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Class 12th English 100 Marks “INDIAN CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE” OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE 2022 By Raj singh classes

 Class 12th English 100 Marks “INDIAN CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE” OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE 2022 By  Raj singh classes 

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    - Mohatma Gandhi  ( 1869 -1948 ) 

THE AUTHER – Mohan Das Karmanchand Gandhi Popularly known as Bapu or the “Father of the Nation” was born in Gujarat in the year 1869. He was more a spiritual leader than a political . He successfully used truth and non violence as the chief weapons against the British rule in Indian and helped Indian gain independent. From 1915 till 1948, he completely dominated India politics. He died at the hands of a fanatic on 30 January 1948. His autobiography, “My Experience with Truth and the numerous articles that he wrote for “ Young India “ and the speeches that he delivered on different occasions reveal him not only as an original thinker but also as a great master of chaste, idiomatic English. Gandhiji talks abent  the sound foundation of Indian civilization which has successfully withstood the passage of time in the extract, “ Indian civilization and culture .

(hindi Meaning - मोहन दास कर्मचंद गांधी लोकप्रिय रूप से बापू या "राष्ट्रपिता" के रूप में जाने जाते हैं, उनका जन्म वर्ष 1869 में गुजरात में हुआ था। वह एक राजनीतिक से अधिक आध्यात्मिक नेता थे। उन्होंने भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन के खिलाफ सत्य और अहिंसा को मुख्य हथियार के रूप में सफलतापूर्वक इस्तेमाल किया और भारतीय को स्वतंत्र होने में मदद की। 1915 से 1948 तक वे पूरी तरह से भारतीय राजनीति पर हावी रहे। 30 जनवरी 1948 को एक कट्टरपंथी के हाथों उनकी मृत्यु हो गई। उनकी आत्मकथा, "माई एक्सपीरियंस विद ट्रुथ और उनके द्वारा "यंग इंडिया" के लिए लिखे गए कई लेख और उनके द्वारा विभिन्न अवसरों पर दिए गए भाषण उन्हें न केवल एक मूल विचारक के रूप में प्रकट करते हैं। लेकिन पवित्र, मुहावरेदार अंग्रेजी के एक महान गुरु के रूप में भी। गांधीजी भारतीय सभ्यता के उस ठोस आधार की बात करते हैं, जिसने "भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति" के उद्धरण में समय बीतने का सफलतापूर्वक सामना किया है। )

                                                         SUMMARY OF THE PROSE 

Mahatma Gandhi has beautifully narrated the sound foundation of Indian Civilization in this essay. He has compared our ancient civilization with the western civilization. He says that the Indian civilization elevate the moral being whereas the western civilization is to propagate immorality. 

Mahatma Gandhi in his essay " Indian Civilization and culture " has described the importance of Indian civilization and Culture " has described the importance of Indian civilization. The sound foundation of Indian civilization has successfully withstood the passage of time. The western civilization which has the tendency to privilege immateriality cannot match the Indian civilization that elevates the moral  being. . 

The Indian civilization is unparallel and can not be beaten in the world. The seeds sown by our ancestors were deep-rooted and had developed miraculously in a bing tree with many of its branches spread over the heart of India. Rome, Greece and many other centers of ancient civilization were diminished or no longer exist in their former glory. Japan has become westernized and China has also shifted from its past culture. Civilization points our to man the path of duty, performance of duty and observance of morality are exchangeable . 

It is a charge against India that her people are uncivilized and they donot adopt any change. It is a change really against our merit. In the midst of such allegation India remains firm and immovable and that is her glory. Mind is a restless bird , is but a fact . The more it gets the more it wants and still remains us against luxuries and pleasure. For them , large cities are burden and trap. people would not be happy there, because there would be gangs of thieves, robbers, prostitutes and antisocial elements there. 

The Indian civilization elevate the moral being whereas the western civilization is to propagate immortality. The latter is godless, the former is based on a belief in God. The ancient civilization is an imperative restriction upon an indefinite multiplicity of human wants whereas the modern civilization is just the reverse.

