Class 12th English 100 Marks “A PINCH OF SNUFF ” OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE 2022

The Author :- Manohar Malgaonkar was born in 1913. He was a famous novelist and short stories writer who has 25 publications already to his credit some of his main creations are - A Bend in Ganges 'Distant Drum' 'Bombay Beware' etc. He usually wrote comical short stories. His narrative ties up the reader's excitement until the end.
Summary : A Pinch of Snuff is a comic story written by Manohar Malgonkar. he was a great novelist of India. he has presented a comic story full of wit and adventure. Nanukaka is the main character and maternal uncle of narrator. the writer himself narrates the story here .
(ए पिंच ऑफ स्नफ मनोहर मालगोंकर द्वारा लिखित एक हास्य कहानी है। वे भारत के महान उपन्यासकार थे। उन्होंने बुद्धि और रोमांच से भरपूर हास्य कहानी प्रस्तुत की है। नानुकाका कथाकार का मुख्य पात्र और मामा है। लेखक स्वयं यहाँ कहानी सुनाता है।)
Nanukaka comes to Delhi to see some ministers and the narrator who is an under - secretary has to take him to the north block on mother insistence. but nanukaka experience was bitter there.
(नानुकाका कुछ मंत्रियों को देखने के लिए दिल्ली आता है और कथाकार जो एक अवर सचिव है, उसे माँ के आग्रह पर उसे उत्तरी ब्लॉक में ले जाना पड़ता है। लेकिन ननुकाका का अनुभव वहां कड़वा था। )
Later, he goes to meet sohanlal who is a party boss and successfully impresses him by his words and wits showing that he knows the ambassadors Barkat Ali very well. During talk with sohanlal he come to know about welfare Minister. also he knew that Sohanlal wanted his son to get married with welfare Minister's daughter but the Minister refuses.
(बाद में, वह सोहनलाल से मिलने जाता है जो एक पार्टी बॉस है और अपने शब्दों और बुद्धि से उसे सफलतापूर्वक प्रभावित करता है कि वह राजदूत बरकत अली को अच्छी तरह से जानता है। सोहनलाल से बातचीत के दौरान उन्हें कल्याण मंत्री के बारे में पता चला। वह यह भी जानता था कि सोहनलाल चाहता था कि उसके बेटे की शादी कल्याण मंत्री की बेटी से हो लेकिन मंत्री ने मना कर दिया। )
On the other hand,the Welfare Minister fixed his daughter's Marriage to the Prince of Ninnore. Now, Nanukaka went to meet the Welfare minister in the the guise of hereditary astrologer of Maharaja of Ninnore and he mentions it on his visitor's book. as soon as the Welfare Minister comes to know about this, he himself visits my home to meet nanukaka.
(वहीं कल्याण मंत्री ने अपनी बेटी की शादी निन्नौर के राजकुमार से तय कर दी. अब, ननुकाका निन्नौर के महाराजा के वंशानुगत ज्योतिषी की आड़ में कल्याण मंत्री से मिलने गए और उन्होंने अपनी आगंतुक पुस्तिका में इसका उल्लेख किया। कल्याण मंत्री को जैसे ही इस बात का पता चलता है, वे स्वयं मेरे घर ननुकाका से मिलने आते हैं।)
Finally this is a fantastic creation of Manohar Malgonkar where he has beautifully presented the characters. it really Leaves a genuine fresh touch on readers mind.
