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Class 12th English 100 Marks “ I have a Dream ” Summary , objective and Subjective By Raj singh classes

 Class 12th English 100 Marks “ I have a Dream  ” Summary , OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE 2022

  ⇒ PROSE 4  -  (I HAVE DREAM ) 

The Author :   Martin Luther king , Jr. was born in 1927. He was a Baptist minister but after training, he became civil rights activist early in his career which lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. He was influenced by Gandhiji, he supported and followed Non-violence. In 1964 , he was awarded with noble prize, when he was only 35 years old. This youngest Nobel Prize winner received this honor for his efforts to end segregation and racial discrimination though civil disobedience and other non-violent ways. This great socialist was assassinated on April 4, 1968. He wrote man books under the titles of Strength to Love', "Stride Towards Freedom' "The Montgomery Story" Why Cant we Wait etc. 

(मार्टिन लूथर किंग, जूनियर का जन्म 1927 में हुआ था। वह एक बैपटिस्ट मंत्री थे, लेकिन प्रशिक्षण के बाद, वे अपने करियर की शुरुआत में नागरिक अधिकार कार्यकर्ता बन गए, जिससे मोंटगोमरी बस बॉयकॉट हो गया। वह गांधीजी से प्रभावित थे, उन्होंने अहिंसा का समर्थन और पालन किया। 1964 में, उन्हें महान पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया, जब वे केवल 35 वर्ष के थे। इस सबसे कम उम्र के नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता को यह सम्मान सविनय अवज्ञा और अन्य अहिंसक तरीकों से अलगाव और नस्लीय भेदभाव को समाप्त करने के प्रयासों के लिए मिला है। इस महान समाजवादी की 4 अप्रैल, 1968 को हत्या कर दी गई थी। उन्होंने स्ट्रेंथ टू लव', 'स्ट्राइड टुवर्ड्स फ्रीडम' 'द मोंटगोमरी स्टोरी' व्हाई कैंट वी वेट आदि शीर्षकों के तहत मानव पुस्तकें लिखीं।

Summary  :  I have a dream is a speech delivered by Martin Luther king Jr. on 28 August 1963 in Lincoln Memorial Hall . He was a great orator , civil rights activist and also a Nobel Prize winner. In this speech he has raised a voice against racial discrimination and called for civil and economic rights of Negroes in America. 

(I have a Dream मार्टिन लूथर किंग जूनियर द्वारा 28 अगस्त 1963 को लिंकन मेमोरियल हॉल में दिया गया एक भाषण है। वह एक महान वक्ता, नागरिक अधिकार कार्यकर्ता और नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता भी थे। इस भाषण में उन्होंने नस्लीय भेदभाव के खिलाफ आवाज उठाई है और अमेरिका में नीग्रो के नागरिक और आर्थिक अधिकारों का आह्वान किया है। ) 

Welcoming delegates, martin says that the Nigros of america especially Albama are skill not free. they are sweltering in the furnace of injustice. America considered them a bad cheque. even they are deprived of citizenship rights, America is prosper bu they are pauper. 
(प्रतिनिधियों का स्वागत करते हुए, मार्टिन का कहना है कि अमेरिका के निग्रो विशेष रूप से अल्बामा कौशल मुक्त नहीं हैं। वे अन्याय की भट्टी में तप रहे हैं। अमेरिका ने उन्हें बैड चेक माना। यहां तक ​​कि वे नागरिकता के अधिकारों से वंचित हैं, अमेरिका समृद्ध है लेकिन वे कंगाल हैं। )

Therefore today, I have come here to raise a voice for them. we sell march ahead and we won't sit back till they get the right parallel to whites. Until the justice rolls down like water and they get a room in a hotel in the towns. and I request you to come ahead for them because all of our destiny is tied together. 

