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Bihar board class 11th English book solutions : Prose chapter - 3 (A Snake in The Grass ) Summary


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Class 12th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

Class 11 English Rainbow -1 Prose Chapter 3 : A Snake in The Grass 

Summary - 

In this short there is the description of the hunt of a cobra, got into the compound of a bungalow. It was a sunny afternoon and the inmates of the bungalow were taking rest. Suddenly a cyclist appeared on the gate and rang his cycle's bell. He informed them about a cobra snake entered in their compound, passing through the wheel of his cycle. Telling this he departed from there. A lady with her four sons lived in that bungalow. There was an old servant Dasa, who was sleeping in the shed at that time. The inmates became restless to hear. This horrible news. They assembled at the gate in great worriedness. They shook the body of the servant Dasa , sleeping in the shed and informed him of the arrival of the cobra. He being in sleepy mood replied that there was no cobra there. Thus he tried to contradict them of the information. They lost their patience being frustrated and ordered (directed ) him to take interest in cobra. They warned him to find out the towards the gardens's care. Meanwhile some neighbors came in there. They passed on the remarks that he is the laziest servant. He should have clean the garden and maintain it. Dasa refuted the charges made against him. He further added that he is asking for a grass - cutter for a pretty long tie, but the same was not managed . Then the issue of its purchased arose. In a most humorous way the discussion started an different opinion came forward regarding its price and other issues . One of the inmates, the college boy placed a horrible picture of snake bite casualties which way 300 people die every year. that means one person in every twenty minutes. His statement made the house lady ( The mother ) panicky . She gave a loud cry out of fear. Then with the help of bamboo sticks and other tools the bushes and creepers were cut down and the lawn was almost clean now . I 

mean time an old beggar woman cried for alms at the gate. She was told not to disturb them when they were engaged in an important work, to kill a cobra. She  advised them not to kill the cobra, because it is God Subramanya, who have come to visit them. The mother agreed with her direction in the matter, have come to visit them. The mother agreed with her direction in the matter, saying that she had forgotten all about the "Abhishmsekam" she had promised The beggar further added that he would send snake - charmer, there . Shortly an old man appeared and declared himself as snake charmer. Making a sudden attack on an artificial snake under his possession, he expressed his inability to catch the cobra in the present circumstances when it is invisible He advised them to inform him at his residence located at a short distance, the sooner it would appear. He gave his name with address and departed. At five in evening after being tired and disparate, the people who were present at the spot, threw their sticks and being tired went to the veranda to rest. They were discussing different measures for there carrying a water - pot , sealed with a slab of stone and told that he had caught the cobra in this water pot. He started narrating his heroic act and told them not to call him idler in future . Mother thanked him for his intelligence and sharpness . She had also placed some milk in the pot as a sort of religious duty. Then Dasa picked up the pot and left the place , in a heroic style. 

About five minutes later, the youngest son cried and said that there was a cobra in a hole of the compound wall. It moved towards the gate looked at the gathering for a moment , as it seemed so. Then it crawled under the gate and disappeared along the drain . Then ,people present over there recovered from the shock, they started thinking, whether there were two snakes . But the college boy doubted the presence of two snake ( Cobra ) there . He concluded that Dasa played a trick telling a lie, when there was no cobra in the water - pot 

Thus the story ended in a most interesting and satirical style. The episode, being a humorous and ironical description throws light on our superstitious and foolish acts. the author is completely successful in his mission . 

