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Pollution Problem Or Ecological Imbalance Background

Pollution is a modern problem which has made every sensible human being restless as it is slowly assuming a demonic proportion. With explosion of population, quantum jump in economic activity, miraculous success in trasportation and rapid industrialization along with its consequent urbanization, the idea that it is extremely difficult to control pollution in the modern times seems to gain ground. Denundation of forests and hills, discharge of gases into air and discharge of huge effluents and sewage into rivers and seas have caused ecological imbalance.

Points in Favour

(a) Urbanization is a continuous process of our age, it is necessary for modernization and economic growth. The greater number of households and vehicular pollutants, the greater will be the problem of pollution. As we cannot say a stop to urbanization, the problem cannot be controlled.

(b) In the modern world there is a race among the industrialized and eveloping countries to achieve higher growth rate. Till this continues, it may be difficult to reduce pollution. Deforestation and degradation of lands are serious problems. With the higher levels of economic development, it may be difficult to keep check on this trend.

(c) Pollution is a dynamic concept having almost an in-built relationship with industry and technological advancement. With development of science and technology new types of pollutions will keep on evolving. Hence, it may be difficult to control the pollution in the modern day world. 


(a) Science is a razor's edge; it acts both ways. If on the one hand, it leads to new pollutts, on the other hand, it enables man to come out with new methods and technologies to combat the menance of pollution. Developments

are also taking place in devising better means of pollution check.

(b) The growing awareness about pollution shows up signs of hope. Numerous international conventions and protocols are being introduced to combat environmental pollution. Hence we can be hopeful that it is not difficult to control pollution in the modern day world.

(c) Governments of the world are now responsible enough to have. separate ministries and departments to tackle this problem with full concern and seriousness. New rules and regulations are being framed to keep a check on pollution. Hence with growing modernisation, pollution levels are also being controlled to a larger extent.

(d) Scientists have explored and are constantly coming out with new alternatives to overcome the problem of pollution. Diesel is being replaced by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), petrol with lead-free petrol, fuel wood with Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and thermal power with hydroelectric power. Thus pollution can be kept under control.



Political scenario in India has undergone a tremendous change. Not long back, most of the politicians of India were men of high moral values, real statesmen devoted to the task of serving society real freedom fighters and models of inspiration for young people. They were committed to serve the nation and the society and they exhibited integrity, truthless, devotion, honesty, selfless service and love for mankind..

Now the scene is altogether different. Criminal elements influence the political life in India very adversely; they not only help the wrong kind of persons and silence healthy criticism but, many times they themselves win elections with the help of gun and musclemen. In our political system, if voted to power, they are at the helm of affairs of governance. This is degrading for our society and it will have far reaching sinister implications. 


(1) Criminalisation of politics has corrupted Indian administrative setup. The society looks forward to civil servants and politicians for their welfare and for a just dealing in all matters of social life. But now this hope is dying as criminals can never ensure justice and terrified civil servants can never discharge their duties fairly.

(2) Now persons with criminal records are making as ministers. What

good can be expected of them? The society feels awfully degraded. (3) Police force, which is entrusted with the task of maintaining law and order, is at its wit's end. How can the police enforce law and order in the society, if they are dictated by the criminals who hold the reigns of power ? The police force is confused, demoralised and corrupt.

(4) The legacy of social reforms and public welfare which has been an intrinsic part of Indian political life is fading fast. Politics is gradually becoming an instrument of amassing wealth, acquiring powers and a passport to prepetrate one's wanton acts.

Summary Writing

Q. Write a summary of the following passage and suggest suitable title. The summary should be about one-third of the given passageAll men have certain physical needs-needs for warmth, food, sex and shelter; these needs man shares with the animals. Savages spent most if not all their time in the endeavour to satisfy them. Civilization cannot be a condition of affairs in which human beings merely satisfy ever more easily and elaborately

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

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दिंगंत हिंदी पुस्तक कक्षा 12 बिहार ​​बोर्ड 100 अंक हल ( कब्यखंड) 

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