माइंड इज विदाउट फियर रवींद्र नाथ टैगोर द्वारा लिखी गई एक सुंदर कविता है। टैगोर हमारे देश के महान कवि थे। इधर, इस कविता में, वह अपने देश की स्वतंत्रता के लिए भगवान से प्रार्थना करता है। टैगोर अपनी मातृभूमि के बहुत बड़े प्रेमी थे
टैगोर का कहना है कि उनके देश को ऐसी आजादी मिलनी चाहिए जहां वह बिना किसी डर के अपना सिर ऊंचा रख सकें। ज्ञान पर कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं होना चाहिए। ज्ञान मुक्त होना चाहिए। भारत जैसे देश में जाति, क्षेत्र, धर्म आदि का कोई विचार नहीं होना चाहिए। देश को ऐसी संकीर्ण घरेलू दीवारों से विभाजित नहीं किया जाना चाहिए।
टैगोर का मानना ​​है कि उनके देश में झूठ नहीं होना चाहिए। शब्द सत्य की गहराई से निकलने चाहिए। कवि चाहता है कि देश का प्रत्येक शरीर पूर्णता के लिए प्रयास करे। स्पष्ट समझ और तर्क होना चाहिए। उसके देशवासियों को मृत आदतों और रीति-रिवाजों से निर्देशित नहीं होना चाहिए।
टैगोर ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करते हैं कि वे देश को सदैव व्यापक विचार और कार्य की ओर ले जाएं। उन्हें देश को आजादी के स्वर्ग में ले जाना चाहिए। इस प्रकार कवि केवल राजनीतिक स्वतंत्रता नहीं चाहता है। वह आध्यात्मिक और सांस्कृतिक स्वतंत्रता की भी कामना करता है। स्वतंत्रता के स्वर्ग की टैगोर की अवधारणा भारत के लिए एक आदर्श स्वतंत्रता लाएगी। भारत को धरती पर एक आदर्श देश बनाने के लिए कवि के ऐसे सपने हैं।

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry  Chapter 1 (Where the Mind is Without Fear ) - Textual Questions Solved

A. Work in small groups and discuss these questions : 

Q.1. Do you think birds and animals in cages are happy? 

Ans. No, they crave for freedom as we want. They hate cages however beautiful

Q.2. Would any of you like to live a life of slavery? 

Ans. No, not at all, everyone dislikes to live as a slaved man even in abject poverty

Q.3. Would you like to live a life of freedom? Why?

Ans. Yes, very much, I like freedom at all cost and hate to live like a slave. A free man can act in the way he likes. He is not dictated to do something which he does not like to do. He can refuse to be dictated. 

Q.4. How would you interpret the freedom of a nation ?

Ans. A nation is made of its citizens. It wants its people to enjoy treedom It wants them to hold their heads high and think and act according to their reasoning. They should not be stimulated to act and think as dictated by others

B. Answer the following questions briefly : 

Q.1. What do you think is special about the composition of the poem ?

Ans. R.N. Tagore expresses his deep concern about the freedom of our nation. He is also concerned about the mental climate of the people of this nation. They are divided a lot. They are divided on the lines of caste, creed and religion.

Q.2. What does the poet pray to God with regard to the state of mind of the Indians ?

Ans. The poet feels pained to see his countrymen indulging in mean considerations. He wants them to rise above such considerations and hold their heads high. He prays to God for freedom of his people from mental slavery leading to the heaven of freedom.

Q.3. What does 'narrow domestic walls' refer to in the poem ? What do the walls do?

Ans. Narrowness in perception is the narrow domestic walls. Absence of open mindedness and large heartedness causes narrowness in our approach. This results in division. We can not stand united if we live with narrow considerations. This leads to weakness on every front

Q.4. What sort of place the poet is talking about in the first two lines? 

Ans. The poet prays to god to ensure a place for the people of his country where there is no fear in their minds. He means to sing that his people should do no wrong. It is only then that they can live fearlessly. A wrong doer is always leartul. He can not hold his head high. The poet wishes his countrymen to hold their heads high and speak freely what they feel is right. They should have the courage to speak what is true and right.

Q.5. How concerned is the poet about the nation's state of affairs ?

Ans. The poet is very deeply concerned about state of affairs in the country. He finds the nation infested with various evils. He finds lack of unity in his people. They are guided by mean and narrow considerations. If such a mentality is not discouraged, the political freedom, even if achieved. will not be much meaningful

Q.6. How can perfection be achieved ?

Ans. We should try for perfection by resorting to truthfulness. Our steps must be guided by reasoning. There should always be clarity in our perception. We should never be misled by outdated thinking and get lost in the dull desert of dead habits. It is only then that perfection can be achieved. 

Q.7. What does Tagore mean by 'dreary desert of dead habit' ? 

Ans. The phrase "dreary desert' of dead habits' means unproductivity Outdated customs are like gloomy desert full of sand. We should be guided by reason and should not be misled by outdated thinking and superstitions

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry Chapter 1 (Where the Mind is Without Fear  ) - Long Answer Questions

C. 1. Long Answer Questions -

Q.1. What does the poet mean by 'heaven of freedom'? What are its constituents ?

