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Class 12th English 100 Marks “ A Marriage Proposal ” Summary , Objective | Subjective | Long | Question


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Class 12th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

A Marriage Proposal - Author 

A Marriage Proposal - Summary 

A Marriage Proposal is a short drama by Anton Checkhow, a Russian Writer. It is comedy which present characters who cause their own discomport . S.S. Choobookov was a land owner who had a 25 year old daughter named Natalia. Their neighbor was I.V. Lomov. Lomov once goes to Choobookov and talks about general matter and then comes to the fact that he had come there to ask for Natalia's hand for marriage. The father got happy and was not able to believe this he says that she also loved him. Lomov was now shaking to meet her. Out of anxiety he became dramatic. They meet and start talking in good tones . Lomov was gathering strength to propose her when suddenly a dispute regarding the ox Meadows cropped up between them. They both claimed for its ownership showed proofs for it. Both say to show related documents. The matter goes worst and there seemed no bridge between the two and then the father enters and joins this confusion. He also says that he was the real owner. Agian the discussion went harsher and harsher. 

Natalia even said to go to court and settle the matter there but it could not be settled . so peacefully Lomov goes. Both father says that he had come there to propose her and she feels sorry that she has talked so roughly with him. Again she calls him and tries to compensate her faults. She accepts all what he says. Things were coming to normal when once again he worsens the matter . Lomov falls as if he would die when she kisses him and accept the marriage proposal giving relief to Lomov. But as happens in every marriage life again they start with an argument that Guess is better or Leap . Both are their dogs . 

A Marriage Proposal - Summary  In Hindi 

A Marriage Proposal  एक रूसी लेखक एंटोन चेकहो द्वारा लिखी एक लघु नाटक है। यह कॉमेडी है जो ऐसे पात्रों को प्रस्तुत करती है जो अपनी खुद की बेचैनी का कारण बनते हैं। एसएस चूबूकोव एक जमीन के मालिक थे, जिनकी एक 25 साल की बेटी थी, जिसका नाम नतालिया था। उनके पड़ोसी थे I.V. लोमोव। लोमोव एक बार चूबूकोव के पास जाता है और सामान्य मामले के बारे में बात करता है और फिर इस तथ्य पर आता है कि वह वहां नतालिया से शादी के लिए हाथ मांगने आया था। पिता खुश हो गया और इस पर विश्वास नहीं कर पा रहा था, वह कहता है कि वह भी उससे प्यार करती थी। लोमोव अब उससे मिलने के लिए काँप रहा था। चिंता से वह नाटकीय हो गया। वे मिलते हैं और अच्छे स्वर में बात करने लगते हैं। लोमोव उसे प्रपोज करने के लिए ताकत जुटा रहा था कि अचानक उनके बीच बैल मीडोज को लेकर विवाद हो गया। दोनों ने इसके स्वामित्व का दावा किया और इसके लिए सबूत दिखाए। दोनों संबंधित दस्तावेज दिखाने की बात कहते हैं। बात बिगड़ती चली जाती है और लगता है दोनों के बीच कोई सेतु नहीं है और फिर पिता प्रवेश करते हैं और इस उलझन में शामिल हो जाते हैं। वह यह भी कहता है कि वह असली मालिक था। फिर चर्चा कठोर और कठोर हो गई।

नतालिया ने यहां तक ​​कहा कि कोर्ट में जाकर मामला वहीं सुलझाओ लेकिन बात नहीं बन पाई। लोमोव इतनी शांति से चला जाता है। दोनों पिता का कहना है कि वह वहां उसे प्रपोज करने आया था और उसे इस बात का अफ़सोस है कि उसने उसके साथ इतनी बदतमीजी की। फिर से वह उसे बुलाती है और अपने दोषों की भरपाई करने की कोशिश करती है। उसकी हर बात मान जाती है। हालात सामान्य होते जा रहे थे कि एक बार फिर उन्होंने मामला और बिगाड़ दिया। लोमोव गिर जाता है जैसे कि वह मर जाएगा जब वह उसे चूमेगी और लोमोव को राहत देते हुए शादी के प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार कर लेगी। लेकिन जैसा कि हर वैवाहिक जीवन में होता है, वे फिर से एक तर्क के साथ शुरू करते हैं कि गेस बेहतर है या छलांग। दोनों उनके कुत्ते हैं।

