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Class 12th English 100 Marks “A Child is Born ” Summary , OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE 2022 By Raj singh classes


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Class 12th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

A Child is Born - Author 

GERMAINE GREER (b.1939), Born and educated in Australia , is a famous feminist writer. In her well known words The Female Eunuch (1970), Sex and Destiny : The Politics of Human Fertility (1984) and The Change (1991) , she explores the social and cultural aspects of life of women. She believe that socio-cultural practices are designed to suit male intrest ; at the same time they further subjugate women. The present piece 'A Child is Born ' is an extract form her book Sex and Destiny : The Politics of Human Fertility . It explore the cultural peculiarities of the East and the West regarding child-birth and parent - child relationship.

A Child is Born - Author  in Hindi 

जर्मेन ग्रीर (b.1939), ऑस्ट्रेलिया में जन्मी और शिक्षित हुई, एक प्रसिद्ध नारीवादी लेखिका हैं। अपने प्रसिद्ध शब्दों द फीमेल यूनुच (1970), सेक्स एंड डेस्टिनी: द पॉलिटिक्स ऑफ ह्यूमन फर्टिलिटी (1984) और द चेंज (1991) में, वह महिलाओं के जीवन के सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक पहलुओं की पड़ताल करती हैं। उनका मानना ​​है कि सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक प्रथाओं को पुरुश हितों के अनुरूप बनाया गया है; साथ ही वे महिलाओं को और अधिक अपने अधीन कर लेते हैं। वर्तमान कृति 'ए चाइल्ड इज बॉर्न' उनकी पुस्तक सेक्स एंड डेस्टिनी: द पॉलिटिक्स ऑफ ह्यूमन फर्टिलिटी का एक उद्धरण है। यह बच्चे के जन्म और माता-पिता-बाल संबंधों के संबंध में पूर्व और पश्चिम की सांस्कृतिक विशिष्टताओं का पता लगाता है। 

A Child is Born - Summary

A Child is Born is an informative essay about the birth of a child, written by Germain Greer. A Child is born in many societies woman still go forth form their mother 's houses and marry with a bride to live with a mother - in - law and their husband , brothers. It is truism of anthropology that such women do not become members of their family until they have born a child. If a girl is lucky and her parents are alive , she goes to her mother's house for the last months of her pregnancy and about the first three month of the baby's life. When the baby is born it is an occasion of joy for the whole family . 
The naming ceremony is lovely. It is held when the boy is seven days old. A new dress is brought for it and a new sari for the mother. there is feasting and singing until late at night. The woman and girls gather and sing songs. Garlands of turmeric and garlic are worn to ward off evil spirits , that is when the name is chosen . The ceremony is held for the birth of a boy or girl. Of course it is considered better to have a boy , but the birth of a girl is celebrated with the same joy  by the women in the family. We sit together eating and singing . some of us might be young unmarried girls, others aged ladies of forty or fifty . there are so many jokes, so much laughter . 

A Child is Born - Summary in Hindi 

सारांश: इस कहानी की लेखिका ने हमारा ध्यान बच्चे के जन्म के प्रति आकर्शित किया है । समाज में एक बच्चे का जन्म खुशीयों को संकेत करता है । जन्म के साथ कई भ्रातियाँ होती है । एक औरत जो माँ बनने वाली होती है उसे बहुत से लोगों का सहयोग प्यार और सलाह मिलता है । बच्चे का जन्म देने वाली औरत को समाज का पूरा सहयोग मिलता है जिसकी वजह से उसे मानसिक तनाव से बिल्कुल भी गुजरना नहीं पड़ता है । आज की औरत अपने सोच और विचार की मदद से अनचाहे मृत्यु को रोक पाती है । वो पुराने भ्रान्तियों से अपने आपको छुटकारा दिलाती है ताकि वो अपना और होने वाले बच्चे को बचा सके । पश्चिमी संस्कृति के असर को बहुत ही अच्छी तरह से देखा जा सकता है । लेखिका इस असर से बिल्कुल भी प्रभावित नहीं है  । एक बच्चे को जन्म देने का पश्चिमी तरीका ना सिर्फ महँगा है बल्कि हमारी संस्कृति से बिल्कुल अलग है । हर प्रदेश में बच्चे का स्वागत करना और त्योहार मनाने का अलग - अलग तरीका है ।  

A Child is Born - Objective Question 

[ 1 ] On the occasion musical programme is given by –

(A) the dance party
(B) by the male members of the family
(C) by the women and girls
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 2 ] The ceremony is held-

(A) only for boy
(B) only for girl
(C) for both
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 3 ] In Bangladesh children are looked after by the-

(A) father only
(B) mother only
(C) whole family
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 4 ] Who has written ‘A Child is Born!?

