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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Summary Writing

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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Summary Writing 

Q. Write a summary of the following passage and suggest suitable title. The summary should be about one-third of the given passage - 

All men have certain physical needs-needs for warmth, food, sex and shelter; these needs man shares with the animals. Savages spent most if not all their time in the endeavour to satisfy them. Civilization cannot be a condition of affairs in which human beings merely satisfy ever more easily and elaborately their fundamental physical needs and do nothing else, it must be a condition in which they satisfy their needs so easily and feel themselves so secure from danger that they have the time and energy to attend in other things and in particular, to the developments and demands of the mind and the spirit.

Those who seek to live the life of the mind and the spirit do something not because the doing of them will be to their advantage in a biological sense, not that is to say, because it helps them to survive or because it will advance them in a material or social sense by making them richer or more famous, but simply for the pleasure or interest that they take in doing them or because they think it right to do them.

In civilization, then some men are released from the pressure of purely biological ends and also from the domination of immediate cares and personal ambitions, and being so released as their energies to build beautiful, make beautiful pictures or music, think elevated of profound thoughts, try to do what is right because they conceive it to be their duty, seek in science and philosophy to explore and understand this puzzling universe in which our lives are set and endeavour if their minds are turned towards religions to know God better to love him and to worship him.


Title : Physical Needs of man

Men have several kinds of physical needs-needs for waremth, food, sex and shelter. Man shares these need with the animals. Savages spend most of their time in satisfying these needs. Civilization cannot be condition of affairs in which human being merely satisfy ever more easily and elaborately their fundamental physical needs. Those who seek to live the life of the mind and the spirit do something not because the doing of them will be to their advantage in a biological sense. They do so because they help them to survive. They also help men in advancement of learning and knowledge. Civilization helps us to rise higher.

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

Bihar board class 11th Hindi Book Solution 

Dingat Hindi Book Class 11th Bihar Board Full Book Solution PDF Download 

दिंगंत हिंदी पुस्तक कक्षा 11 बिहार ​​बोर्ड 100 अंक हल ( गद्खंड ) 

दिंगंत हिंदी पुस्तक कक्षा 12 बिहार ​​बोर्ड 100 अंक हल ( कब्यखंड) 

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