A Marriage Proposal - Objective Question 

[ 1 ] The name of Lomov’s dog is –

(A) Leap
(B) Guess
(C) Tomy
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 2 ] The peasants used the land for

(A) thirty years
(B) fifty years
(C) forty years
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 3 ] “I’II prove to you in court that they’remine”, said-

(A) Natalia
(B) Choobookov
(C) Lomov
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 4 ] A person who acquires land in any way possible is called

(A) impertinent
(B) land-grabber
(C) quibbler
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 5 ]  Lomov claims to have the memory of –

(A) a tiger
(B) a lion
(C) an elephant
(D) a fox

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 6 ] When Lomov came to Choobookoy, the latter –

(A) neglected him
(B) welcomed him
(C) abused him
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 7 ]  Natalia is –

(A) a shrew
(B) an insane
(C) a peace-loving
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 8 ] Lomov proposed Natalia –

(A) directly
(B) indirectly
C) hesitatingly
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 9 ] To come back to Natalia, Lomov-

(A) refused
(B) accepted
(C) hesitated
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

A marriage proposal question answer

[ 10 ] Anton Chekhov was born in-

(A) 1850
(B) 1870
(C) 1860
(D) 1880

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 11 ] Anton Chekhov died in-

(A) 1905
(B) 1904
(C) 1910
(D) 1912

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 12 ] Anton Chekhov was –

(A) an American
(B) an Indian
(C) a German
(D) a Russian

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 13 ] Lomov wanted to –

(A) kill Natalia
(B) marry Natalia
(C) cheat Natalia
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 14 ] To know Lomov’s desire, Mr. Choobookov became –

(A) happy
(B) angry
(C) sad
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 15 ] ‘A Marriage Proposal’ is written by-

(A) Shiga Naoya
(B) Bertrand Russell
(c) Anton Chekhov
(D) Pearl S. Buck

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 16 ] Anton Chekhov has written the lesson –

(A) A Child is Born
(B) A Marriage Proposal
(C) The Earth
(D) The Artist

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 17 ] Loinov’ was the …………… of Choobookov,

(A) enemy
(B) friend
(C) brother
(D) neighbour

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 18 ] ………….. is the daughter of Choobookov.

(A) Natalia
(B) Satalia
(C) Matalia
(D) Ratalia

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 19 ] Natalia’s dog is named :

(A) Weep
(B) Leap
(C) Neap
(D) Deap

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 20 ] Lomov is ……….. years old.

(A) 25
(B) 30
(C) 35
(D) 40

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 21 ] Lomov is a neighbour of –

(A) Monokov
(B) Runokov
(C) Choobookov
(D) Denukov

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 22 ] Lomov has come to ask for daughter……hand in marriage.

(A) Matalia’s
(B) Natalia’s
(C) Ratalia’s
(D) Satalia’s

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 23 ] ‘A Marriage Proposal’ is ………act play.

(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 24 ] …….. says that he is having a heart failure.

(A) Choobookov
(B) Lomov
(C) Natalia
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 25 ] Lomov’s dog has two defect he is old and his ……….. too short.

(A) teeth
(B) mouth
(C) muzzle
(D) legs

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 26 ] Lomov says that he will prove in the court that the ……..meadows belongs to him.

(A) goat
(B) cow
(C) buffalo
(D) ox

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 27 ] Lomov is a man of …………. temperament.