Ans. The poet says that mere political freedom is not enough. Mental slavery is more dangerous. A wrong doer is always fearful. He can not hold his head high. Tagore wishes his countrymen to be free from such feelings. If they rise above selfishness and get out of mean considerations, there is not scope of fearfulness. They then think and act in their own way. They do not fear telling what is right and what is wrong. They can not be forced to accept what others say is right or wrong. There is clarity in their thinking and reasoning. Their reasoning is not influenced by others. Their thought is not blurred by outdated and dull thinking. The poet wants god to guide his people to that heaven of freedom. He earnestly wishes them to awake and arise from all sorts of selfish and mean considerations.

Q.2. Does the title of the poem convey Tagore's vision of India ? Explain. 

Ans. Where the mind is without fear' is a patriotic poem by Rabindranath Tagore, the great son of the soil Like a true patriot he wants his people to rise to the height where there is no fear. This state can be achieved only by these who refuse to indulge in meanness. One who is not mean and selfish does nor at all fear it is this state which the poet wants for his countrymen in the utle of the poem. The vision of Tagore is to see India at that ideal level. That would be India of his heart's desire. We can say that Tagore's vision of India is clearly expressed in the life of the poem.

Q.4. How far does India of today resemble Tagore's vision of a free country?

Ans. It is regrettable, to my mind, that though our country has become independent, it is nowhere near Tagore's vision of a free India. People are not honest to the nation. Most of them are selfish and corrupt. For their own betterment they stoop to any level. They choose leaders who naturally are equally mean and selfish. They divide the society in the name of caste and creed and religion just to feed their selfish ends instead of knocking down the narrow domestic walls erected by the foreign rulers. They create new such walls just to serve their selfish political purposes. They refuse to speak out what they feel. Their words do not come out from the depth of truth. They speak something and do just the opposite. Only god knows how long it would take for us to realize what Tagore thought about freedom of the nation. The citizens of country have certainly changed their outlook about out of date habits and customs but they have still to cover a long distance. They do not bluntly say a no to the out of date customs and coventions which have been eating into the vitals of the nation. We should hope the Indians at large fully understand Tagore's vision of a free country at the earliest. 

Q.5. Why does Tagore use 'where' seven times in the ? poem Explain.

Ans. Where the mind is without fear is a prayer to God. In this poem Tagore, the great son of the soil, prays to God to awaken his country from darkness to light, from slavery to a state of ideal freedom. The whole poem is a single complex sentence whose principal clause is the last line. The poet feels that his countrymen are not at the right track. He finds them lacking behind in many fields. He prays to god to raise his people to the desired level. It would be only then that the ideal freedom would be enjoyed. He, therefore, prays for that heaven of freedom where his countrymen are fearless, and self respecting. He wants them to be raised to a position where selfishness finds no room, where people are large hearted and are men and women of knowledge and wisdom not prove to be misguided by dead habits, old customs and mean considerations. Thus we see that each 'where' sets before us a target of goodness to be achieved, so as to make our political freedom meaningful.

Q.6. What is patriotism ? Discuss where the mind is without fear' as a patriotic poem ?

Ans. Patriotism means love for one's country and one's willingness to defend it despite all odds. A person who loves his country and is ready without a hitch to defend it is a patriot. Such a person is loved and honoured by all. A true patriot is he who can give away his life and all for his country. A true patriot is anxious to see the betterment of all his countrymen. He thinks that only such people can rise to defend their motherland if the situation so demands. A patriot is even ready to sacrifice everything including his life at an hour when honour of his dear motherland is at stake. a "Where the mind is without fear' is a poem from the pen of a great patriot, the great son of the soil, Rabindranath Tagore. The poem expresses Tagore's love for the country. This poem is a prayer to God for the freedom of the nation. It appears from the poem that to the poet only political freedom is not enough. He thinks that a drastic change in the inner climate of the peope is essential to add meaningfulness to the freedom. Freedom from ignorance from the evils of the dead habits and must. Freedom from meanness and selfishness is equally essential. Tagore wants to see his countrymen with their heads held high. This means that he wants his people to be righteous because a wrong doer can not hold his head high. The poet wants the people of his country to be large hearted and truthful. They must be honest to themselves and honest to the society and this way, honest to the nation. Thus we see the patriotic fervour flowing from the first to the last line of the poem. This poem is a rare example of the patriotic poem.

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry Chapter 1 (Where the Mind is Without Fear  ) - Composition 

C.3. Composition

Q. Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the following: 

(a) India of our dream.

Ans. India had been the world leader in the past. Years of slavery changed everything. We became a poor nation. But things are improving now. Our ountry is making fast progress in the different fields. I wish our nation to recapture its past glory. I hope that in about fifty to seventy five years India will once again be the most powerful country in the world. We have started sending trained men and women to other countries to help them in the field of science and technology. We will certainly have a casteless and classless society in very near future. These caste and class considerations have done us much harm. Democracy in our country will stand the test of time. India is a peace loving nation. I hope that it will preserve its peace loving character and will, in addition, be a richer, mightier and happier nation in the coming years.

b) Importance of intellectual freedom.

