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Class 12th English 100 Marks “BHARAT IS MY HOME” OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE 2022 By Raj singh classes

 Class 12th English 100 Marks “BHARAT IS MY HOME” OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE 2022 By  Raj singh classes 

  ⇒ PROSE 2 -  ( BHARAT IS MY HOME  ) 

          DR. ZAKIR  HUSAIN   ( 1897-1969 ) 

The Author :  Dr Zakir Husain was born in hyderabad in the year 1897. He was one of the greater freedom fighters as well as an environment as the governor of bihar . Bharat is My home is a an extract from his presidential speech given in 1967 after taking the woth as president. 


The extract  "Bharat is my Home " is taken from the speech of Dr. Zakir Husain. He delivered his speech in 1967 after taking the oath as President. In his speech Dr. Zakir Hussain pledge himself to the service of the totality of India's cultures. 

(उद्धरण "भारत मेरा घर है" डॉ जाकिर हुसैन के भाषण से लिया गया है। 1967 में राष्ट्रपति के रूप में शपथ लेने के बाद उन्होंने अपना भाषण दिया। अपने भाषण में डॉ. जाकिर हुसैन ने भारत की संस्कृतियों की समग्रता की सेवा करने का संकल्प लिया।)

In his speech he said that he assumed his office of the president in a spirit of humanity and total dedication. He would be abide by the constitution of India. He pledges to the service of absolute values. The author in his speech has given the importance of the growth of national culture and national character. According to him our past culture is not dead and static it is alive and dynamic. Our past culture is the base of developing the quality of our present and the prospects of our future. 

(अपने भाषण में उन्होंने कहा कि उन्होंने मानवता और पूर्ण समर्पण की भावना से राष्ट्रपति का पद ग्रहण किया। वह भारत के संविधान का पालन करेगा। वह पूर्ण मूल्यों की सेवा का वचन देता है। लेखक ने अपने भाषण में राष्ट्रीय संस्कृति और राष्ट्रीय चरित्र के विकास को महत्व दिया है। उनके अनुसार हमारी पिछली संस्कृति मृत और स्थिर नहीं है, यह जीवित और गतिशील है। हमारी पिछली संस्कृति हमारे वर्तमान की गुणवत्ता और हमारे भविष्य की संभावनाओं को विकसित करने का आधार है।)

Dr. Zakir Hussain in his speech pledge himself to the loyalty of our past culture. He also pledges his country. He promises to work for the welfare of its people without distinction of cast, colour and creed. He further He pledges to make his home . (Bharat ) strong and beautiful. The people will lead a prosperous and graceful life. 

(डॉ. जाकिर हुसैन ने अपने भाषण में हमारी पिछली संस्कृति की वफादारी के प्रति वचनबद्धता व्यक्त की। उन्होंने अपने देश की भी शपथ ली। वह जाति, रंग और पंथ के भेद के बिना अपने लोगों के कल्याण के लिए काम करने का वादा करता है। उन्होंने आगे अपना घर बनाने का संकल्प लिया। (भारत) मजबूत और सुंदर। लोग एक समृद्ध और सुंदर जीवन व्यतीत करेंगे। )

Since our family is big we will have to labor hard. Each of us shall have to participate in building new life of the nature says that the situation demands that we should work more and more. Our work should be silent, sincere, solid and steady. 

(चूंकि हमारा परिवार बड़ा है, इसलिए हमें कड़ी मेहनत करनी पड़ेगी। हम में से प्रत्येक को प्रकृति के नए जीवन के निर्माण में भाग लेना होगा, कहते हैं कि स्थिति की मांग है कि हमें अधिक से अधिक काम करना चाहिए। हमारा काम मौन, ईमानदार, ठोस और स्थिर होना चाहिए। )

According to the author there are two aspects of work-individual and social. A man should work for his personal requirements. A person should  be free to develop his personal, physical and moral values under strict discipline. But an individual can not grow in full perfection without the help of society. So, individual and society are co-related and interdependent. 