(A) B.Russell
(B) S. Naoya
(C) G. Greer.
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 5 ] During pregnancy the best place for the woman is-

(A) hotel Sudade
(B) in-laws-family
(C) her mother’s house
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 6 ] During pregnancy a woman prefers her mother’s house because-

(A) she gets proper care there
(B) she is neglected
(C) she feels freedom there
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 7 ] When baby is born, it is an occasion of joy for-

(A) the mother
(B) father
(C) strange
(D) the whole family

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 8 ] The naming ceremony is –

(A) bad
(B) lovely
(c) strange
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 9 ] The naming ceremony is held when the baby is-

(A) seven days old
(B) five days old
(C) the days old
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

A child is born ka question answer

[ 10 ] New clothes are brought for –

(A) the baby
(B) the mother
(C) both
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 11 ] In traditional births infant and mother mortality is-

(A) lesser
(B) greater
(C) negligible
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 12 ] In traditional society a pregnant woman is primarily supported by –

(A) husband
(B) kinsfolk
(C) other members of society
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 13 ] In traditional society a woman lose her own name and is known as the mother of her first born child, but the West regards it is –

(A) good
(B) beneficial
(C) outrageous
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 14 ] Germaine Greer was born in –

(A) 1919
(B) 1929
(C) 1939
(D) 1949

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 15 ] Germaine Greer was educated in-

(A) Germany
(B) Australia
(C) U.S.A.
(D) England

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 16 ] Traditional method of child-birth is accepted –

(A) fearfully
(B) dengerously
(C)culturally and collectively
(D)None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 17 ] Germaine Greer has written the lesson –

(A) A Marriage Proposel
(B) A Child is Born
(C) The Earth
(D) The Artist

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 18 ] A …………. woman has to observe various taboos, rituals and customs.

(A) Ugly
(B) Wicked
(C) Pregnant
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 19 ] Germaine Greer is an ………….. … writer.

(A) Indian
(B) American
(C) British
(D) Australian

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 20 ] Germaine Greer is a famous ………..Writer.

(A) scientific
(B) feminist
(C) educational
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 21 ] In Bangladesh Rupthoka is a kind of —

(A) bread
(B) sweet dish
(C) fairy tales
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 22 ] Generally a pregnant woman is sent to her ……….. home for childbirth.

(A) parents
(B) relative
(C) doctor
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

A child is born objective question 2021 

[ 23 ] In the ………… the husband wife due enjoy more freedom and individuality.

(A) North
(B) South
(C) East
(D) West

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 24 ] …………. woman visit her mother’s house during pregnancy.

(A) An African
(B) An Indian
(C) A canadian
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 25 ] In …………. children under the age of five or six are looked after by the whole family.

(A) India
(B) Bangladesh
(C) China
(D) Russia

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 26 ] Sylheti woman and her child are given new dress on the day of the birth.

(A) 5th
(B) 6th
(C) 7th
(D) 8th

 Answer ⇒  C

A Child is Born - Short Question 

Answer the following question briefly : 

Q1- How are they ways of managing child birth in traditional societies useful ? 

Ans - The ways of managing childbirth in traditional societies are many and varied , their usefulness stem the fact that they are accepted culturally and collectively . so that the mother does not have the mother does not have the psychic burden of reinventing the procedures. 

Q2- A pregnant woman in a traditional society does not feel that she is alone. Why ?

Preganant woman in a traditional society does not feel herself alone as she does not have the pasychic burden of reniveniting the procedures. Even though the potential catastrophes are alive in memory of her community and the index of anxiety high, a right approach to pregnancy which hem s the pregnant woman with taboos and prohibitions which hems the pregnant woman with taboos and prohibitions which help make the anxiety manageable. She can keep everything at bay . 

Q3- What is the superstition associated with acquiring new clothes and instruments for baby before the birth ? 
Ans - The superstition associated with acquiring new clothes and instruments for baby before the birth is that it brings bad luck to the child and the family 

Q4- In our anxiety to avoid death we may have destroyed the significance of the experience ... ' What is the experience ' the writer refers to ? 
Ans - the experience in the above line refers to the death caused to the pregnant women while giving birth to their child . 

