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Bihar board class 11th English book solution story of English chapter-2 English Down the Edges

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     Class 11 English Solutions     

Bihar board class 11 english : Story of English chpater - 2  (English Down the Edges )

        Chapter - 2         

   English Down the Edges    

Gist: English is the language which is spoken by the maximum number of people all over the world. English is just about fifteen hundred years old. But this language has given expression to world class literature in all genres. We can distinguish three main periods in the history and growth of the language in the following manners. Old English-AD 449-AD 1066, Middle English-AD 1150- AD 1500, Modern English-AD 1500 onwards.

During old English period, English continued to be the language of everyday speech for the common mass. During middle English period, English began to emerge as a language of literature. The language was enriched through extensive borrowings from French and Latin. During Modern English period, English has been found suitable as the language of international communication. It has also equipped itself to serve as the language of the present cyber age.

     Class 11 English Solutions     

Bihar board class 11 english : Story of English chpater - 2 Exercises (English Down the Edges )

Q.1. Write T for true and F for false statements:

(a) English was once humble East Midland Dialects. 

(b) Old English covers AD 449-AD 1066 

(c) Middle English did not borrow from French and Latin. 

(d) The present era is the period of 'New Englishes'. 

Ans. (a) T (b) T (c) F (d) T

Q.2. Answer these questions very briefly :

1. Which language is spoken by maximum number of people? 

Ans. English language is spoken by the maximum number of people all over the world.

2. Since when is Modern English in use?

Ans. Modern English has been in use since AD 1500.

3. Which period is characterised by inflections ?

Ans. The old English period (AD 449-AD 1066) is characterised by inflections.

4. Why did the old English period fail to produce literature of much significance ?

Ans. Literature produced during the age was not of much significance as court patronage was lacking and the age came to be known as the Dark Age.

5. When did the Great vowel shift take place ?

Ans. The Great Vowel shift took place during Middle English (AD 1150-AD 1500) period.

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 

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दिंगंत हिंदी पुस्तक कक्षा 12 बिहार ​​बोर्ड 100 अंक हल ( कब्यखंड) 

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