Just as in the west, wonderful discoveries in things material have been made, similarly Hinduism has made still more marvelous discovers in things of religion, the spirit, and the soul. There is something in Hinduism that has kept alive up till now. It was witnessed the fall of so many civilization like Babylonia , Syria, Egypt and so on. 

Our Civilization , culture and swarm depend upon restricting wants and self-denial instead of multiplying our wants and  self indulgence. European. Civilization is suited for the European and will ruin us (India) if we copy it. Civilization in the real sense of the terms consists in the deliberate and voluntary restriction of wants not in the multiplication, as already mentioned. 

It is necessary to arrange our physical and cultural circumstances, so that they donot become obstacle in our service to humanity and all our energies should be concentrated to develop them. 

Hindi Meaning :- महात्मा गांधी ने इस निबंध में भारतीय सभ्यता की सुदृढ़ नींव को खूबसूरती से वर्णित किया है। उन्होंने हमारी प्राचीन सभ्यता की तुलना पश्चिमी सभ्यता से की है। उनका कहना है कि भारतीय सभ्यता नैतिकता का उत्थान करती है जबकि पश्चिमी सभ्यता अनैतिकता का प्रचार-प्रसार करती है।

महात्मा गांधी ने अपने निबंध "भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति" में भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति के महत्व का वर्णन किया है "भारतीय सभ्यता के महत्व का वर्णन किया है। भारतीय सभ्यता की सुदृढ़ नींव ने समय बीतने के साथ सफलतापूर्वक सामना किया है। पश्चिमी सभ्यता जिसमें प्रवृत्ति है विशेषाधिकार के लिए अभौतिकता भारतीय सभ्यता से मेल नहीं खा सकती है जो नैतिक अस्तित्व को ऊपर उठाती है।

भारतीय सभ्यता अद्वितीय है और इसे दुनिया में नहीं हराया जा सकता है। हमारे पूर्वजों द्वारा बोए गए बीजों की जड़ें गहरी थीं और भारत के दिल में फैली हुई इसकी कई शाखाओं के साथ एक बिंग पेड़ में चमत्कारिक रूप से विकसित हुए थे। रोम, ग्रीस और प्राचीन सभ्यता के कई अन्य केंद्र कम हो गए थे या अब उनके पूर्व गौरव में मौजूद नहीं हैं। जापान पश्चिमीकरण हो गया है और चीन भी अपनी पिछली संस्कृति से हट गया है। सभ्यता हमें मनुष्य को कर्तव्य का मार्ग बताती है, कर्तव्य का पालन और नैतिकता का पालन विनिमेय है।

यह भारत के खिलाफ आरोप है कि उसके लोग असभ्य हैं और वे किसी भी बदलाव को नहीं अपनाते हैं। यह वास्तव में हमारी योग्यता के विरुद्ध एक परिवर्तन है। इस तरह के आरोपों के बीच भारत दृढ़ और अचल रहता है और यही उसकी महिमा है। मन एक बेचैन पक्षी है, लेकिन एक सच्चाई है। यह जितना अधिक प्राप्त करता है उतना ही यह चाहता है और अभी भी हमें विलासिता और आनंद के विरुद्ध बना हुआ है। उनके लिए बड़े शहर बोझ और जाल हैं। वहाँ लोग खुश नहीं होंगे, क्योंकि वहाँ चोरों, लुटेरों, वेश्याओं और असामाजिक तत्वों के गिरोह होंगे।

भारतीय सभ्यता नैतिकता का उत्थान करती है जबकि पश्चिमी सभ्यता अमरता का प्रचार करती है। उत्तरार्द्ध ईश्वरविहीन है, पूर्व ईश्वर में विश्वास पर आधारित है। प्राचीन सभ्यता मानव आवश्यकताओं की अनिश्चित बहुलता पर एक अनिवार्य प्रतिबंध है जबकि आधुनिक सभ्यता इसके ठीक विपरीत है।

जिस प्रकार पश्चिम में भौतिक वस्तुओं की अद्भुत खोज हुई है, उसी प्रकार हिन्दू धर्म ने धर्म, आत्मा और आत्मा की चीजों में और भी अद्भुत खोज की है। हिंदू धर्म में कुछ ऐसा है जो अब तक जिंदा है। यह बेबीलोनिया, सीरिया, मिस्र आदि जैसी कई सभ्यताओं का पतन देखा गया था।

