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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Registers

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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Registers 

Raj Singh classes

Registers are those varieties of language which correspond to different situations, different speakers and listeners or readers and writers. By register we mean a variety correlated with a performer's social role on a given occasion. For example, a man will speak in different way when communicated with his wife, his children, his father, his colleagues, his students etc. Each of these varieties will be a register. Examples of registral varieties according to the subject matter of field of discourse are scientific, religious, legal, commercial, language of newspapers, of buying and selling, of agriculture, of airport announcers, of telephone operators, embroidery, etc. 

Example: Show the field to which the words listed below are related to - 

1. Autopsy room, sliced pomegranate, formaldehyde, Doctor. 
2. Wounds, bandage, gauzed, incision, sealpels, morphia 
3. Accomplice, inventory, clues, knives, clubbed, nabbed, officer. 
4. Nail polish, earings, sari, jewellery, fashion. , laptop.
5. Computer, radio, film, T.V.
6. Plough, seed, land, ox, water
7. Box office, carbon, poster, hero, comedian.
8. Hem, edge, garment, lace, stich
9. Accounts, book-keeping, business, finance, enterpreneur.


(1) Autopsy 
(2) Medical 
(3) Crime 
(d) Woman 
(5) Electronic 
(6) Agriculture 
(7) Film industry 
(8) Embroidery 
(9) Commerce

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (PROSE) 


Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (POETRY)

Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (GRAMMAR) 

  • Chapter - 2  (Reported Speech ,Narration ) 
  • Chapter - 3 ( Use of Voice ) 
  • Chapter - 4  ( Conversion of Sentences ) 
  • Chapter - 5    ( Modal Auxiliaries )
  • Chapter - 6   ( Pharases & Idioms ) 
  • Chapter - 7   ( Analysis ) 
Bihar board class 11th English book solutions (Story of English)

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