(A) caste
(B) sex
(C) religion
(D) racial

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 28 ] Anton Chekov began his carrer by writing –

(A) drama
(B) poetry
(C) comic sketches
(D) novels

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 29 ] Natalia and …………… are quarrelling for Ox Meadows.

(A) Romov
(B) Lomov
(C) Choobookov
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 30 ]  The ownership of ………… is disputed.

(A) Ox-Meadows
(B) Cow Meadows
(C) Bull Meadows
(D) Goat Meadows

 Answer ⇒  A

A Marriage Proposal - Subjective  Question 

B.1.1 Read the following sentences and write "T' for true and 'F' for false statements : 

(i) Lomov is  a neighbour of the Stepanovnas. 
(ii) He wore the morning coat to attend a party . 
(iii) Mr. Choobookov become angry to know Lomov's desires. 
(iv) Lomov is a man of nervous temperament .  
(v) Natalia is a quiet and peace loving lady. 
(vi) The ownership of ox-meadows is disputed . 

Ans - (i) T , (ii) T , (iii) F , (iv) T , (v) F (vi) T 

B.1.2 Answer the following questions briefly : 

Q1. How is Lomov greeted by Choobookov ? 

Ans - Choobookov feels very happy t see him. He greets him warmly and heartily. 

Q2. How does Choobookov react when he comes to know that Lomov wants to marry Natalia ? 

Ans - He was not able to believe that it was a fact. He was very happy and excited. 

Q3. Why does Lomov think that his is a critical age ? 

Ans - It is so because the society says so Moreover. he was of 35 and growing further old . 

Q4. Why does Lomov feel nervous before proposing to Natalia? 

Ans - It is so because he was afraid about her reaction to it and he didn't have the strength to propose her. 

Q5. Why is Natalia afraid that all her hay may rot ? 
Ans - It is so because the weather was not fine the last day . 

Q6. What according to her, is the worth of Ox- meadows and to whom ? 

Ans - The real worth is that it belongs to them. 

Q7. Who according to Lomov , had let the meadows and to whom ? 

Ans - Lomov's aunt's grandmother had let them to her paternal great grandfather's parents 

B.2.1 Read the following sentences and write "T" for true "F" for false statements : 

(i) Choobookov supports Lomov's claim over Ox- meadows. 
(ii) His peasants used the land for forty years. 
(iii) It is Natalia who threatens to take the mater to court . 
(iv) She does not use abusive language for Lomov . 
(v) She feels delighted to have behaved decently with Lomov . 

Ans - (i) F , (ii) T , (iii) T , (iv) F, (v) F 

B.2.2 Answer the following question briefly : 

Q1. What is Lomov's explanation of Ox-meadows becoming a disputed piece of land ? 

Ans - My aunt's grandmother lent the Ox-meadows to your grandfather's peasants for temporary use and free of charge. His peasants used the land for forty years and got in the habit of regarding it as their own . 
Q2. What does Choobookov say about Lomov's father and grandfather? 

Ans - He says that his grandfather drank like fish and father was gambler and he ate like a pig 

Q3. Why does lomov refer to the land settlement ? 

Ans - He did so to explain him that now he was the land owner . 

Q4. Why does he complain all the time of palpitation and veins throbbing ? 

Ans - He does so because he was suffering from that problem. 

Q5. Why does Natalia cry and weep to know that Lomov has come to propose to her ? 

Ans - It is so because she was also in love with him and she had treated him so badly . She was afraid that he had not changed him mind . 

 B.3.1 Read the following sentences and write "T" for true and ' F " for false statements : 

(i) Lomov refuses to come back to Natalia . 
(ii) the name of Lomov's dog is Leap 
(iii) Choobookov bought his dog for eighty five rubbies. 
(iv) According to Lomov , Leap is pug - jawed. 
(v) Lomov claims to have the memory of an elephant. 
(vi) Choobookov thinks that Lomov is prossessed by some demon of contradiction . 
(vii) Lomov faints when he realises that he will not succeed in marrying Natalia. 
(viii) Choobookov takes the lead to settle the marriage of his daughter with Lomov . 

