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Class 12th English 100 Marks “How Free is the Press ” Summary , Objective Question


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Class 12th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

How Free is The Press - Author 

How Free is The Press - Summary

How free is the press is an essay written by Dorothy Leigh Sayers. She expresses her strong idea against the missuse of press. She wants that the freedom of press should be handled properly with an intention of the welfare of the humanity as whole. She says freedom of press is necessary for freedom of people but at war times such freedom is restricted . However after of outer source the press should clearly publish the fact related to government, politics, society, etc. 

Sometimes this freedom may be harmful. In Great Britain it is quite free and peaceful. It may become disastrous not be control on it but if left uncontrolled to manufacture public opinion. 

The editorial policy depends upon two factors. First the interest of the advertisers. Second, the wealth of the owner of the press. They don't write against their advertisers. They often come under the influence of the owner's life and surrounding. The Press believe that the public have no wit of their factors having almost no influence. Some examples as how they create sensations are through sensational headlines, Grabling i.e. through interviews , inaccurate reporting. of facts and plain reversal of facts. random and intentional invention, intentionally expressing about some achievement and flat suppression. 
To Get such falsehood is an exhausting experience for public . No books dare to go against press malfunctioning. Speeches may not get proper space. 
All these are the problems though may look small . Decent journalists do no like this poor state. But all rests on the common people . Are they ready to go against the wrong? Are they ready to do the needful? Are they ready to perform honestly and bravely? These are the factors which may effect ultimately .  

How Free is The Press - Summary In Hindi 

How frees is The Press  निबंध डोरोथी लेह सेयर्स द्वारा लिखित  है। वह प्रेस के दुरुपयोग के खिलाफ अपने मजबूत विचार व्यक्त करती हैं। वह चाहती हैं कि संपूर्ण मानवता के कल्याण के इरादे से प्रेस की स्वतंत्रता को ठीक से संभाला जाना चाहिए। वह कहती हैं कि लोगों की आजादी के लिए प्रेस की आजादी जरूरी है लेकिन युद्ध के समय ऐसी आजादी प्रतिबंधित है। हालाँकि, बाहरी स्रोत के बाद प्रेस को सरकार, राजनीति, समाज आदि से संबंधित तथ्यों को स्पष्ट रूप से प्रकाशित करना चाहिए।

कभी-कभी यह स्वतंत्रता हानिकारक हो सकती है। ग्रेट ब्रिटेन में यह काफी स्वतंत्र और शांतिपूर्ण है। यह विनाशकारी हो सकता है, इसे अगर  नियंत्रण न करें, लेकिन अगर इसे जनता की राय बनाने के लिए अनियंत्रित छोड़ दिया जाए।

संपादकीय नीति दो कारकों पर निर्भर करती है। सबसे पहले विज्ञापनदाताओं का हित। दूसरा, प्रेस के मालिक की संपत्ति। वे अपने विज्ञापनदाताओं के खिलाफ नहीं लिखते हैं। वे अक्सर मालिक के जीवन और आसपास के प्रभाव में आते हैं। प्रेस का मानना ​​​​है कि जनता को उनके कारकों के बारे में कोई जानकारी नहीं है जिनका लगभग कोई प्रभाव नहीं है। सनसनीखेज सुर्खियों के माध्यम से सनसनी पैदा करने के कुछ उदाहरण हैं, ग्रैबलिंग यानी साक्षात्कार के माध्यम से, गलत रिपोर्टिंग। तथ्यों का और तथ्यों का सादा उलट। यादृच्छिक और जानबूझकर आविष्कार, जानबूझकर कुछ उपलब्धि और फ्लैट दमन के बारे में व्यक्त करना।
इस तरह के झूठ को प्राप्त करना जनता के लिए एक थकाऊ अनुभव है। कोई भी किताब प्रेस की खराबी के खिलाफ जाने की हिम्मत नहीं करती। भाषणों को उचित स्थान नहीं मिल सकता है।
ये सभी समस्याएं हैं हालांकि छोटी लग सकती हैं। सभ्य पत्रकार इस गरीब राज्य को पसंद नहीं करते। लेकिन सब कुछ आम लोगों पर टिका है। क्या वे गलत के खिलाफ जाने के लिए तैयार हैं? क्या वे जरूरतमंदों को करने के लिए तैयार हैं? क्या वे ईमानदारी और बहादुरी से प्रदर्शन करने के लिए तैयार हैं? ये वे कारक हैं जो अंततः प्रभाव डाल सकते हैं।

