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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Comprehension

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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Comprehension

(From an unseen passage)

Read each of the following passages carefully and answer the questions set at the end.

1. Right from his childhood, Lal Bahadur was very gentle, soft-spoken and amiable. He never made any enemies and was loved by all. At school, the bigger boys never bullied him in spite of his being a short-statured, meek and shy boy. In fact, they were all very friendly towards him and liked him for his gentle manners.


(a) Who was loved by all ? 

(b) Why did the bigger boys like Lal Bahadur ? 

(c) Who were very friendly towards Lal Bahadur ? 

(d) How was Lal Bahadur right from his childhood ?

II.   Say whether the following statements are True or False : 

(a) Lal Bahadur was very gentle. 

(b) He made many enemies.

(c) At school the bigger boys always bullied him. 

(d) Lal Bahadur was a shy boy at school.

III. Choose from the passage, the words of opposite meaning to the words given below:

(a) friends (b) hated (c) smaller (d) always 

Answers .

(a) Lal Bahadur was loved by all. 

(b) The bigger boys liked Lal bahadur for his gentle manners. 

(c) The bigger boys were very friendly towards Lal Bahadur. 

(d) Lal Bahadur was very gentle, soft-spoken and amiable right from his childhood.

 II. (a) True (b) False (c) False (d) True

 III. (a) enemies (b) liked / loved (c) bigger (d) never 

2. Alexander Pope, a great classical poet, loved to live in solitude. His approach to the purpose of life was unique in the sense that he absolutely hated sociability and friendship. Nothing could give him greater pleasure than his feeling of independence in respect of the fulfilment of his basic needs. To him, a truly happy man is he who does not have to depend upon others for anything. Such a man gets food from the pieces of land that he inherited, milk from his own herds and fire and shade from his own trees. Such a man enjoys the company of solitude only. He gets plenty of time for work and rest. Pope wanted to live unseen and unknown. He also wanted to escape from the world unnoticed and unlamented.


I.  (a) Who was Alexander Pope ?

    (b) What was Pope's notion about happiness?

    (c) What way of life would Pope prefer?

    (d) How would Pope like to die?

I.  Say whether the following statements are True or False :

(a) Alexander Pope was a great classical poet.

(b) He liked sociability and friendship.

(c) To him, a truly happy man is he who has to depend upon others for everything.

(d) Pope wanted to live unseen and unknown.

III. Choose, from the passage, the words which mean almost the same as each of the following:

(a) receive property as heir

(b) being together with another or others

(c) completely

(d) get free

(e) the state of being independent

(f) happiness


I. (a) Alexander Pope was a great classical poet.

   (b) According to him, a truly happy man is he who does not have to depend upon others for anything.

   (c) Pope preferred the life of being unseen and unknown in the world. (d) Pope liked to die unnoticed          and unlamented.

II.  (a) True (b) False (c) False (d) True

III. (a) inherit (b) company (c) absolutely (d) escape (e) independence (f) pleasure

3. An old man had three sons who often quarrelled with one another. They paid no heed to their father's advice not to do so. One day he called his sons together and gave them a bundle of sticks and asked each of them to try in turn to break the bundle. Each of them tried but failed. The old man then asked them to untie the bundle and break the sticks separately. Not to speak of the eldest, even the younger ones broke the sticks without any difficulty. Then the old man told his sons that they should see the power of union. If they lived united, no harm would come to them; if they quarrelled, they would have to face difficulty. 


I.  (a) behave with one another ? 

    (b) Did the sons succeed when the old man asked them to break a bundle of sticks?

    (a) How did the three sons

    (c) What did the old man do next?

    (d) What lesson did the old man teach his sons through this method ? 

II. Say whether the following statement are True and False. 

(a) The old man had five sons.

(b) The old man's sons quarrelled with one another.

(c) Each son broke the bundle of sticks.

(d) The old man told his sons that they should see the power of union. 

III. Match the words in A used in the passage with their meanings in B:

A                               B

1. heed              (a) strength             

2. difficulty       (b) opinion

3. power            (c) damage

4. harm              (d) fought

5. quarelled        (e) trouble

6. advice:           (f) give attention


I.   (a) The three sons misbehaved with one another.

     (b) The sons did not succeed when the old man asked them to break a bundle of sticks.

     (c) Then the old man untied the bundle. He asked them to break each of the sticks one by one. Each            of the sons broke the sticks easily.

     (d) The old man taught his sons the importance of union. If they lived united. no harm would come               to them ; if they quarrelled , they would have to face difficulty. 

II. (a) False     (b) True    (c)   False    (d) True 

III. 1. heed - (f) give attention; 2. difficulty - (e) trouble ; 

      3. power - (a) strength ; 4. harm - (c) damage ; 5. quarrelled - (d) fought ; 

      6. advice - (b) opinion . 

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