A Snake in The Grass Summary - in Hindi

इस संछेपन  में एक बंगले के परिसर में घुसे एक कोबरा के शिकार का वर्णन है। दोपहर की धूप थी और बंगले के लोग आराम कर रहे थे। अचानक गेट पर एक साइकिल सवार आया और उसने अपनी साइकिल की घंटी बजाई। उसने उन्हें सूचित किया कि एक कोबरा सांप उनकी साइकिल के पहिये से गुजरते हुए उनके परिसर में प्रवेश कर गया है। यह कहकर वह वहां से चला गया। उस बंगले में एक महिला अपने चार बेटों के साथ रहती थी। एक बूढ़ा नौकर दास था, जो उस समय छप्पर में सो रहा था। यह सुनकर कैदी बेचैन हो उठे। यह भयानक खबर। वे बड़ी चिंता में फाटक पर इकट्ठे हुए। उन्होंने शेड में सो रहे दास दास के शरीर को हिलाया और उन्हें नाग के आने की सूचना दी। उसने नींद के मूड में जवाब दिया कि वहाँ कोई कोबरा नहीं था। इस प्रकार उसने उन्हें जानकारी का खंडन करने का प्रयास किया। उन्होंने निराश होकर अपना धैर्य खो दिया और उसे कोबरा में रुचि लेने का आदेश दिया (निर्देशित)। उन्होंने उसे बगीचों की देखभाल के लिए पता लगाने की चेतावनी दी। इसी बीच कुछ पड़ोसी वहां आ गए। उन्होंने टिप्पणी की कि वह सबसे आलसी नौकर है। उसे बगीचे को साफ करना चाहिए और उसकी देखभाल करनी चाहिए। दासा ने अपने ऊपर लगे आरोपों का खंडन किया। उन्होंने आगे कहा कि वह काफी लंबी टाई के लिए ग्रास-कटर की मांग कर रहे हैं, लेकिन इसका प्रबंधन नहीं किया गया। फिर इसकी खरीद का मामला खड़ा हो गया। चर्चा शुरू हुई सबसे मजाकिया अंदाज में इसकी कीमत और अन्य मुद्दों को लेकर एक अलग राय सामने आई। कैदियों में से एक, कॉलेज के लड़के ने सांप के काटने से हताहतों की एक भयानक तस्वीर लगाई, जिससे हर साल 300 लोग मर जाते हैं। यानी हर बीस मिनट में एक व्यक्ति। उनके इस बयान से गृहणी (मां) घबरा गई। उसने डर के मारे जोर से चिल्लाया। फिर बांस की डंडियों और अन्य औजारों की मदद से झाड़ियों और लताओं को काट दिया गया और लॉन अब लगभग साफ हो गया था।मैं इस बीच एक बूढ़ी भिखारी महिला गेट पर भिक्षा मांग रही थी। उसे कहा गया था कि जब वे एक कोबरा को मारने के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण काम में लगे हों तो उन्हें परेशान न करें। उसने उन्हें सलाह दी कि वे कोबरा को न मारें, क्योंकि यह भगवान सुब्रमण्य हैं, जो उनसे मिलने आए हैं। मां ने मामले में उनके निर्देश से सहमति जताई, उनसे मिलने आए हैं। माँ ने इस मामले में उसके निर्देश से सहमति जताते हुए कहा कि वह "अभिषेकम" के बारे में सब कुछ भूल गई थी, उसने वादा किया था कि भिखारी ने आगे कहा कि वह वहां सपेरा भेज देगा। कुछ ही देर में एक बूढ़ा व्यक्ति प्रकट हुआ और उसने अपने आप को सपेरा घोषित कर दिया। अपने कब्जे में एक कृत्रिम सांप पर अचानक हमला करते हुए, उन्होंने वर्तमान परिस्थितियों में कोबरा को पकड़ने में असमर्थता व्यक्त की, जब यह अदृश्य है, उन्होंने उन्हें सलाह दी कि जितनी जल्दी यह दिखाई देगा, उतनी ही कम दूरी पर स्थित अपने निवास पर उन्हें सूचित करें। उसने अपना नाम पता के साथ दिया और चला गया। शाम के पांच बजे थक-हार कर मौके पर मौजूद लोगों ने लाठी-डंडे फेंके और थक कर बरामदे में आराम करने चले गए. वे वहाँ एक पत्थर की पटिया से सील किए गए पानी के बर्तन को ले जाने के लिए अलग-अलग उपायों पर चर्चा कर रहे थे और बताया कि उसने इस पानी के बर्तन में कोबरा पकड़ा था। उसने अपनी वीरता का वर्णन करना शुरू किया और कहा कि भविष्य में उसे आलसी मत कहो। माँ ने उनकी बुद्धिमत्ता और कुशाग्रता के लिए उन्हें धन्यवाद दिया। उसने धार्मिक कर्तव्य के रूप में बर्तन में कुछ दूध भी रखा था। तब दास ने घड़ा उठाया और वीरतापूर्ण अंदाज में वहां से चला गया।