हमारी सभ्यता, संस्कृति और झुंड अपनी चाहतों और आत्म-भोग को बढ़ाने के बजाय चाहतों और आत्म-निषेध को सीमित करने पर निर्भर करते हैं। यूरोपीय। सभ्यता यूरोपीय लोगों के अनुकूल है और अगर हम इसकी नकल करेंगे तो हमें (भारत) बर्बाद कर देंगे। शब्दों के वास्तविक अर्थों में सभ्यता में जानबूझकर और स्वैच्छिक प्रतिबंध है जो गुणा में नहीं है, जैसा कि पहले ही उल्लेख किया गया है।

हमारी भौतिक और सांस्कृतिक परिस्थितियों को व्यवस्थित करना आवश्यक है, ताकि वे मानवता की हमारी सेवा में बाधा न बनें और उन्हें विकसित करने के लिए हमारी सारी ऊर्जा केंद्रित होनी चाहिए।

Indian Civilization And Culture Objective Question 

1. Mahatma Gandhi has written the lesson—

(A) I Have a Dream
(B) The Artist
(C) Indian Civilization and Culture
(D) The Earth

 Answer ⇒ C

2. Pharaohs were rulers were ancient—

(A) Russia
(B) Egypt
(C) India
(D) Greece

 Answer ⇒ B

3. ………….. were rulers of Egypt..

(A) Americans
(B) Africans
(C) Iranians
(D) Pharaohs

 Answer ⇒ D

4. Civilization is the state of development of a …..

(A) people
(B) animal
(C) bird
(D) non-living things

 Answer ⇒ A

5. Gibbon is associated with—

(A) Italy
(B) Sweden
(C) Russia
(D) America

 Answer ⇒ A

6. Europeon civilization will méan ….. for India. [18A, I.A.]

(A) want :
(B) living
(C) real
(D) ruin

 Answer ⇒ D

7. ‘Simple living and high thinking’ is the base of —

(A) American Civilization
(B) Indian Civilization
(C) European Civilization
(D) None of these Ans

 Answer ⇒ B

8. Indian glory is that it is—

(A) immovable
(B) movable
(C) uncivilised
(D) ignorant’

 Answer ⇒ A

9. ………….. Was a spiritual leader than a politician.

(A) Nehruji
(B) Sardar Patel
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Indira Gandhi

 Answer ⇒ C

10. ‘My Experiments with Truth’ was written by-..

(A) Nehruji
(B) Mahatma Gandhi,
(C) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(D) Sardar Patel

 Answer ⇒ B

11. The mind is a restless …………… the more it gets the more it wants.

(A) bird
(B) dog
(C) cow
(D) monkey

 Answer ⇒ A

12. The people of Europe learn their lesson from the writing of the man of ……

(A) Germany
(B) Britain
(c) Greece or Rome
(D) Spain

 Answer ⇒ C

13. “Plain living and high thinking’ is the motto of –

(A) Western philosopher
(B) Eastern philosopher
(C) North philosopher
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒ A

14. Sacrifice is the sole aim of our —

(A) Philosopher
(B) farmers
(C) righis
(D) scientists

 Answer ⇒ C

15 …….. is dead against blind imitation of western civilization.

(A) Nehruji
(B) Gandhiji
(C) Patel
(D) Ambedkar

 Answer ⇒ B

16…….were satisfied with small villages.

(A) Our ancestors
(B) Germans
(C) Romans
(D) Italians

 Answer ⇒ A

17. Has civilization taught us to be more … towards one another?

(A) enemy
(B) angry
(C) upset
(D) friendly

 Answer ⇒ B

18. Our ancestors injoyed ………….. Rule.

(A) Nice
(B) Society
(C) Home
(D) Nation

 Answer ⇒ C

19. Wealth and luxuries do not make a…… Happy.

(A) bird
(B) man
(C) cow
(D) dog

 Answer ⇒ B

20. Gandhi Ji went to Champaran in ….

(A) 1915
(B) 1916
(C) 1917
(D) 1918

 Answer ⇒ C

21. The people of Europe are inspired by. ……… and Roman writers.

(A) British
(B) Greek
(C) German
(D) Indian

 Answer ⇒ B

22. The invention of …………… proved a milestone in our development.

(A) fire
(B) agriculture
(C) carpentry
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒ A