(इसलिए आज मैं यहां उनके लिए आवाज उठाने आया हूं। हमलोग आगे बढ़ेंगे  और हम तब तक पीछे नहीं हटेंगे जब तक उन्हें गोरों के समानांतर अधिकार नहीं मिल जाता। जब तक न्याय पानी की तरह बहने  नहीं लग जाता और उन्हें कस्बों के एक होटल में कमरा नहीं मिल जाता। और मैं आपसे अनुरोध करता हूं कि आप उनके लिए आगे आएं क्योंकि हमारी सारी नियति एक साथ बंधी हुई है। )

In spite of frustration , Martin has a dream, he dreams that the son of slave's children and and the son of their Masters will be siting on the table of brotherhood together. He dreams that his children would be identified because of their character not of their skin color. he dream that the freedom will be ring from all the corners of America and there will be a day when all the blacks and whites will be able to live and dream together. 
(निराशा के बावजूद, मार्टिन का एक सपना है, वह सपना देखता है कि दास के बच्चों का बेटा और उनके स्वामी का बेटा भाईचारे की मेज पर एक साथ बैठे होंगे। उनका सपना है कि उनके बच्चों की पहचान उनके चरित्र से होगी, न कि उनकी त्वचा के रंग से। उनका सपना है कि अमेरिका के कोने-कोने से आजादी की घंटी बज उठे और एक दिन ऐसा आएगा जब सभी अश्वेत और गोरे एक साथ रह सकेंगे और सपने देख सकेंगे। )

This is one of the greatest speech ever for the rights of Black. and he has successfully received the rhythm of  his audience. it proved in a great orator and worked as an antidote for the injustice,tyranny and oppression against nigroes .

(यह अश्वेतों के अधिकारों के लिए अब तक के सबसे महान भाषणों में से एक है। और उन्होंने सफलतापूर्वक अपने दर्शकों की लय प्राप्त की है। यह एक महान वक्ता साबित हुआ और नीग्रो के खिलाफ अन्याय, अत्याचार और उत्पीड़न के लिए एक मारक के रूप में काम किया। )

⇒ I Have a Dream  (Objective Question )

1. The slum area densely populated by an isolated community is marked by-

(A) safe place
(B) fallen
(C) ghetto
(D) oasis

Answer ⇒ C

2. King is regarded as one of the greatest –

(A) artists
(B) scientists
(C) separatists

Answer ⇒ D

3.The author advocates-

(A) non-violent struggle
(B) violent struggle
(C) both the ways
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ A

4. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in-

(A) 1939
(B) 1929
(C) 1919
(D) 1969

Answer ⇒ B

5. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on-

(A) March 4
(B) April 4
(C) May 4
(D) December 4

Answer ⇒ B

6.King was assassinated in–

(A) 1968
(B) 1954
(C) 1942
(D) 1978

Answer ⇒ A

7. I Have a Dream’ is a speech delivered by King on –

(A) August 28, 1963
(B) June 28, 1965
(C) May 28, 1953
(D) April 28, 1973

Answer ⇒ A

8. America gave the Negro people –

(A) a good cheque
(B) a bad cheque
(C) a torn cheque
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ B

9. By the signing of the emancipation proclamation the hopes of the Negro population-

(A) fulfilled
(B) half fulfilled
(C) remained unfulfilled
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ C

10. To overlook the Negro would be –

(A) good
(B) beneficial
(C) fatal
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ C

11. The Negroes made the pledge that they will always-

(A) march ahead
(B) march back
(C) march slowly
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ A

12. How many times Kimg repeats that ‘we cannot be satisfied’ –

(A) two times
(B) three times
(C) five times
(D) six times

Answer ⇒ C

13. The word ‘momentous’ stands for –

(A) foolishness
(B) aggressive
(C) very important
(D) unimportant

Answer ⇒ C

14. They had dream that one day they would –

(A) divide the nation
(B) kill the white people
(C) get their rights
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ C