करीब पांच मिनट बाद सबसे छोटे बेटे ने रोते हुए कहा कि अहाते की दीवार के एक छेद में कोबरा है। यह गेट की ओर बढ़ा, एक पल के लिए सभा को देखा, जैसे ऐसा लग रहा था। फिर वह फाटक के नीचे रेंगता गया और नाले के किनारे गायब हो गया। तभी वहां मौजूद लोग सदमे से उबरे और सोचने लगे कि कहीं दो सांप तो नहीं हैं। लेकिन कॉलेज के लड़के को वहां दो सांप (कोबरा) की मौजूदगी पर शक हुआ। उन्होंने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि दास ने झूठ बोलकर एक चाल चली, जब पानी में कोई कोबरा नहीं था - बर्तन इस प्रकार कहानी का अंत अत्यंत रोचक और व्यंग्यपूर्ण शैली में हुआ। यह प्रसंग, एक विनोदी और विडम्बनापूर्ण वर्णन होने के कारण, हमारे अंधविश्वास और मूर्खतापूर्ण कृत्यों पर प्रकाश डालता है। लेखक अपने मिशन में पूरी तरह सफल है।

A Snake in The Grass Summary - Question Answer 

B.1. Answer The Following Question briefly : 

Q1. Why did the cyclist ring the bell ? 

Ans :- The cyclist rang the bell to make aware that a big cobra had got into the compound . 

Q2. Why did Dasa say , " There is no cobra " ? 

Ans - Dasa did so , as he felt disturbed while sleeping. It did not please him . 

Q3. What happens when some one wakes you up and make you to do something ? 

Ans - If some one wakes me up and asks me to do something, I would become irritated and refuse to comply with his direction, out of frustration become irritated and refuse to comply with his direction , out of frustration. 

Q4. What fault did the people find with Dasa ? 

Ans - The neglect of the garden and the lawn made them annoyed and anguished. They found him to be the laziest, servant on the earth . They found him lazy , liar, inefficient and unreliable . 

Q5. Do you din fault with the person who refuses to do what you want him to do ? 

Ans - Yes , of course I do find fault with the person , who refuses to do what I want him to do. 

Q6. What was Dasa's defense? 

Ans - Dasa expressed his grievances by telling that he was constantly asking for a grass - cutter. He put this argument in his defense. 

Q7. What does "with cynical air " means ? 

Ans - With Cynical air " means , views expressed in a manner that  showed distrust of the other's ideas. 

Q8. Why did the college boy quote statistics? 

Ans - The college boy quoted the statistics to make aware to those persons who were present there , in the garden of his house. 

Q9. What made the mother nearly scream ? 

Ans-  The mother screamed ( gave a loud sharp cry of fear ) when the college boy narrated the worldwide fatality caused by snake - biting. He explained how death casualties take place by snake biting ? The mother shattered with fear of the horrible scene and cried being frightened. 

B.2 Answer the following questions briefly :- 

Q1. What made the old beggar happy ? 

Ans - The old beggar became happy when the lady ( mother ) gave her a coin. 

Q2. What did the beggar woman say ? 

Ans - The beggar woman said that the snake was non-else but God Subramanya, who has come to visit them for their good fortune. She also advised them not to kill it. 

Q3. Why did they cut - down all the plants and the grass in the garden ? 