Ans - (i) F, (ii) F , (iii) T , (iv) T , (v) F , (vi) T  , (Vii) F, (viii) T.

A Marriage Proposal - Long  Question 

Q1. On the basis of your reading of scene I , do you think that Lomov and Choobookov are cordial neighbor ? 

Ans - On the basis of reading of scene, I think that Lomov and Choobookov are cordial neighbors because for  a long time . Now since the childhood of Lomov, the Lomov has had honour of knowing Natalia's family his late aunt and her husband, whose estate chich belonges to the Lomov always held her father and her late mother in utmost esteem. The Lomov family and the Choobookov family have always maintained extremely friendly. The property borders at Lomov on the property borders of Natalia and also the Ox meadors run along Natalia's birch forest.  

Q2. Write a short note on the character of Lomov on the basis of his self - revelation in Scene II . 

Ans - Lomov is thirtyfive years old and he is in a critical age. He has got a heart condition , with pulpitations all the time. He has got an awful temp and he is always getting terribly wroust up. His lips are trumbling and his right eyeled is twitching. He can not sleep with place. When he tries to sleep something stubs him in his leftside and it cuts right through his shouleder straight into his head and he jumps like a lunatics, walk about a little, and then he lies down agian, but the movement he struls to doze off, he feels it in his side again and it keeps on and on for at least twenty times 

Q3. Are Lomov and Natalia really readly interested in laying claim to Ox-meadows ? 

Ans - Lomov and Natalia are really interested in laying claim that the Ox-medows was giving to Natalia's paternal great - grand father's peasants for an indefinite period and free of charge in term for their firing her brink but Natalia explains that the Ox-meadows is hers because the Ox-meadows has been in Authority of Natalia's family. So it is hers .

Q4. Do you think that Natalia was also interested in marrying Lomov ? What makes you think so ? 

Ans - Yes , I think that Natalia was also interested in marrying Lomov because whert the discussion about the Ox-meadows has been completed and Lomov returned back and the Natalia new that the Lomov came to offer a proposal of marriage so she became sad and said to her father for coming back of Lomov . So it proved that the Natalia was also interested in marriage with Lomov 

Q5. Despite his heated arguments with Lomov, Choobookov with last scene shows haste in finalizing the marriage. What could be the reason of his haste ? 

Ans - Despite heated arguments with Lomov and Choobookov in the last sene sows haste in finalising the marriage because Natalia is the load on the back of the Choobookov and Choobookov is in his last age and Lomov is a friendly landlord neighbor and he wants to marry Natalia and also Natalia want to marry him. So the release of the load. Choobookov being hot discussion wants to finalise the marriage of Natalia with Lomov . 

Q6. Do you think the title of the drama is suitable ? Give reasons in suport of your views . Suggest a different title for the drama? 

Ans - The Title of the drama " A Marriage Proposal " is suitable in my view because the drama starts with the proposal of marriage and also ends with the acceptance of the proposal. The drama revolves round the proposal of marriage . The Lomov is cured hearing that the Natalia accepts the proposal In my suggestion a different title of this drama can be " A friendly neighbor" 

Q7. Natalia and Lomov would be an ideal couple . Do you agree ? Give reasons . 

Ans - Natalia and Lomov would not be an ideal couple because there would be no mutual understanding in the drama - I have released that about any of the matter there would be hot talk tooking place insipte of mutual understanding . So for the ideal couple the mutual understanding and peaceful management is necessary . So in my opinion, they would not be an ideal couple . In the drama there would be hot talking place about the matter of Ox- meadows and the days leap and guess. They would have reflacted the main themes , that is the proposal of the marriage. So the result took place of the drama about marriage proposal that they would not be an ideal couple . 

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