15. Racial discrimination is against –

(A) capitalism
(B) power
(C) secularism
(D) human rights

Answer ⇒ D

16. ‘I Have a Dream’ is written by –

(A) Germaine Greer
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) H.E. Bates

Answer ⇒ C

17. Martin Luther King, Jr. has written the lesson –

(A) The Artist
(B) I Have a Dream
(C) A Pinch of Snuff
(D) Bharat Is My Home

Answer ⇒ B

18. ‘I Have a Dream’ is a part of speech delivered by —

(A) Bertrand Russell
(B) Shiga Naoya
C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) H.E. Bates

Answer ⇒ C

19. Martin Luther King, Jr. belonged to –

(A) Britain
(B) France
(C) China
(D) The USA

Answer ⇒ D

20. The condition of the ……., apalling.

(A) African
(B) Negroes
(C) Indians
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ B

21. ………….. is sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression.

(A) Newyork
(B) Texas
(C) Chicago
(D) Mississippi

Answer ⇒ D

22…… was a great orator.

(A) Pearl S. Buck
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) Germaine Greer

Answer ⇒ C

23. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a —

(A) Negro
(B) German
(C) French
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ A

24. Nobel Prize for Peace was given to Martin Luther King, Jr. in –

(A) 1963
(B) 1964
(C) 1965
(D) 1966

Answer ⇒ B

25. Nigroes are the former … … of America.

(A) farmers
(B) traders
(C) slaves
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ C

26……….. is a desert state of the USA.

(A) Mississippi
(B) Alabama
(C) Georgia
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ A

27. Martin Luther King, Jr. had………… children.

(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four

Answer ⇒ D

28…, advocates non-violent struggle.

(A) Pearl S. Buck
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) Shiga Naoya

Answer ⇒ C

29. Martin Luther King, Jr. loves the white-

(A) African
(B) Asian
(C) European
(D) American

Answer ⇒ D

30. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a –

(A) artist
(B) civil right activists
(C) scientist
(D) philosopher

Answer ⇒ B

31. Martin Luther King, Jr, delivered his speech in Washington DC on August –

(A) 25, 1963
(B) 28, 1963
(C) 12, 1964
(D) 28, 1965

Answer ⇒ B

32. Martin Luther King, Jr. dislikes ……… discrimination.

(A) caste
(B) sex
(C) religion
(D) racial

Answer ⇒ D

33. ‘I Have a Dream’ is a speech delivered by –

(A) Germaine Greer
(B) Shiga Nadya
(C) H.E. Bates
(D) Martin Luther King, Jr.

Answer ⇒ D

34. The bank of justice’is —

(A) Bankrupt
(B) highway
(C) staggered
(D) struggled

Answer ⇒ A

35. ………….. has given the Negro people a bad cheque which has come back marked in sufficient fund!

(A) Europe
(B) Highway
(C) America
(D) Mexico

Answer ⇒ C

⇒ I Have a Dream  (Subjective Question )

B.1.1 Complete the following sentences on the basis of the lesson :  

(a) It came as a joyous daybreak to end ................

(b) Negro is still sadly crippled by the ......... 
(c) America has given the Negro people a bad cheque which has come .........
(d) Negro is grated his ..........
(e) we must forever conduct our struggle on ............

Ans : (a) the long night of captivity .
           (b) manacles of segregation and chains of discrimination . 
           (c) back marked insufficient funds 
           (d) citizenship rights. 
           (e) The high plane of dignity and discipline . 

B.1.2 Read the following sentences and write "T" for true and "F" for false statements : 

(a) The hopes of the Negro population were fulfilled by the signing of the emancipation Proclamation . 

(b) The Condition of the Negroes was appalling. 
(c) Te bank of Justice is bankrupt. 
(d) The author prefers racial discrimination. 
(e) The nation could overlook Negro problems. 
(f) The Neggroes of America had citizenship rights. 
(g) The author hates the write American . 
(h) He advocates non-violent struggle . 