How Free is The Press - Objective Question 

[ 1 ] The news in the newspapers is generally –

(A) to the point
(B) somewhat changed
(C) completely changed
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 2 ] Decent journalists and responsible editors are not pleased with present affairs –

(A) true
(B) not true
(C) cannot be said
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 3 ] The press enjoys the –

(A) boldness of public
(B) the helpnessness of the public
(C) idleness of the public
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 4 ] The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by –

(A) two chief factors
(B) three chief factors
(C) four cheif factors
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 5 ] No widely circulated newspaper daręs support a public policy due to vested interest of-

(A) the government
(B) editor
(C) reporter
(D) advertisers

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 6 ] A big circulation spells bankruptcy if the paper has to depend on –

(A) the sales
(B) advertisers
(C) salers
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 7 ] The policy of a newspaper is largely determined by—

(A) the government
(B) the public
(C) the proprietor
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 8 ] The auther has given the forms of misrepresentation,they are –

(A) five
(B) four
(C) seven
(D) six

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 9 ] Dorothy L.Sayers was born in –

(A) 1863
(B) 1873
(C) 1883
(D) 1893

 Answer ⇒  D

how free is the press question answer

[ 10 ] She died in –

(A) 1967
(B) 1957
(C) 1977
(D) 1987

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 11 ] She was educated at –

(A) Cambridge
(B) Oxford
(C) both
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 12 ] In democracy, the freedom of press is –

(A) not necessary
(B) necessary
(C) dangerous
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 13 ] Freedom of press is restricted during –

(A) peace
(B) war
(C) epidemic
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 14 ] The state is the –

(A) master of the people
(B) servant of the people
(C) exploiter of the people
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 15 ] The heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is-

(A) official
(B) unofficial
(C) both
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 16 ] ‘How free is the Press’ is written by –

(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Dorothy L. Sayers
(D) Dr Zakir Hussain

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 17 ] Dorathy L. Sayers has written the lesson –

(A) I Have a Dream
(B) How free is the Press
(C) The Earth
(D) A child is Born

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 18 ] Censorship is imposed during-

(A) election
(B) peaceful time
(C) emergency
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 19 ] casa……are careful not to antagonize the press.

(A) Doctors
(B) Traders
(C) Teachers
(D) Politicians

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 20 ] The ……………. is not the master but the servant of the people.

(A) State
(B) Government
(C) Village
(D) District

 Answer ⇒  A

how free is the press ka question answer

[ 21 ]  Afree and fair press is the true watch ……….. of democracy.

(A) cat
(B) bird
(C) dog
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 22 ] The first chief source of a newspaper’s revenue is ………….

(A) donation
(B) debt
(C) grant by the governinent
(D) advertisement

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 23 ] The ………… Press is, under ordinary conditions, singularly free.

(A) European
(B) British
(C) Indian
(D) Chinese

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 24 ]  The second chief source of a newspaper’s revenue is —

(A) debt
(B) donation
(C) the wealth of owner
(D) grant by the government

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 25 ] The …… can make or break reputation.

(A) teacher
(B) press
(C) man
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 26 ] The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by orangan, chief factors.

(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four

 Answer ⇒  B

How Free is The Press - Subjective Question 

Short Question 

Q1-What do free 'people take for granted ? 

Ans - That without a free press there can be no free people is a thing that all free people take for granted. 

Q2- Are there restrictions on Press in time of war ? 

Ans - Yes there restriction on press in time of war . 

Q3-What do you mean by the term 'Free Press  ? 

