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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Essays 
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Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Essays- A Cricket Match 

Of all the games, cricket is most charming. People call it the game of kings. Many people are madly in love with it. Cricket matches are played during winter. A Test Cricket match takes five days. There are one-day matches also. The game of cricket is very popular in England, Australia, the West Indies, India, Pakistan, New Zealand and Sri Lanka. In 2004 I had an occasion to see a Test cricket match in Calcutta. It was a very interesting match between India and the West Indies. The match was played in the Eden Garden. Long before the match, all tickets had been sold out. A large number of cricket lovers even from outside and far off places came to see the match. was a very big crowd. The big Eden Garden was overpacked.The match started at 9.50 am. The Indian captain was Md. Azharuddin and the captain of the West Indies team was Walsh.
Azharudin lost the toss. The West indies team went out to bat. They had a powerful batsman in Brian Lara. But wickets started falling and the West Indies were all out for small total in the first innings. The Indian players did well against the hostile bowling of Walsh and others. On the fourth day, the West Indies team went out to bat again. It was facing a big deficit. In a few hours the top batsmen of the West Indies team were back to the pavilion. They could not score against the spin attack of Kumble and Raju. The West Indies team faced a lot of problems. On the last day India, batted again. It had to score 235 runs to win the match. Our players started well. But some of them could not stay on the crease for long. The match was heading for a draw. In the afternoon the match lost all interest.
But this Test Match in Calcutta is still fresh in my memory. The way the Indian players denied victory to the West Indies was thrilling. Everybody praised the young Indian side. It is one of the most important matches that I have ever seen.

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || EssaysA Sweet Dream

Each one of us has a dream. Sometimes our dreams are pleasant. Sometimes they are not. Unpleasant dreams disturb us. But sweet dreams please us most. The memory of a sweet dream lasts long.
It was the month of Novermber. One night I had a very pleasant dream. I still remember that dream. It seems I shall never forget that dream for a long time to come. In my dream, I found that I was going to the USA. The Government of I went to the aerodrome. A big aeroplane was there on the runway. I had not seen the inside of the plane. So, I entered it. A large number of my friends and relatives had come to see me off. I was overjoyed at that time. India had selected me for going abroad for higher studies.
Soon after that the plane took off with a jerk. In a few minutes the plane was high up in the air. The plane rose higher and higher. When I looked down, the earth looked like a huge ball. The plane was flying at great speed. I enjoyed every bit of time and journey.
The plane landed at an aerodrome. I do not exactly remeber the name of the country. I had my meal. The place was new and people were strange to me. The plane took off again. I was in the air. In the meantime, someone called me. My sweet dream come to an end.

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Essays- Discipline

Discipline is a check - external and internal. Discipline is a code. It applies to people in every walk of life. It extends to the world of nature and of arts as well. It is of vital importance for students and soldiers. It is a crying need at home and abroad.
We can see how the objects of Nature work regularly. The sun, the moon and the stars rise and set punctually. They do not rise or set a minute late. What will happen if they become indisciplined? There will be nothing out chaos and confusion. Military men cannot do without discipline. If they ignore their commander, they may lose battles. Their nation may be enslaved. I likewise every artist is tied to discipline-outer or inner discipline-their authors have observed. If their emotions are not disciplined their works of art will fail to produce the desired effect.
Discipline is a thing of utmost importance for pupils and students. It equips them with capacity to be wise, tolerant and humane. They can learn nothing if they are not disciplined. With this gem of discipline, they can buy the golden hours of happiness in future. It alone can enable them to serve the society, the nation and the world. Their disciplined life alone can be an asset to their country. They can build the pillars of the nation and lift them higher into the skies if they are disciplined. Disciplined, they shall serve their society and mother-land best. Such is the value of discipline.