Ans - (a) T (b)  T (c) T  (d) F (e) F  (f) F  (g) T (h) T 

B.2 Answer the  following question briefly :  

Q.1 What is author trying to achieve through his speech ? 

Ans -  The author is trying to achieve the support of the listeners in the freedom struggle for Negroes by his speech. He also wants to attract the listener toward the piteous condition of the Negroes.

Q2. Do you think Martin Luther is a great orator ? What , according to you, are qualities of a great orator ? What does Martin Luther urge his people to do ? 

Ans - Yes, I think Martin Luther King is a great orator . I think a great orator is a speaker who helds up the excitement of listener and influences the mind of listeners. A great orator has the quality of impacting listeners heart about the topic. Martin Luther urged his people to fight for the freedom and rights and justice of the Negroes. 

Q3. What is their pledge ?  

Ans - Their trials and tribulations author talks are the hardship and torments people had to suffer when they raise their voice against the injustice and discrimination . 

Q4. What are the trials and tribulation the author talks about ? 

Ans - Their pledge is to march ahead and never to turn back . They are not satisfied until they get their rights and till they will march for the freedom and justice and go ahead. 

B.3 Answer The following questions briefly ?  

Q1. This is our hope (Paragraph 19 ) what is the hope ?  

Ans - The hope is  the dream of every valley being exalted, every mountain and hill low, the rough paces being plain , the crooked places made straight and the hope that the glory of God be seen by all fleshes alike. The hope is dream which author sees and he is sure it will come true. The hope is the expectation of the  dream coming true ( of the author )

Q2. If America is to become a great nation , what must become true ?  

Ans - If America has to become a great nation , it should not overlook the prohibit racial discrimination and work for the welfare of Negroes, the natives of America. 

Q3. Why and when will they thanks the Almighty ?  

Ans - They will thank almighty the freedom rings in every , state and city, village and town every where . They will thank him,because , with his mercy at last the blacks will be free and all could live with same rights and freshness . 

Q4. What was the momentous decree ? What did it do ? 

Ans - Millions of Negro has been scared in the flames of withering injustice. Five crore year ago a great American announced to the Negro free from captivity. This was a momentous decree hundred year later they faced the same tragic problem of slavers. One hundred year later the life of the Negro was still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains o discrimination.  

Q5. Which 'check ' do they have to cash ? What does 'insufficient funds ' indicate ? Explain

Ans - They have to cash a check that will give them upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. 
Instead of honoring. America has given the Negro people a bad check which has come back marked insufficient funds because the  bank of justice is bankrupt. There are insufficient funds in the great vaunts of opportunity of the nation . So the check is of insufficient funds.  

Q6. What would be fatal for nation. why ? Explain. 

Ans - It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to under-estimate the determination of the Negro. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigoration autumn of freedom and equality. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rade awakening of the nation return to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. So it would be fatal for the nation. 

Q7. What does Martin Luther urge his people to do ? How should it be conducted ?  

Ans - Martin Luther wants to say something to his people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the place of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our this for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. 
It should be conducted forever struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. It must not allow creative protest to degenerate into physical violence . 
Again and again it must be risen to the majestic heights of meeting physical forces with soul force. The destiny of the white is tied up with the destiny of the Negro and the one's freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of another. And both the White and the Negro can not walk alone.  

Q8. What is their pledge ? When will they be satisfied ?  

Ans - As they walk, they the pledge that they shall always marh ahead. They can not turn back . 
The will be satisfied till justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream . 

Q9- What is the tragic fact that Martin Luther mentions | Why is it so tragic  ? 

Ans - Martin Luther mentions the tragic condition of the Negro. Some of them come there out of great trials and tribulations. Some of them have come fresh from narrow cells. Some of the have come from areas where their quest for freedom left them battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by they are in difficulties. In the valley of despair they become frustrate because they are not given justice and fundamental rights. 

Q10. What was his dream ? Elaborate. 