Ans - The snake - charmer looked almost helpless as it seems that he was not a real ( genuine ) snake - charmer, rather a false one. As such he made pretension. 

Q4. Why did they cut - down all the plants and the grass in the garden ? 

Ans - They had cut down all the plants and the grass , so that the tiniest insect coming into the garden should have no cover. 

Q5. Cite instances from the lesson which show the old mother's superstitious nature. 

Ans - The old mother's superstitious nature is evident form the following few facts, Firstly, when the old beggar told he not to kill the snake as it was God Subramanya. The mother was fully agreed with the beggar's view. 

Secondly , when the grass and plants were cut down , she had placed some mils in the pot , for the snake , as a religious duty. 

Q6. Did Dasa , in your opinion , really catch the Cobra ? Give reason. 

Ans - Really Dasa did not catch the cobra. He was only making pretension of doing so . Actually he brought a water pot whose mouth was sealed. He put the pot down and said that he had caught the cobra in that water pot. He further added that they should not call him idle in future . Dasa had the glow of champion on his face . he further said that he would leave the pot and its content with the snkae charmer and saying so he walked off . Five minutes after he left the garden compound , the cobra appeared out of the hole. 

It is crystal clear the Dasa did not catch the cobra and his long talk was a white lie. 

Q7. What impression of Dasa do you get from this episode? 

Ans- I find Dasa to be a lazy old servant , as it reflects in the story . He doesn't attach much importance to the duty allotted to him. He justifies his working facts. It is therefore, my impression that he is a funny man. He is inefficient and idle person. 

A Snake in The Grass Summary - Long Question Answer 

Q1. The neighbours who assembled to hear of cobra talk about several things. Make a list of the issues they touch upon. What does the conversation suggest about the people's reaction when danger strikes? 

Ans - The neighbours in the bungalow to hear the news of a cobra entered in its lawn ( garden) . They started to talk the issue in different ways. It was the time when inmates of the bungalow were taking early - afternoon rest, a cyclist informed that a big cobra had got into their compound 

Some neighbors were accusing Dasa, the old servant for this incident, making him responsible in the matter. Others remarked that he is the laziest servant they had ever seen - telling, "He should keep the surroundings neat and clean " 

Thus the under-noted several remarks were passed and suggestion given by the inmates neighbor and other persons : 

(i) The duty of the servant - his neglecting in discharging his responsibilities . 

(ii) To keep the surroundings neat and clean . 

(iii) Demand for a grass cutter since pending long back , by the servant. 

(iv) High prices of commodities due to war, at that time. 

(v) Forceful speech on clack marketing due to war. 

(vi) The gravity of the big cobra, got into the compound . 

(viii) Cobra is God subramanya, who has come to visit you . Do kill him . 

(ix ) False assurance by the snake charmer and show his helplessness to catch the cobra. 

(x) False information of Dasa relating caught of cobra. 

In course of conversation , it is observed that people become panicky when they apprehend danger. They talk of several means  to avoid ( t get rid of ) mishappenings. The trouble caused due to hanger make them restless and frightened. They become upset to know that the death casualties by snake biting is one person in twenty minutes. Everybody wants to save his own life . 

Q.2. How do you react when your parents chide you for neglecting your duties? 

Ans - The allegation of neglecting from duties by me, will disturb me , will disturb mentally. If I am discharging my duties sincerely , I shall nicely raise voice against it and clarify it to my parents. I shall humbly express the reality to my parents I shall assure them to be more particular, in the matter , in future. At the same time I shall review my shortcomings and faults, if any and reitfiy it accordingly . It will help me in building up a bright future. Parents are well wishers of their children. They like to see their sons and daughters are disciplined and well with their career. They do not allow ourselves to adopt wrong way and dwell in bad society. So we should not be sad or annoyed by their strict administration. We should rather follow their valuable advice. 

Q3. Read carefully the following utterances of Dasa : 

There is no cobra ; 

Where is the snake ; 

I have caught him in this ; 

Don't call me an idler here after ; 

what do these utterances tell about Dasa's character ? 