23. He wrote different articles for —

(A) ‘The Hindu’
(B) ‘The Times of India’
(C) ‘The Blitze’
(D) ‘Young India’

 Answer ⇒ D

24. Civilization points out to man —

(A) how to make money
(B) how to win the enemy
(C) the path of duty
(D) the way of living

 Answer ⇒ C

25. To observe morality is to attain mastery over —

(A) economic growth
(B) political ability
(C) minds and passions
(D) art

 Answer ⇒ C

26. The mind is a restless bird which always remains —

(A) Hugry
(B) unsatisfied
(C) thirsty
(D) sick

 Answer ⇒ B

27. Happiness is largely a —

(A) mental condition
(B) physical condition
(C) disease
(D) imagination

 Answer ⇒ A

28. Mahatma Gandhi was more a —

(A) politician
(B) economist
(C) social reformer
(D) spititual leader

 Answer ⇒ D

29. He used as the chief weapons —

(A) swords
(B) nuclear weapons
(C) guns
(D) truth and non-violence

 Answer ⇒ D

30. Our ancestors dissuaded us from —

(A) politics
(B) luxuries and pleasure
(C) morality
(D) spirituality

 Answer ⇒ B

31. Poeple in ancient days were satisfied with —

(A) towns
(B) cities
(C) mega cities
(D) villages

 Answer ⇒ D

32. Our forefathers saw that kings and their swords were inferior to-

(A) the swords of ethics
(B) the swords of politics
(C) the swords of economics
(D) the swords of treachery

 Answer ⇒ A

33: In ancient days the common people followed —

(A) business
(B) agriculture
(C) industry
(D) politics

 Answer ⇒ B

34. Modern civilization is the worship of —

(A) material
(B) ethics
(C) brotherhood
(D) equality

 Answer ⇒ A

35. Indian Civilization and Culture’ has been written by —

(A) Pt. Nehru
(B) M. Gandhi
(C) Hussain
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒ B

36. In ancient days the common people enjoyed —

(A) courts rule
(B) slavery
(C) true home rule
(D) foreign rule

 Answer ⇒ C

Indian Civilization And Culture Subjective  Question :-

Short Question 

Question - 1 What do you Know about Gandhi ji ? 

Answer :- Gandhi ji was great political leader and social reformer . He used truth and non-vilence to drive the English rulers our of India. He helped India attain freedom. So , he called "The Father of the Nation" he was shot dead by a fanatic on 30 January, 1948

Question - What did Gandhi do for the farmers in Bihar ? 

Answer - Gandhi came from south Africa at the call of the Indian Farmers of Champaran , Bihar. The farmers were exploited by the English. Gandhiji fought against them and was his case in the court of law.The farmers got their freedom from tyrrany. 

Question - what do you understand by civilization and culture ?

Answer - civilization is beater mode of living , conduct and behaviour. It is an improvement over primitive and animal - like way of living. Culture is the finer aspects of a civilization. It includes art, architecture religion, belief, language philosophy, customs and traditions. 

Question - What do holy scripture tell us about universal human values ? 

Answer - Human values are suitbal for the whole of humanity. They do not belog to a particular nation, region or people. They are for all time . So, they are universal. Our holy scriptures lay great emphasis an these values. They do not differ on the values that serve the humanity . All religious and religious books tell us the same things about proper moral and spiritual behaviors. 

B. 1.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of what you have studied : 

(a) India's glory is that it ----------------

(b) The Charge against India is that .................

(c) We dare not change what ...............................

(d) Our ancestors set a limit to our indulgences because .........

(e) Our fore fathers did no in invent machinery because..........

Ans - (a)remains inmovable     (b)  her people are so uncivilized, ignorant and stolid 

          (c) we have tested and found true on the anvil of experience . 

          (d) the more we indulge in our passion , the more unbridled they become. 

          (e) they knew that if we set our hearts after such things, we would become slaves and                 lose our moral fiber. 