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || EssaysYour Aim in Life 

Or, The Choice of Profession

'Ambition' says Bacon, is like choler.' It is like a gaddy which strings people into a life of action. The ambition of my life is to be a leader. This is also the aim of my life. If ambition keps me restless and active, aim determines the courses of my ambitions. I want to give people a sense of direction. I want em to think emotionally and feel intelligently.
Most of the leaders are selfish. They have their own axe to grind. They cannot lead the people. They simply mislead the honest and innocent people.
In absence of correct leadership, people are led astray. They labour but the fruit of their labour is stolen by the designing politicians. They are instigated into acts of violence and destruction. Their leaders are treated as members of the peace committee. Can people be every happy under such leadership ? Certainly not. They fall into the trap of scheming politicians because they are not educated. I shall lead them. I shall teach them what is right or wrong. I will break their, illusions and explode their superstitions. Once they are disillusioned they shall not do anything imimical for their society and for their nation. I shall teach them how to be brave. So the greatest aim or ambition of my life is to be a leader. Like choler, ambition keeps on pricking me. It keeps my mind alert and heart athrob. If the ambition be dead in me I shall not be able to achieve the aim of my life.

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || EssaysThe Book You Like Most 

I have read many books. But no book has appealed to my heart so much "Tarzan the Apeman". It is a novel by Edgar Rice. It deals swith what is imaginary credible. The writer has given to 'airy nothing' a 'local habitation' and a name. It tells the story of the son of a man brought up by Kala, a she ape. She suckles the child into a full grown man. She lavishes all her motherly affection on him. She risks her own life to save Tarzan when the latter is about to be killed by Luma, a lion. In the company of apes Tarzan has learnt all the tricks which can enable him to elude the grasp of the ferocious beasts. But Tarzan is endowed with human brain. He uses creepers as a rope. He entraps tigers and lions. Every beast of the jungle other fears him or loves him. By killing the leader of the apes, he establishes his own superiority. He devises different ways of taming other beasts. His human brain helps him much. This novel, thus, traces the growth of Tarzan from primal consciousness to intellectual awareness. It is a march from barbarism to civilization. The writer has a powerful grip over the art of narration. The movement of the story is not marred by descriptions of unnecessary details. The story sustains the interest of the reader from start to finish. The language in which the novelist has told the story of thrills and adventures is unadorned and homespun.

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || EssaysThe Street Hawker 

The street hawker is a useful man. He brings at our doors the articles of everyday use. In this way he saves much of our inconvenience. It is often cheaper to purchase an article from a street hawker. The reason is that the street howker is, as a rule, a poor man. He has not to spend anything on the rent of a shop or on servants. Therefore, he can be satisfied with less profit. But very often people are also cheated by the street hawker. Everybody does not know the price of everything. So, a street hawker often charges a high price. Therefore, one has to be very cautious while purchasing anything from a hawker. Hawking of goods is an art. Every hawker cannot earn much. Those who know this art earn more than others. People who can attract customers do better in this job. There are various ways of doing it. Some sing funny songs in praise of their articles. Some display their goods in an attractive manner. Some make even funny gestures.
The street hawker provides great joy to the children. The hawkers know that the children are their main customers. Hence, they linger on where they see children. They tempt the children with their wares-sweets, toffees, biscuits. whistles, musical pipes, toys, icecream, balloons, etc. Children run to their parents, any cry for these. the parents have no way out. They have to give money to their chidren to purchasing those articles.
The street hawker earns his bread by honest labour. He wanders about all day long from street to street. He goes from one end of a town or village to another and satisfies the needs of all. Where there is no fixed market, the hawker is the only source of supply of necessary articles. People wait for his arrival at the appointed time. Even where the market is not far off the hawker is welcomed. The reason is that he saves the labour of going to market. By regular visits a hawker picks up friendship with little children. The children, too, find great joy in talking with the hawker.