(लेखक के अनुसार कार्य के दो पहलू हैं-व्यक्तिगत और सामाजिक। मनुष्य को अपनी व्यक्तिगत आवश्यकताओं के लिए कार्य करना चाहिए। एक व्यक्ति को सख्त अनुशासन के तहत अपने व्यक्तिगत, शारीरिक और नैतिक मूल्यों को विकसित करने के लिए स्वतंत्र होना चाहिए। लेकिन एक व्यक्ति समाज की मदद के बिना पूर्ण पूर्णता में विकसित नहीं हो सकता है। इसलिए, व्यक्ति और समाज सह-संबंधित और अन्योन्याश्रित हैं। )

A last the author says that our state will no be just an organization of power, but a moral organisation. To Mahatma Gandhi, state power or individual power should be used only for moral purposes. The author promises to devote his time to the welfare of the people of Bharat.

(अंत में लेखक कहते हैं कि हमारा राज्य केवल सत्ता का संगठन नहीं होगा, बल्कि एक नैतिक संगठन होगा। महात्मा गांधी के लिए, राज्य शक्ति या व्यक्तिगत शक्ति का उपयोग केवल नैतिक उद्देश्यों के लिए किया जाना चाहिए। लेखक भारत के लोगों के कल्याण के लिए अपना समय समर्पित करने का वादा करता है। )

⇒ BHARAT IS MY HOME (Objective Question )

 1. The past is —

(A) dead and static
(B) alive and dynamic
(C) useless
(D) harmful

Answer ⇒ B 

2. The Indian culture is the best example of —

(A) unity
(B) diversity
(C) unity in diversity
(D) disparity

Answer ⇒ C

3. The word ‘erudition’ stands for —

(A) poverty
(B) great knowledge
(C) prosperity
(D) greed

Answer ⇒ B

4.When did Dr. Hussain deliver this speech ?

(A) On Independence day
(B) On Republic day
(C) When he took oath as the President
(D) On Army day

Answer ⇒ C

5. Dr. Zakir Hussain was born in —

(A) 1865
(B) 1877
(C) 1867
(D) 1897

Answer ⇒ D

6. Dr. Zakir Hussain died in —

(A) 1959
(B) 1969
(C) 1979
(D) 1989

Answer ⇒ B

7.Dr. Zakir Hussain was born in —

(A) Delhi
(B) Karnataka
(C) Chennai
(D) Hyderabad

Answer ⇒ D

8. Earlier he had served as –

(A) the Governor of Bihar .
(B) the Chief Minister of Punjab
(D)the Governor of West Bengal
(D) the Governor of Assam

Answer ⇒ A

9. Dr. Radhakrishnan explained exceptionally-

(A) Indian economics
(B) Indian philosophy
(C) Indian politics
(D) Indian civilization

Answer ⇒ B

10.Dr. Zakir Hussain entered the office with –

(B) total dedication
(C) enmity
(D) treachery

Answer ⇒ B

11. Dr. Zakir Hussain was long associated with—

(A) business
(B) education
(C) art
(D) game

Answer ⇒ B

12. The people had chosen him the head of the family for –

(A)two years
(B) a certain time
(C) for ever
(D) twenty years

Answer ⇒ B

13. As the president, Dr. Hussain advocated for the growth of-

(A) certain religions
(B) the whole nation
(C) the rich only
(D) the poor only

Answer ⇒ B

14. Power should be vsed only for —

(A) making money
(B) moral purpose
(C) own interest
(D) material gain

Answer ⇒ B

15. Dr. Zakir Hussain delivered his speech in …..

(A) 1965
(B) 1966
(C) 1967
(D) 1968

Answer ⇒ C

16. Dr. Zakir Hussain took the oath as the –

(A) president
(B) governor
(C) minister
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ A

17. ‘Bharat is My Home’ is written by -.

(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(C) Pearl S. Buck
(D) H.E. Bates

Answer ⇒ B

18. …………. was the role model of Dr. Zakir Hussain.

(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Sardar Patel
(C) Dr. Radha Krishnan
(D) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Answer ⇒ C

19. Dr. Zakir Hussain took the oath of loyalty to the ………….

(A) people
(B) constitution
(C) nation
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ B

20………. said that Bharat is my home and its people are my family.