B. 1.2. Answer the following Questions briefly - 

Q1- How is Indian civilization different from European civilization . 

Ans - There is a basic difference between the Indian civilization and European civilization. The tendency of Indian civilization is to elevate the moral being where as the western civilization propagates immorality. 

Q2- Why does Gandhi say that "mind is a restless bird / " What makes the mind restless ? 

Ans - " Mind is a restless bird , because the more it the more it wants, and still remains unsatisfied. Our needs are unending. The more we indulge in our passions, the more unbridled they become. 

Q3- Why did our ancestors dissuade us from Lukaries  and pleasures ? Did they do the right thing ? Did they do the right thing ? 

Ans - Our ancestors observed that a man is not necessarily happy because he is rich or a man who is poor is unhappy. The rich are often seen to be unhappy and the poor to be happy . Observing all this our ancestors dissuaded us from Luxuries and pleasures. They were perfectly right in their observance and action.  

Q4- Why according to Gandhi have we stuck with the same kind of plugh as existed thousands of years ago ? Should we do the same thing even today ? 

Ans - According to Gandhiji we have managed with the same kind of plugh as existed thousands of years ago our fore father knew that it we set our hearts after such things, we would become lave. No , we cannot follow today the principles of development of science we shall Lag behind. More over now the population had gone very high. 

Q5- How id our ancestors view large cities? Why we they satisfied with small villages? 

Ans - Our ancestors saw that happiness was largely a mental condition. They viwwed that large cities were a trap and a useless burden. They further reasoned that people would not be happy in large cities and there would be gangs of thieves and robbers, prostitutes and wrong doers (evil persons) . That is why they were satisfied with small villages. 

Q6-How did our ancestors enjoy true " Home Rule " ? 

Ans - Our ancestors saw that kings all powerful, sovereign of the earth doctors, bu were all within bounds, vakils and vaids did not rob people. They were considered people's dependents not their  masters. They ordinary rule was to avoid courts, though justice was fair. There were no touts to tempt and misguide people lived independently and followed their agricultural occupation. Thus enjoyed true " Home Rule" . 

B.2 Answer the following questions briefly :  

Q1 What according to the author is mode civilizations ?

Ans - The modern civilization is the worship of the material according to the author. It is also the worship of brute in us. It is unadulterated materialism  . It has no existent if it does not think at every step of the trump of material civilization. As such he has advised us to keep away from it at all costs .

Q2- What did the author convery  to the country man about dealing with modern civilization ? 

Ans - The distinguishing characters of modern civilization. Which author is an indefinite multiplicity of human wants. Which the author observed the  author further stated the characteristic of ancient civilization which is an imperative restriction upon, human wants. It is also strict regulating of these wants. The modern or western discontentment arises from wants of living faith in a future state and therefore also in Divinity. The author warned against some of immediate and brilliant and brilliant or disastrous results of modern invention and advised to resist. He apprehends danger of bartering away (exchanging) the permanent good for a momentary pleasure. 

Q3- What is the distinguished characteristics of modern civilization ?

Ans - The distinguishing characteristics of modern civilization is an indefinite multiplicity of human wants. The modern or western state state of dissatisfaction arises really from want of living faith in a future state and therefore also in Divinity. 

Q4- The author perceived danger from modern inventions. How ? 

Ans - The author became aware of immediate and distinguished results of modern inventions. It has maddened to resist and nobody due to oppose it. According to him we are in danger of exchanging permanent good for a momentary pleasure. 

Q5- What does the author prefer to materialism ? 

ans - Author prefer development along spiritual lines rather than development along material and materialism The  modern people will have to perish under the weight of materialism so he prefers restricting his wants. 

Q6-  What does our civilization depend upon ? 

ans - Our civilization , our culture, our Swaraj depend not upon multiplying our wants self - indulgence , but upon restricting wants - self  - denial . 

Q7- What is civilization in the real sense of the term ?  

ans - Civilization in real sense of term, consists not i multiplication but in the deliberate and voluntary restriction of wants. This alone increases and promotes contentment , real happiness and capacity for service . 

