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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || Grammar || Narration

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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || Grammar  || Reported Speech Narration 

1. Pradeep said to his sister. "I agree with you." (Direct Speech) 

2. Pradeep told his sister that he agreed with her. (Indirect Speech) 

(a) In the first sentence, the words of the speaker have been reproduced exactly as they had been spoken. These words have been put within inverted commas. This form of speech is called 'Direct Speech'.

(b) In the second sentence, the words of the speaker have been reported by the reporter called 'Indirect Speech' or Reported speech. 

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech :

Direct Speech

1. She said, "I am praying."

2. He said to me. "You have been a great help to me."

3. Ramesh said to me. "I shall go to the market with you today.” 

Indirect Speech

1. She said that she was praying.

2. He told me that I had been a great help to him.

3. Ramesh told me that he would go to the market with me that day. 

Some Basic Points:-

1. In the Direct Speech

(a) Put within ** (inverted commas)

(b) The reporting Verb is separated from the Direct Speech by a comma. 

(c) The first word begins with the capital letter. 

2. In the Indirect Speech 

(a) No inverted commas.

(b) The comma separating the Reporting Verb from the Direct Speech is removed.

(c) The Indirect Speech is introduced by some connectors like that! if, whether, what where, how, why etc. 

(d) The Reporting Verb changes, according to the sense conveyed by the speech.

(e) The tense of the Reporting Verb remains unchanged.

(f) All kinds of sentences turn into Assertive statements.

(g) Other changes in the Person, Verb form, Time and Place expressions

Change of Direct Speech into Indirect Speech Examples:  follow.

1.He said to me, "I am your friend." (Direct) 

   He told me that he was my friend. (Indirect) 

2. The teacher said, "Boys, I shall not take your class today.” (Direct) 

    The teacher told the boys that he would not take their class that day. (Indirect) 

3. She said to me, "I shall help you." (Direct) 

    She told me that she would hlep me. (Indirect) 

4. He said. "You are my good friend." (Direct) 

   He said that he was his good friend. (Îndirect) 

5. Tina said, "I met my teacher yesterday." (Direct)

   Tina said that she had met her teacher the day before. (Indirect) 

6. Kavi said to me. "You can return my book next month." (Direct) 

   Kavi told me that I could return his book the following month. (Indirect)


      Direct to Indirect Speech

(In case of Reporting Verb being in Past Tense)

Direct Speech                                              

(Present Tense )

Past Tense 




Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

Bihar board class 11th Hindi Book Solution 

Dingat Hindi Book Class 11th Bihar Board Full Book Solution PDF Download 

दिंगंत हिंदी पुस्तक कक्षा 11 बिहार ​​बोर्ड 100 अंक हल ( गद्खंड ) 

दिंगंत हिंदी पुस्तक कक्षा 12 बिहार ​​बोर्ड 100 अंक हल ( कब्यखंड) 

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