Ans - Martin Luther had a dream that one day his nation would rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. He said to consider the truth that all men are created equal. He had a dream that the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slavewoners of the red hill of Georgia would be able to sit down together in a table of brotherhood. One day the sate of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice would be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. He had dream that one day his four children would be the girls and boys of the Black would walk together with the boys and girls of the white skin like bothers and sisters. 

Q11 . What is his hope ?  

Ans - His hope is to transform the jangling discords of his nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith the people will be able to work together  , to struggle together , to go to jail together , to stand up for freedom together ,knowing that they will be free one day . 

Q12. If America is to become a great nation they what ' must become true ' according to Martin Luther King Jr ? Elaborate. 

Ans -  If America is to become a great nation the bell of freedom will be rung from the prodigious hilltops of New York Hampshire. Freedom will be rung from the mighty mountains of New York. Freedom will be rung from Colorado, California , Stone Mountain of Georgia, Mountain of Tennessee, 

Q13. Why Will they thank the Almighty ?  

Ans - After freedom the racial distinction between the white and Black will be abolished. All the Americans will breath free air . For this they will thank  Almighty . 

C.1 Long Answer Type Questions  

Q1. 'The life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. Elaborate. 

Ans - It has the clear meaning that the life of Negro is still like that of a disabled person because if is captivated with the handcuffs of separation ( on basis of race ) and the fetters of discrimination . The Negroes are thought to be inferior to the whites and so are not given the proper rights of a citizen but are tormented everywhere  . In such circumstances, Negroes are like a disabled person who cannot do anything on and for its own. they are racially discriminated everywhere and are still fettered. They are tribulated, tortured discriminated everywhere and are still fettered. They are tribulated, tortured and tormented. They are not given the right to vote, they are not allowed to go to public places and are cut off from the society as if they are not humans. This in human act done with them has crippled their life.  

Q2. What would be fatal for nation. Why ? Explain. 

Ans - It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the Negro . It would be so because the sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will and pass until there is an invigoration autumn of freedom. Negro is granted his citizenship rights and they will begin a revolt for their rights and justice. The whirlwinds of this revolt will continue to share the foundations of nation until the bright day of justice emerges and if the nation doesn't even understand then and do something for Negroes this revolt. will take a furious form and that could be seriously fatal and injurious for the nation. 

Q3. What was the dream ? How many times ' I have a dream ' appears in lesson ? Discuss the importance of this repetition ? 

Ans- The 'dream ' is that some day the racial dissemination would some to an end, the son of slaves and owners will share the same table of fraternity, Mississippi state will calm down with justice and freedom, his children will never have to suffer racial discrimination, Albama has black and white children together hands in hands. 'I have a dream ' phrase is repeated Nine times in the chapter. The importance of the repetition is that the writer wants to draw the attention of people towards the dream because it is the dream after which they have to start the revolt, and to see the dream come true, they have to fight against the brutality of the government. This repetition is done to signify its meaning. 

Q4. What is the pledge ? When will it be fulfilled ? 

Ans - The pledge is to always march ahead on the path of freedom and never to turn back but to move ahead with chest puffed. It will be fulfilled when the Negroes get their rights and freedom. They get justice and are not tortured , tormented, segregated discriminated and separated from rest of the society. It will be fulfilled when Negros are free form he clutches of slavery and are given  citizenship rights.  

Q5. Do you have a dream for your state ? Narrate your dream in your own words. 

Ans I have a dream that my state is a clean and tidy state where all the people are employed. Ali children go to school. A ll the people are literate. The road are plain without holes and ditches in them . Stray animals do not roam here and there around the city. The city is green and spotlessly clean. Every body follows traffic rules. The government rules justly. there is no discrimination on the basis of race, color, caste, creed etc. Noe of the officials are corrupt. Everybody has the same rights to give vote or to elect their own representative. Everybody gets proper food clothes and shelter. Justice, non violence and truth pervades every where . 

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