C.1 Long Answer Type Question 

Q1- I BELIEVE that the civilization , India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world' What does Gandhi mean by this statement ? Do you subscribe this view ?

ans - Gandhi means by the given statement that the Indian civilization is peerless. The seed sown by our ancestors can not be equaled. The Indian civilization has seen the doom of civilization like the ancient Roman and ancient civilization which remains in her stupendous magnificence, Indian civilization is they only civilization is the only civilization in whole world which has not lost its glory or is not westernized. When we go somewhere else we only  here  about the civilization which once existed there but when it comes to India , we can proudly say that ancient India is still living. Yes, definitely I subscribe to his view and I am proud to be a part of this culture and civilization . 

Q2- We notice that the mind is a restless bird, the more it gets , the more it wants, and still remains unsatisfied. Pick out other metaphors used in this lesson. How do these metaphors help Gandhiji in persuading the readers? 

ans - some of the metaphors from the given lesson are: So understanding and believing, it behaves every lover of India to cling with old Indian civilization even as a child clings to the mother's breast , It may be that my reading is wrong , but I know that for India to run after the Golden Fleue is to court certain death. The metaphors helped Gandhiji in persuading readers as they make the language more attractive and simpler. They also clarify the significance of the topic. the comparison between two terms make the basic concept clear and makes the speech ardent. 

Q3- A man is not necessarily happy because he is rich or unhappy because he is poor? The rich are often seen to be unhappy the poor to be happy ; What according to Gandhi holds key to real happiness ? How does Gandhi define " happiness ? 

Ans - According to Gandhi , the key o real happiness lies in satisfaction. If we indulge in our passions , our desire gradually increase and even if fulfilled, there is a new craving which does not allows us to be happy and content . The rich people having luxuries desire for yet more comforts and often poor people not taking interest in luxuries and comfort bridles his passions and thus keeps himself content, satisfied and happy . So the key real happiness lies in  restriction of desires of our giddy mind and usage of hand and feet. Gandhi defines happiness as largely mental condition. Happiness is a stress less, joyful condition of mind.  

Q4- Why did our ancestors feel satisfied with small villages? Did they do the right thing ? Will it be wise today to follow our ancestors in this connection ? Give your own views. 

Ans - Our ancestors felt satisfied in small villages because they knew that large cities were a trap and a useless burden and that people would not be happy in them,  that poor men would be robbed by rich men. Yes, they obviously did the right thing to protect our ancient civilization. Yes, it would be wise to follow our ancestors even in this connection because we need to save our civilization. we should not run after trigling luxuries but we should follow the routes of our ancestors who found about the soul, the spirit and the religion. The west cannot give us real happiness because real happiness is not materialism but satisfactions. 

Q5- Discuss the negative features of western civilization ? 

ans - The negative features of western civilization are : this civilization is the worship of material the worship of brute in us--it is complete materialism. Secondly , the most distinguishing feature of this civilization is an indefinite and promotes dissociative people. This civilization instigates us t become slaves of luxuries and comforts. It has the ideal of creating an unlimited number f wants and satisfying them which is a delusion and a snare . 

Q6 -What is the essential difference between the India civilization and Western civilization ? How is our civilization superior to the Western civilization ? 

Ans - The essential difference between the Indian civilization and the Western civilization is that west promotes an indefinite multiplicity of human wants whereas Indian civilization keeps a strict command on our desires, also western civilization is complete materialism but Indian civilization depend on the worship of the supreme spirit. Our civilization is superior to that of western as our civilization elevates moral being and Western civilization promote dissipates. Western civilization has made wonderful discoveries in things of material but they hold no rank amongst the great and marvelous discoveries which our civilization has made of the spiritual and religious things.

Q7- A certain degree of physical harmony and comfort is necessary but above a certain level , it becomes a hindrance instead of help Elaborate .  

Ans - It is true that physical peace and comfort is compulsory for our body to remain healthy . Our body also needs rest and peace, but only up to a limit an extent. When we give our body more luxury and comfort than what it needs, it becomes habituated of it and asks for even more. This thing multiplies our desires into voluptuousness and thus become a hindrance, a breaker in our service of humanity . Instead of giving us energy and strength , the excess comfort disturb our mind .  

Rainbow - II  English  Book Class 12th Bihar Board 100 Marks Solution PDF Download 


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