(अंत में यह मनोहर मालगोंकर की एक शानदार रचना है जहाँ उन्होंने पात्रों को खूबसूरती से प्रस्तुत किया है। यह वास्तव में पाठकों के मन पर एक वास्तविक ताजा स्पर्श छोड़ता है। )
⇒ A PINCH OF SNUFF (Objective Question )
1. Nanukaka’ was installed in-
(A) the guest room
(B) the drawing room
(C) author’s bedroom
(D) the verandah
2.The author had taken-
(A) five days’ leave
(B) three days’ leave
(C) two days’ leave
(D) six days’ leave
3. Nanukaką in a linguistic emergengy always turned to
(A) English
(B) Hindi
(C) his mother-tongue
(D) Sanskrit AMY
4. Nanukaka thought that the secretary treated them coldly because they had not gone in-
(A) an old car
(B) a bigger car
(C) a small car
(D) a new car
5. Nanukaka took out his cheque-book and wrote a cheque
(A) five thousand rupees
(B) two thousand rupess
(C) a thousand rupees
(D) five hundred rupees
6.Nanukaka was coming to Delhi –
(A) to visit the Red Fort
(B) to see some minister
(C) to participate a conference
(D) to spend the summer
7. Nanukaka was author’s –
(A) brother
(B) neighbour
(C) maternal uncle
(D) friend
8. The author has a complex about-
(A) relative
(B) guest
(C) officials
(D) ministers
9. Nanukaka travelled in-
(A) the A.C. Class
(B) the Second Class
(C) the Third Class
(D) the First Class
10. On the plateform Nanukaka handed over the author –
(A) a bag
(B) a box
(C) a briefcase
(D) a basket
11. The basket contained –
(A) fruits
(B) a cat
(C) sweets
(D) vegetables
12. Namukaka had third class ticket but travelled in the second class because –
(A) he was clever
(B) there was no third class
(C) he lost his ticket
(D) there was no room in the third class
13.The author was merely-
(A) an under secretary
(B) a secretary
(C) a clerk
(D) a peon
14. ‘A Pinch of Snuff’ is written by –
(A) Bertrand Russell
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Manohar Malgaonkar
(D) Pearl S. Buck
15. Manohar Malgoankar has written the lesson –
(A) I Have a Dream
(B) A Pinch of Snuff
(C) Bharat Is My. Home
(D) The Earth
16. Nanukaka wrote a cheque for a…………rupees.
(A) thousand
(B) hundred
(C) five hundred
(D) ten thousand
17. The second important person Nanukaka had planned to meet was-
(A) The Home Minister
(B) The Railway Minister
(C) The Welfare Minister
(D) None of these
18. Ratiram was the son of …………
(A) Mohanlal Ratiram
(B) Sohanlal Ratiram
(C) Jaganlal Ratiram
(D) None of these
19……is a humorous story.
(A) The Earth
(B)The Artist
(C) A Pinch of Snuff
(D) above of these
20. There is nothing like honesty was said by —
(A) Nanukaka
(B) Sohanlal Ratiram
(C) Ratiram
(D) Hajrat Barkat Ali
21…… was coming to visit the narrator’s family.
(A) Sohanlal Ratiram
(B) Hajrat Barkat Ali
(C) Nanukaka
(D) None of these
22…… went to the minister in Jodhpuri coat.
(A) Nunukaka
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Manohar Malgaonkar (Author)
(D) None of these
23. The speaker put on his white Jodhpuri coat and the ……… turbom.
(A) orange
(B) red
(C) yellow
(D) black
24. Nanukaka was to stay for….
(A) four or five days
(B) three or four days
(C) two or three days
(D) a week
25. …… informed the undersecretary about Namukaka’s. visit.
(A) father.
(B) mother
(C) friend
(D) brother
26. Nanukaka was related to the narrator as he was his mother’s—
(A) uncle
(B) father
(C) brother
(D) None of these
27. ………… is the main character of the story ‘A Pinch of Snuff.
(A) Nanukaka
(B) Sohanlal Ratiram
(C) Manohar Malgaonkar
(D) None of these
28. Nanukaka has a unique quality of telling –
(A) stories
(B) truths
(C) lies
(D) None of these
29, Nanukaka handed over a cheque of a thousand rupees to a-
(A) Carpenter
(B) Dhobi
(C) Gold smith
(D) Milkman
30. Nanukaka portrayed himself as the hereditary astrologer of the Maharaja of-
(A) Jaipur
(B) Bikaner
(C) Ninnore
(D) None of these ·
31. Nanukaka was a very ……. Man.
(A) food
(B) stupid
(C) honest
(D) clever
32. ‘A Pinch of Snuffy is a …
(A) novel
(B) poem
(C) short story
(D) essay
33. ‘A Pinch of Snuff is in fact a detailed character sketch of ………..,
(A) Sohan Lal
(B) Nanukaka
(C) Ratiram
(D) Manohar Malgoankar
⇒ A PINCH OF SNUFF(Subjective Question )
B.1.1 Complete the following sentences on the basis of what you have studied :
(a) ............. was coming to visit the narrator's family
(b) The narrator was .........on probation.
