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Bihar board class 11th English book solution story of English chapter-3 Global English

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     Class 11 English Solutions     

Bihar board class 11 english : Story of English chpater - 3  (Global English )

        Chapter - 3         

           Global English            

Gist: English developed from the speech of the Anglo-Saxon into a single standard Queen's English. English borrowed and absorbed words and phrases from the languages of all the countries that were colonized by the British. As soon as English began to spread across the world it began to change. The first changes were seen in the different ways in which English to be used in America. Today American English like British English is recognised as a world language. But there are many differences between them.

The second effect of the spread of English was the development of 'new Englishes' like Indian English, Nigerian English, etc. Exercises

Q.1. Write T for true and F for false statements : 

(a) There is no difference between American English and British English. 

(b) Indian English is closer to American English. 

(c) Indian English has developed a distinct set of words and sentence patterns that do not exist in British English. 

Ans.    (a) F  (b) F (c) T

Q.2. Answer these questions very briefly : 

(1) Which speech came to be known as 'Received Pronunciation'? 

Ans. Standard British English speech came to be knwon as RP or Received Pronunciation'.

(2) What has made English 'the most gloriously, impure language? 

Ans. Borrowing habit of English has made it 'the most gloriously impure language.

(3) Name two effects of the worldwide spread of English.

Ans. There were two main effects of the worldwide spread of English. 

(i) New national varieties of English like American English, Australian English, Canadian English etc, came into being.

(ii) New Englishers (i.e, new varieties of English) developed in countries where English was not a mother tongue e.g. Indian English, Nigerian English etc.

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

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दिंगंत हिंदी पुस्तक कक्षा 12 बिहार ​​बोर्ड 100 अंक हल ( कब्यखंड) 

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