Q5- What is the truism of anthropologies' that the writer talks about ? 

Ans -  The truism of anthropology ' is that some women still go forth from their mother's houses to her husbands to her husbands house to live with a mother in - law and the wives of husband's brothers and such women do not become members of heir new family until they have born a child . 

Q6- what is compels women to withdraw into silent opposition in international fora ? 

Ans - It is so because they were tired of being told about their own lives instead of being consulted . 

Q7- Why had Sudames women officials stopped going to international conferences ?  

Ans - It so because they were tired of being told about their own lives instead of being consulted. 

A Child is Born - Long Question 

Q.1 - What is the role of rituals in managing childbirth in traditional societies ? 

Ans - The ways of managing childbirth in traditional societies are many and varied , their usefulness stems directly from the fact that they are accepted culturally and collectively so that the mother does not have the psychic burden of reinventing the procedures, even through the potential catastrophes are alive in the memory of her community and the index of anxiety , a ritual approach to pregnancy which hems the pregnant woman about with taboos and prohibitions helps make the anxiety manageable. A woman who observes all the prohibitions and carries out all the rites will be actively involved in holding the unknown at bay. She will have other reinforcements. For many of the ritual observances of pregnancy involve the participation of other who should support her , primarily her husband, then her kinfolk and then the other members of the community. Some suggestions are truly positive and helpful. 

Q2. Experience of childbirth is very significant. But modfn technology has deprived the poetential mother of this significant experience . How ? 

Ans - The fear related with the child birth makes it insignificant. Clearly infant's and mother's mortality is greater in traditional births, but in our anxiety to avoid death we may have destroyed the significance of the experience for the vast majority who live. No one would deny that each infant and particularly every maternal death is a tragedy to be prevented if at all possible , nor that modern obstetric care , which has developed in hospital  scatting, has been at least partly responsible for the dramatic decease in both maternal and prenatal mortality at any price when this includes giving up things which free human being have often felt to be more important than their own survival such as freedom to live their own lives theri own way and to make individual choices in line with their own sense of values.

Q3. Describe the western interpretation of a bride's longing for a child in a traditional society ? 

Ans - All technological change cause social problems. The impact of western medicine in traditional societies is one of the most problematic areas of modernization, the prestige of the white - coasts is enormous, the respect for their miraculous hypodermics total. The pressure of expectation makes for aggressive and dramatic procedures even when the health status of the patients is too poor to withstand them. Allophathic doctors in peasant communities are dependent upon expensive drugs, sparkling equipment and lots of electricity most of which they have not got in sufficient quantity. Where foreign aid has established that temples of our religion, the hospital , it must make a ritual display of its power with horrible results. 

Q4. How do languages come in the way of a better understanding of the women's problems ? 

Ans - The delivery ward was full of groaning , whirling women the majority laboring alone, oxytocin drips and pump were in widespread use. This was he meeting - place of the old Africa and the new technology of the west. Pools of blood lay on the floor like sacrificial - out pourings, and Bantu nurses were happy to leave them there as a witness of the blessings of the earth, while they busied themselves with technologically sophisticated modern equipment and ignored the laboring women as for as for as possible.

Q5. What is the reward of pregnancy for a young sylheti women ? 

Ans - All the time she is looked after. The whole matter of pregnancy is one of celebration. when the baby is born it is an occasion of joy for the whole family . he naming ceremony is lovely . 

Q6. Does the writer want to say that the use of western medicine in childbirth is producing horrible result? Do you agree with her views ? 

Ans - All technological changes cause social problems. the impact of western medicine in transnational societies is one of the most problematic area of modernization. The prestige of the white coats is enormous the respect  for their miraculous hypodermics total . the pressure of expectation makes for aggressive and dramatic procedures even when the health status to the patients is too poor to withstand them. Allopathic doctors in peasant communities are dependent upon expensive drugs , sparkling equipment and lots of electricity most of which they have not got in sufficient quantity . Yes I agree with her views . 

Q7. What could be the worse fates than death for a pregnant woman ? 

Ans - In fact peasant communities are more levelheaded and skeptical of us and our methods than we realise and they have resisted the intrusion of our chromium plated technology more successfully than we like to think . They know that death attends too frequently in the traditional birthplace. but they also know that there are worse fates than death.

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