(c) Nanukaka was to stay for ............
(d) Nanukaka was coming to Delhi to ............
(e) ...............informed the under secretary about Nanukaka's visit ?
(g) The Under Secretary had to put a charpay for himself in the back verandah because .............
(h) Nanukaka was related to the narrator as he was him........................
Answer :-
(a) Nanukaka (b) Malgonkar (c) Two and three days. (d) See some Minister.
(e) The writer ( f) Nanukaka had installed in his bedroom (g) Nephew .
B.1.2 Answer the following Question briefly :
Q1- The news t.. the mother happy distrubed her son. Why were their responses so different ?
Ans - Their response were so different because as girls are always seen to be very caring towards their material home . The mother was also very loyal to her side of family and annukaka was her brother. So his arrival made mother delighted but her son on the other hand had something of a complex about ministers as he was trained to regard minister higher than gods.
Q2- Do you have a similar experience ? Has your response to the arrive of any guest has been different from that of other members of the family?
Ans - No. I haven't has such experience. No , so far all members of our family including me have, the same response of delightment.
Q3- 'Had to travel second on a third class ticket ? But it was all arranged quite amicably ? What 'arrangement' Nanukaka is referring to ? How can such arrangement be amicable ?
Ans- Nanukaka had to travel second class on third class ticket but he arranged it amicably. The arrangement Nanukaka is talking about is that he had a third class ticket but in third class there was no space and they would not issue second class tickets but nanukaka arranged to travel second class on third class ticket with the help of the T.C, this arrangement was amicable because Nanukak arranged to travel like that quite comfortably because of the young ticket checker.
B.2.1 Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements :
(a) It was very easy for the narrator to get sent on a foreign assignment
(b) Ratiram was the son of Sohanlal Ratiram.
(c) Sohanlal Ratiram was the Party boss in Delhi.
(d) Nanukak went to Lala Sohanla because they both were Zaminadars.
(e) Nanukaka visited Lalal Sohanlal in guise of an astrologer.
(f) Nanukaka's meeting with Sohanlal Ratiram was very successful.
Ans - (a) T (b) T (c) F (d) F (e) F (f) T
B.2.2 Answer the following Questions briefly : -
Q1- The Under - secretary always obeyed Nanukaka, although he was never willing to do so. Why ?
Ans - the under-secretary always obeyed Nanukakak although he was never willing to because Nanukaka was his guest and his guest and his mother's brother .
Q2- "This tie-and-collar business is no good these days". What did Nanukaka mean to say ?
Ans - By the given statement Nanukakak meant that till then tie-and-collar had become a very common dress and if we had to impress somebody, we should leave this tie-and-collar and instead wear traditional clothes.
Q3- How did the Under-Secretary change his appearance to accompany Nanukaka?
Ans _ The under secretary changed into Jodhpur coat and tied a huge orange turban on his head rather than wearing tie and collar.
Q4- Who is a Zamindar ? Do you know any Zamindar in you locality ? What do the people in your locality think about him ?
Ans - A Zamindar is a person who owns lot of land in a village or town. Zamindars are often very rich. No, I don't know any Zamindar and owned many lands. All the people respected him Zamindars have an image of being very rich.
Q5- How did Nanukaka impress Sohanlal Ratiram ?
Ans - Nanukaka started describing about his VIP status in a very loud voice so that Sohanlal could hear. He firstly talked about foreign tours and his contacts with politicians and ministers. Then he came to talk shout Hazarat Barkat Ali the ambassador in such a tone as if they were best friends and this impressed Sohanlal the most.
Q6- What important information did he collect at Ratiram's place ?
Ans - The important information Nanukakak collected at Ratiram's place was that after refusing the proposal of marriage of his daughter to Sohanlal's son, the minister had decided to marry her daughter to the prince of Ninnore.
Q7- Who is a Prince ? Do we have any Prince now ? If yes, do they enjoy the same privileges which they used to ?
Ans - A prince is the son of the king of an estate or a country. He is the next claimant for the ruler's post. No we do not have any princes in INdia but some other countries do have princes. NO, they can't enjoy the same privileges they used to .