Ans - These statements made by Dasa very well throw light on his character . 

Certain shortcoming can be observed through these utterances.He seems to be lazy, inefficient liar and unreliable. 

When the cobra entered the compound he was sleeping under a shade. The inmates shook him out and informed him the arrival of the cobra. He replied in sleepy posture that there is no cobra . It shows his idleness in the matter . It also indicates his negligence towards his duty and uncourteous behavior. Again in another time when the inmates and neighbors cut the grass and creepers with sharp knife and other means and there was nothing more to be done , then Dasa again uttered that where is the snake . He doubted the presence of the cobra in his expression. Further , he comes with a pot sealed. Water pot and says that he has caught the cobra in the water pot, putting them in wrong box, because there was no cobra inside it . It proves his speaking a white lie. He further adds with this false information that they should not call him an idler. He declares himself to be prompt and fit in his work. 

Thus his  utterances are baseless and far from the reality. As such his version cannot be relief upon. 

Q4. Does the story throw any light on how people faced with sudden danger behave ? 

Ans - The story very well throw the light on the reaction and behavior of the people face sudden danger. they become panicky and start making certain suggestions for taking action in the matter. 
They even make allegations on one another for their being responsible in inviting the danger. they create a number of opinion in connection with the danger. the mother (the lady) become frightened and cry in a loud voice . Dasa , the servant is quite inactive in sharing the gravity of situation. Inmates with the help of the neighbors cut bushes and creeper by sharp knifes and other weapons . they are jointly working to face the danger of the cobra said to be hidden there. An old beggar appears on the gate and advise them not to kill the cobra, as it is God subramanya. The lady ( mother of the inmates ) is convinced with her ( beggar's ) advice. The beggar promises to send a snake charmer . A snake charmer comes to that place. He shows his inability to catch the cobra, because it is invisible. He directs them to inform hi if cobra is seen. At last cobra is witnessed out of hole of compound wall. Thus the story presents a multicolour picture of how people tackle with the sudden danger. 

Q5. Narrate in brief the people's attempt to catch the cobra. 

Ans- People gathered on the spot , in the garden made vigorous efforts to catch the cobra. In course of their attempt in this direction they produced a most humorous scene. the cobra entered in the compound of the bungalow . their help. The whole bungalow had become a battle field. Dasa the servant had slept in the shed. People shook him of his sleep. He became annoyed being disturbed by them and replied in sleepy mood that there was no cobra . 

He was chided by those present there for his idleness. the land lady ( The mother ) warned him for such slackness and directed him to find out the cobra before the evening. Then with the help of neighbors - bushes and  creepers were removed. Meanwhile Dasa appeared there with a sealed water pot. He put the pot down and told them that he had caught the cobra in the water pot. He also narrated the strategy he had employed to catch it. then he walked off with the water pot, saying that he would leave the pot of the cobra with the snake charmer. Five minutes after his departure the youngest son saw a cobra coming out of a hole in the compound. the cobra moved under the gate and disappeared along a drain . Thus the story tells the truth of people's attempt to catch cobra , in a humorous manner . The story ended leaving us to  solve certain point , there in . 

Q6. Narrate in brief what the snake charmer tells about catching a snake. . 

Ans - People were gathered in the garden where a cobra happened to get into through a narrow path . Suddenly a snake charmer appeared on the spot. Those who were present there , gathered around him. The snake charmer narrated his qualities. He also stressed on his ability and power over snakes. Those who were present there pointed the direction in which cobra had gone and requested him to go ahead but the snake charmer looked helpless n the matter. He advised them to inform him as and when the cobra is visible. Then only it was possible to catch him. 

Animals in Prison Summary in English and Hindi by Jawaharlal Nehru ,Animals in Prison by Jawaharlal Nehru About the Author,Animals in Prison Summary in English,Animals in Prison Summary in Hindi,English Summary,

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