Ans. Intellectual means having excellent mental abilities and enjoying activities that further develop the mind. Intellectual freedom is the freedom of the mental faculty to work and think in its own way. Intellectual slavery is worse than physical and national slavery. If our intellectual powers are alive we will in due course, pave the way out from all other misfortunes. But if our mental faculty is enslaved then there is no hope of revival. Our knowledge must be free. We should not be forced to swallow what others think about something. We should be free to speak out our mind without fear. If this freedom is snatched away it will mean intellectual slavery. 

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry Chapter 1 (Where the Mind is Without Fear  ) - Group Discussion 

C.2 Group Discussion

(a) How is freedom our birthright? 

A. Freedom is a natural instinct. No creature wants to be a slave. 
B. Freedom means one's liking for speaking and acting as one likes. 
C. If a person is restricted from doing what he wants to do it is an encroachment on his freedom. If he is forced to live as liked by others it is slavery.
D. Birds and animals in the forests live freely. Some people unreasonably tame animals and birds by putting them in cages or in chains. They do so for fun sake. If their own freedom is snatched away then they will realize the 
E. feelings and agonies of the birds and animals they have tamed.. All the creatures are born free. They should be allowed to live as free as they are born.
F. Freedom is their birth right, no one has the right to snatch or curtail their freedom. They should be left to decide what they want to do. This is so with birds, animals, men and with nations.

(b) Narrow domestic walls have to be done away with if we want to live amicably.


A. 'Narrow domestic walls' is caused by narrow and selfish considerations.
B. Many people very often are badly interested in their own welfare. They sacrifice all nobility just to feed their own interest or the interest of their children. In so doing they devilishly ignore their social or national responsibility. This is what is called 'narrow domestic walls'.
C. This leads to tension and strife. These follows a ting of war. This very often takes a very ugly turn. Peaceful existence is threatened. The desire to live amicably becomes impossible.
D. Thus if we choose to live peacefully and amicably these walls need to be knocked down.

Class 11th English Book Solution 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Poetry Chapter 1 (Where the Mind is Without Fear  ) - Grammar 

D.1. Word Study

Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words: 

  • Incorrect     =     Correct
  • Knowlege   =    Knowledge
  • Strech         =  Stretch
  • Widning     = Widening
  • heven         =  Heaven
  • Countrey   = Country

Ex. 2. Write two meanings of each of the following words the one in which it is used in the lesson and the other which is more common. As used in the lesson The more common.

D.2: Word-formation 

Form abstract nouns from verbs and adjectives given below: 

  • High - Height 
  • True - Truth
  • Free - Freedom
  • Perfect - Perfection 
  • Think - Thought 
  • Act -  Action
  • Lose - Loss

D.3. Word-meaning 

Find from the lesson words the meanings of which have been given in column A. The last part of each word is given in colum B. 

Column A 
(a) Range of information, understanding 
(b) Part broken off, separated
(c) to pull something to make it longer and wider
(d) Small in width or limited in outlook
(e) The nation as a whole with territory

Column B


(a) Knowledge 
(b) Fragment 
(c) Stretch 
(d) Narrow 
(e) Country 

Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below: 

Mind, fragments, words, country, father. 

(1) Several langnages are spoken in our country. 
(2) His father was a minister. 
(3) Arya was trying to put the fragments of a broken vase together. 
(4) Pragya has made up her mind to be a doctor. 
(5) When we speak we put up our thoughts into words.

E. Grammar

Join the following sentences using 'when', 'whom' and who'. 
(i) I knew the person. He had come to meet me. 
(ii) Amandeep liked that shop. He got everything there. 
(iii) Gyandeo came to my house in the evening. I was away that time. 
(iv) I met Amod on the road. He was coming from Indore. 
(v) Sujeet handled the situation wonderfully. I had given him timely advice. Ans.

Ans - 
(i) I knew the person who had come to meet me.
(ii) Amandeep, who got everything there, liked that shop. 
(iii) Gyandeo came to my house in the evening when I was away. 
(iv) I met Amod on the road when he was coming from Indore. 
(v) Sujeet, whom I had given timely advice, handled the situation wonderfully

F. Activities

Read the following lines carefully and tell if you notice anything special about the sounds.

a. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high. 
b. Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection 
с The dreary desert sand of dead habit; 
d. Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake. .

The same letter or sound occuring at the beginning of two or more words in succession makes figure of speech called alliteration.
In the first line we have three words beginning with 'h' sound in succession head is held high.
In the second line striving and stretches beginning with sound. 
In the third we notice three words in succession beginning with d? sound dreary, desert sand of dead habits. 

In the fourth line the two words freedom, my father begin with 'f' sound.

Next Chapter 

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

Animals in Prison Summary in English and Hindi by Jawaharlal Nehru ,Animals in Prison by Jawaharlal Nehru About the Author,Animals in Prison Summary in English,Animals in Prison Summary in Hindi,English Summary,

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