C.1. Long Answer Type Question :-
Q1- Nanukaka tells lots of lies. Why does he do so ? Does he succeed in his pursuit .
Ans - Nanukaka tells lots of lies to have a meeting with the welfare minister. Nanukaka tells so many lies becauses if he had not done so he could not have met the minister in two - three days, he would have to wait for months to get an appointment of the meeting. Yes, Nanukaka was successful in his pursuit of meeting the minister. He did not only manage the meeting with ,minister in his own but with his brains, he met minister in only two days.
Q2. What impression does Nanukaka make on you ? Do you like him ? Attempt a character sketch of Nanukaka?
Ans - Nanukaka makes impression of a clever written and sensible man on me who knows very well how to be successful in his pursuit. He doesn't hesitate to speak lies in the matter of his work. yes I Like him. Nanukak is quick witted, clever man who does not consider using lies, to gain his goal, a bad thing, He is brainy and knows how to use situations to his profit. He has the ability of decieving people easily and he can do and speak anything to complete his mission and work. He is a funny man .
Q3- Suppose you have Nanukaka as your uncle. How would you behave with him ? Explain in detail.
Ans- It Nanukaka was my uncle, I would behave very nicely with him because he was my uncle, my mother's brother. I would take part in his affairs and help him possibly as much I could. I would share e my thoughts with him and would take interest in his talks. I would respond nicely to him and would like to be a part of this adventurous comedy. I would respect him and follow whatever he said, wholeheartedly. I would never cut his commands end do the most to help him out. I would show my affection to him and make him feel what being an uncle was like. I would show him that I love him very much and I was proud to have him as my uncle.
Q4- Nanukaka made a big promise to sohanlal Ratiram. Did he ever fulfil his promise ?
Ans - Nanukaka promised Sohanlal to talk about his son to the ambassador Hazrat Barkat Ali. Sohanlal said that some body had poisoned the mind of the Ambassador about his son and he would be obliged if Nanukak would kindly speak his son to the ambassador as Nanukaka told that he was a schoolmate of the Hazrat and was on very good terms with him. No, Nanukaka never fulfilled his promos. And even if he had wanted to , he could not because he told lie about contact with ambassador. He didnot even known the ambassador how could he write to him .
Q5- Can a person like Nanukaka be more successful in the present society ? Give reasons..
Ans - Yes, a person like Nanukaka will be more successful in the society because now world is changed. People who are well behaved, simple , pious and moral are taken to be folish. hey always have to suffer because of their goodness but on the other hand, people who are clever, cunning, crafty are thought to be wise . People who speak lies, are mean and selfish manage to do their work easily. Nanukaka was one of person in category of mean and crafty people and by telling lies we have read, how he completed his mission. In the present society deceitful and deceptive people are given more respect than the truthful and good people. Secondly clever people outwit every body and Nanukaka was a witty man. He easily - outwitted the minister and Sohanlal .
Q6- What is linguistic emergency ' Do we All face it? How does it affect our speech ?
Ans - Linguistic emergency is that type of suitation in which a person always turns to his mother tongue. Yes we all face it . It affects our speech in such a manner in which when a person feels language problem and he has something hesitation. The author waited in the car park. It was two hours before he returned mumbling colorful Marathi swearwords.
Q7. Discuss the significance of the title ? How is it related to the theme of the story ?
Ans- The significance of the title is that it makes the story more interesting and adventurous . It attracts the reader's attention towards itself and makes the story look creative. It brings quality, relish and interest in the story and gives flavor to it. Here the title 'A Pinch of Snuff ' draws it and invites us to read the story. Firstly, ' A Pinch of Snuff ' is related to the theme of story because the story has comedy, adventure and ' A Pinch of Snuff makes us think of something little like, little comedy, little adventure and a little fun. A Pinch ' means little , snuff can be taken to be the mixture of comedy, fun and adventure. Secondly, whole story revolves around Nanukaka who is a rural person . The phrase " A Pinch of Snuff " represents the special feature and habitual practice of the main charter of the story. Nanukaka used to have snuff and this is the resewn of the relation of theme and title of the story ,
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