(A) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(B) Dr. Radha Krishnan
(C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ A

21. Dr. Zakir Hussain was a great …………….

(A) politician
(B) thinker
(C) nationalist
(D) leader

Answer ⇒ C

22, Dr. Zakir Hussain delivered his in 1967 after taking the oath of the —

(A) President
(B) Governer
(C) Chief Minister
(D) Minister

Answer ⇒ A

23…………. is the prime instrument of nation building.

(A) Agriculture
(B) Education
(C) Trade
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ B

24. ………… brought a lot of erudition and wealth of Knowledge to the Presidensy.

(A) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(C) Gyani Zail Singh
(D) Dr. Radha Krishnan

Answer ⇒ D

25. Dr. Zakir Hussain feels greatly obliged to the people of —

(A) Pakistan
(B) India
(C) China
(D) Nepal

Answer ⇒ B

26. Dr. Zakir Hussain became the president of India in –

(A) 1965
(B) 1966
(C) 1967
(D) 1969

Answer ⇒ C

27. Dr. Zakir Hussain entered the office in a spirit of … humility,

(A) special
(B) prayful
(C) long
(D) new

Answer ⇒ B

28. Dr. Radhakrishnan never his faith in –

(A) man
(B) animal
(C) bird
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ A


⇒ BHARAT IS MY HOME (Subjective Question )

B .1.1 Complete the following sentences on the basis of the lesson : 

(a) Dr. Radhakrisnan never lost his faith in............................

(b) Dr. Radhakrishnan always championed ..............................

(c) Dr. Z akir Husain entered the office of the President in a sprit of ............................

(d) According to Dr. Zakir Husain, the value remains ............

(e) According to Dr. Zakir Husain, education is ..........................

Answer : 

(a) the essential humanity of man. 

(b) the right of all men to live in dignity and with justice. 

( c) prayerful humility and total education . 

(d) eternally valid. 

(e) Dr. Zakir Husain. 

Q.2 Read the following sentences and write "T" for True and "F" for false statements'' :- 

(i) I had just taken the oath the nationality ot the constitution of Indian. 

(ii) Dr. Zakir Husain was a great nationalist. 

(iii) The individual can grow in full perfection without a corresponding advance of the collective social existence. 

(iv) The past is dead and static. 

(v) We can neglect the end - product only at our peril. 

(vi) This dual effort wall vie to the life of our state a special flavour. 

Ans  (i) F    (ii) T   (iii)  F   (iv)  F   (v) T   (vi) T 

B.1.2 Answer the following questions briefly : 

Q1. What did Dr. Radhakrishnan bring to the Presidency? 

Ans - Dr. Radhakrishnan brought to the presidency a mental equipment, a degree of learning and wealth of experience rarely to be found anywhere . 

Q2. What oath did Dr. Zakir Husain take of ? 

ans- Dr. Zakir Husain took the oath as President. 

Q3. What is the business of education ? 

ans - The business of education should be the growth of national culture and national character.

Q4. What did Dr. Zakir Husain pledge himself to ? 

ans - Dr. Zakir Husain pleded himself to the loyalty of our past culture. He pledged himself to the service of totality to our country's culture. He pledged his loyalty to his country irrespective of religion or language. The whole Bharat is his home. So , he pledged to work for the welfare of the people  of the county.  

Q5- What does ' Work on one's self' mean? What is its end product? 

ans- Work on one's sefl means worked for individual. the word  on self is to follow the urge towards moral development as a free person and under selfmposed  discipline. Its end-product is a free moral personality. We should not our end-product. 

Q6- What shall we dedicate ourselves to ? 

Ans . We shall dedicate ourselves to work ofr the peace of the strong nation. According to Mahatma Gandhi power should be used only for moral purposes. 

Q7- When was Dr. Zakir Husain born ? 

Ans - Dr. Zakir Husain was born in 1897 . 