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || EssaysThe Rickshaw - Puller 

Almost in every town the rickshaw is a common sight. The rickshaw puller sits on a high seat and drives it by moving the pedals. The rickshaw-puller leads a very hard life. There is nothing but poverty and want in his life. He wears torn and dirty clothes. He eats the cheapest food. He sleeps on the road, in his rickshaw or in the outer verandah or shed of some house. Even his rickshaw does not belong to him. Generally, he hires it from a rich rickshaw-owner. He pays a certain amount to the owner everyday. sometimes his day's earnings are too low to pay the full hire. His earning varies. In times of marriages, conferences, festivals, etc. he earns a good deal. However, his average earnings are hardly enough to maintain two or three persons. The rickshaw-puller leads a difficult life. He has to toil from dawn to dusk. He must take out his rickshaw every day in all seasons. The heavy rains the scorching sun and the biting cold have no meaning for him. The rickshawpullers are mostly illiterate. But they are generally simple and submissive. Most of the rickshaw-pullers are addicted to drinking and gambling. Thus they ruin their health and waste their hard-earned money. Poverty and disease become their life-long companions.The rickshaw-puller is looked down upon in society. He is treated very harshly by the passengers. Of course, there are some very wicked rickshawpullers who always charge high. Such ones should be firmly dealt. But, on the whole, the rickshaw-pullers deserve a kind treatment.
The rickshaw-puller is a very useful member of our society. He carries us on his rickshaw even on a kachcha and narrow road.

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || EssaysTown Life vs Village Life 

Town-life is full of glamour and is very alluring. Here there are magnificent buildings, broad roads, electric lights, water-pipes, well-decorated shops, swift conveyances, libraries, parks, cinema-houses etc. In bigger towns, there are mill and factories, too. All these dazzle the eyes of new corners to the town. Here, there is novelty in everything. The dress of the people is different, the habits are different, and there is difference in speech also, Even the daily routine of life is different. People spend their evenings in a park, a library or a cinema hall. From time to time circus. dramatic parties and exhibitions visit the town and provide diversion to the people. Then there are football, tennis, and cricket matches, public meetings, speeches by eminent persons, etc. All these are entirely absent in villages. In the midst of all these, the townspeople lose their soul. They turn into something like a machine. They exist merely the earn and to spend.
Town life is good only for the rich. Poor people have to suffer much in the town. They have to live in dirty quarters. They find it difficult to make both ends meet. In spite of these disadvantages, poor people have to live in towns. The town provides various sources of income. There are a large number of occupations in the town. They provide livelihood for a large number of poor people.
Village-life on the other hand is plain and simple. Here, there is no din and bustle of the town. Everything is calm and quiet. People are in direct touch with nature. Most of their time passes in looking after fields and cattle. They are religious and pious. They devote much of their time to prayer and to singing in praise of God. They enjoy pure air. They get pure and unadulterated food and plenty of milk, ghee etc. They also get fresh vegetables and fruits.
The village has many disadvantages, too. There are no good doctors in the village. Therefore, many people die for want of proper treatment. There is much dirt and fifth in the village. There is illiteracy also. There are very few librates. For want of these, people generally remain superstitious. They quarrel among themselves and waste their time in idle gossip.
Both the town and the village serve useful purpose in their own way. The village feeds and clothes people and the town provides learning and culture. There is a wide gulf between the two in the matter of amenities of life. This gulf must be bridged or at least made narrow. The villagers also should enjoy some of the comfort enjoyed by their brethern in the towns.

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || Essays- Bihar of Your Dreams 

Lord Tennyson remarks aptly, "Old order changeth yielding place to new." Change is the law of nature. Nothing is permanent in this world. Sometimes, the speed of changes quick and sometimes, it is slow. In the present age every thing is passing through a great change. we are so much confused by this process of change that we cannot say definitely how the future will shape. Every day we find ourselves different from what we were, yesterday
The wings of imagination carried me to Bihar of 2015. I was filled with delighted to find that Bihar of 2015 had undergone many great changes. I was delighted also to see some good changes there in. I was happy to see a great deal of social progress in Bihar. Irrespective of caste, creed and colour, all the high and low were enjoying equal rights and privileges. All the people of Bihar were believing in the fatherhood of good will and love. Truth and nonviolence had become the guiding principles of the people. Women had equal rights as compared with men. The evils like corruption, criminal caste system and dowry system were completely wiped out. Most of the women were sharing with men the burden of administration in gram panchayat.
The political conditions of Bihar made a great headway. The superfluous political parties have disappeared from the state. There were only two political parties Ragag and Congress. All the people enjoyed full facilities and freedom. Communalism was not he cock-pit of political bickering. New blood had entered the politics of Bihar and all the veteran leaders of political parties have retired from politics. There was a perfect harmony in the political atmosphere of the state..
Many great changes have taken place in the new administration of Bihar. There was no corruption, nepotism and looseness in the administration. Police had shaken off its corruption and high handedness. It becomes source of service and security to the people. There were no thieves and dacoits. The Ministers were honest servants of the people. The business man believed in fair dealing. He did not believe in black marketing and hoarding.
Bihar was self-sufficient in foodgrains. Agriculture was developed remarkably. The grow more food-campaign had become-success. There were sufficient means of irrigation to the farmers. Every inch of land was under plough. The crops were improved with the help of scientific methods of cultivation. Village were turned into good towns and towns were extended. Many factories and mills were established in the various parts of the state.
The above painted picture of Bihar of.2015 is the creation of my imagination. The flight of imagination can become a fact and can solve major problems by controlling population and increasing production. There is no half way solution. Action on these fronts must be taken side by side as singly neither improvement in agricultural out put nor any reduction in birth rate can go very far..

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || EssaysIf I were a Chief Minister 

The Chief Minister is the most responsible man in a state. He wins election and comes to the council of state. He is the leader of the majority party in the council of the state. He chooses his cabinet ministers to run the administration of the state.
If I become the Chief Minister of my state I would also choose my Cabinet Ministers and see that they work honestly for the welfare of the state. No minister of my cabinet will be unfair. I shall be devoted to my duties and It will be my efforts to depend the fame and name of my state from the evil doings of man. The Police officers will have my instruction to deal with the problems firmly and strongly.
to my stat. I shall serve my state selflessly.
I shall try at my level for the all around development of my state. It will be my efforts to make education free for all upto senior secondary level. Science and technological colleges will be opened for more technical hands. There will be industrial and agricultural development for the betterment of the society and men. The agricultural and industrial development will improve economic condition of men.
I shall try to find out more job opportunities for more and to do away with the problem of unemployment.
Regarding my national policy I shall see that nothing hinders to have good relations with the central government. In having good relationship with other states my state will enjoy equal status. It will be my efforts to see that my state rises higher and higher economically, politically and socially in the eyes of the nation. 

Bihar board class 11th English book solution || General English || EssaysFestivals in India 

India is a country of festivals. Every festival belonging to any religion comes to us with all pleasures, ceremonies and charms. Every festival has got its own importance. In every festival delicious food is prepared. It gives us joys. All festivals come to us with a certain mission. We must not make festivals expensive.
In "IID" we embrace each other and show our great pleasures. Iid is an Arabic word which means happiness. It also brings joys everywhere. We have to forget and forgive our past betterments.The festivals are either religious or social or political. These festivalsare celebrated in different months and in all parts of the country. Diwali and Dushera are the religious festivals of Hindus. They are celebrated all over India according to the beliefs of different sects. Diwali is celebrated because Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after winning over Ravana, after fourteen years of exile. Houses are being cleaned. Goddess of Laxmi is worshippped, nice dishes are prepared and houses illuminated. Some people gamble. In Dushera, nine days victuals and fasting are done in worship to Devi Durga. On the day of Dushera Ram lila is formed to show Ram-Ravana war. This festival teaches that the Evil one day meets its end positively. Holi is social festival. It is celebrated in full pomp and show by using colours and gulal. It is festival of joy and gaiety. Delicious food is also prepared in this festival, intoxication is also prominent in this festival. Festivals are necessary for the relaxation of man in his busy life.

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