Q8. How long did Dr. Zakir Husain live ? 

ans - Dr. Zakir Husain lived for 72 years. He was born in 1897 and died in 1969 . 

Q9. On what occasion did Dr. Zakir Husain deliver this speech ? 

Ans - Dr. Zakir Husain delivered this speech in 1967 after taking the oath as president of India. 

Q10. Why does Dr. Zakir Husain call India "the young State of an ancient people" ? 

Ans - Dr. Zakir Husain called India " The Young State of an ancient people" It is so because our past is not dead and static. If is alive and dynamic. Our ancient culture is alive and we can make our future on the basis of our ancient peoples blessings. 

C.1. Long Answer Type Questions : \

Q1. "This work , as I see it , has two aspects'. What are the two aspects of works? Explain in your own words. 

Ans - The two aspects of work are (i) individual words and (ii) Social works. According to the author Individual work means work on one's self. This type of work is to follow the urge towards moral development as a free person and under self-imposed discipline. its end-product is a free moral personality. On the other hand, the social work is work for society around. The individual can not grow in full perfection without social help. So, we should get ourselves whole heartedly engaged in two aspect of work. 

Q2. What did Dr. Zakir Husain say about material and cultural life, individual and social development, giving a special flavor to India ? 

Ans- Dr. Zakir Husain in his speech, has said about material and cultural life, individual and social development in India. 

Material and cultural life : Regarding material life of our people, the author says that we should work more and more, our worked should be silent, sincere, solid and steady. Regarding our cultural life the author is sincere. He says that our cultural is alive and dynamic. Our past culture is inherited by our ancient sages right from Aadipurush, Mannu to St. Tulsidas. It is still alive and Progressing day by day. 

Individual and social development : Regarding individual and social development, Dr. Zakir Husain , says that both individual and social development of our country are co-related to each other. For individual development there are two types of work. One work for personal benefit both financial and moral. But for these two type of personal gains one must go to the society. The author says that the individual can not grow in full perfection without social help . 

Q3- Power should be used only for moral purpose Explain. 

Ans . Power plays a dominate role in human society. Power of a man power of society and power of sate are the main kinds of power. According to Mahatma Gandhi  power should be used any for moral purpose . If a strong man is engaged in work., there is peace regarding of power but a moral organisation. so , moral purpose of power is essential for all round development of the society. 

Q4- The past is not dead and static . How does Dr. Zakir Husain emphasis the significance of Part ?  

Ans - According to the author Dr. Zakir Husain there is a great significance of our pas history. To him , we should pledge our loyalty to our past culture. We should not mind from where our past culture came and who brought the culture . The important thing is that our past glory is of great value. Oru pas glory and culture is the base on which the growth of our national culture and national character depends. So, the author is right to say that  our past history is not dead and static. It is still alive and dynamic. Our prospect of future depends on the importance of part. 

Q5- What does Dr. Zakir Husain exhost us to do to build the new life of the nation ? 

Ans - The author in his speech her tried his best to advise us to labour hard to build the new life of the nation. to him, our family of the nation is big. We are continuously growing  very fast. We shall have to participate in building its new life. He advises the people of India not to sit idle. Our work for nation is hard  but we should not be discouraged. He says that the situation of the country demands of us work, work ad work more, silent and sincere work, solid and steady reconstruction of the whole material and cultural life of our  people. 

Q6- In what context does Dr. Zakir Husain say ''Bharat is my home' 

Ans - In his presidential speech Dr. Zakir Husain expresses his national feeling. He loves his nation. He says that he is devoted to the loyalty of our past culture. He also promises to work for the development of our ancient culture.He pledges himself to work for the strength of the nation and its progress and for the welfare of its people without distinction of caste, color and creed. He says that "The whole of Bharat is my home and its people are my family " . He is proud of being a citizen of Bharat , he says that it is the greatness of the people that they have chosen him to make him the head of this family. He pledges to make his home Bharat strong and beautiful. He would make the life of the people prosperous and graceful. Here , a strong feeling of nationality of the author is clearly expressed. Zakir Husain was a great nationalist. 

⇨  इन्हें भी देखे 

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