Ans - We usually mean freedom in a very technical and restricted sense namely freedom from direction or censorship by he government . The Britsh Press is under ordinary conditions , singularly free 

Q4-Who is the master -the state or the people  ? 

Ans - People are the master . 

Q5 -What does the unofficial censorship seek to do   ? 

Ans - Indeed , we may say that the heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is not the official censorship of the press but the unofficial censorship by a press which exists not so much to express opinion as to manufacture it. 

Q6 -Name two sources of revenue newspapers usually survive on .  ? 

Ans - The Two sources of revenue on which newspapers usually survive on are : (i) Income from advertisers (ii) Owner's Wealth. 

B:2.1 -Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied . 

(a) Accurate reporting has given place to reporting which is at best slipshod and at worst tendentious because it is assumed that ...

(b) Sensational  headlines , false emphasis and supposition of context are some of the ways to ----------

(c) ---------- is the special accomplishment of the Press interviewer . 

(d) The date in the newspaper report had to be changed to.........

Ans - (a) reader can be made to believe anything. 

           (b) the complementary dangers. 

           (c) Garbling. 

           (d) Conceal the fact that the news was already cold ; and I was substituted for the boy , presumably for my greater snob-value 

B.2.3 Answer the following question briefly . 

Q1. What are the two basic assumption about the public ? 

Ans - The two basic assumptions about the public are that they have no wit and they can be made to believe anything . 

Q2. What is supposition of context ? 

Ans - The supposition of context is that readers can be made to believe anything . 

Q3. Name two things that make the report unreliable reading? 

Ans - Inaccurate reporting of facts and grabling. 

B.3.1 Read the following sentences and write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements : 

(i) The author was very fond of gardening and keeping cats . 

(ii) The author had delivered 20,000 words in the space of an hour and a quarter. 

(iii) To misrepresent a man's attitude and opinion is no offence. 

(iv) To get misleading statements corrected is very easy. 

(v) Any public person is subtly made to feel that if he offends the press he will suffer for it. 

(vi) The press can make or bread reputation . 

Ans - (i) F  (ii) F  (iii) F (iv) F , (v) T (vi) T. 

B.3.2 Answer the following question briefly . 

Q1. Why do books rarely criticise the press ? 

Ans - No threat , of course, is openly uttered ; but books and plays may be unfavourably noticed or silently ignored- allusions sneering, though no actually libellous, may crop up in the gossip columns-a thousand hints will be quietly conveyed that the press can make of break reputations . 

Q2. How do the newspapers greet the slightest effort to hinder the irresponsible dissemination of nonsense ? 

Ans - Speeches may be made , of course , but they will not reach the wider Public for they will not be reported in full ; only a carefully isolated sentence or so will find its way into the papers under some such headline as ; Bishop Seeks to Muzzle Press ; or M.P Attacks Press Liberty  Indeed , the slightest effort to hinder the irresponsible dissemination of nonsense is greeted by a concerted howl : this is a threat to the Freedom of the press ! 

Q3. Name the seven charges the author makes against the Press? 

Ans - The seven charge are False Emphasis, Garbling, Inaccuracy. Reversal of the Fact . Random Invention, Miracle- Mongering and Flat suppression. 

How Free is The Press - Long  Question 

Q1-The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by two chief factors Which they ? Explain . 

Ans - The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by two chief factors - the first is the interest of the advertisers from how it gets the money which enables it to keep up its large circulation. No widely circulated newspaper dare suport a public , however much in the national interest , that might the marketing of branded goods ( as. For example, of margarine in 1939 ) will be violently opposed. On the loftiest hygienic grounds.,. by the papers that carry the branded adverting. On the other hand any product that refuses to play the high advertising rates of a powerful national organ will be again ( on the highest moral and hygienic grounds ) denounced , smashed and driven off the market . 

Q2.  What is garbling ? How does Sayers illustrate this form of distortion ? 

Ans - Garbling This is special accomplishment of the press interviewer. During the production of my latest play . I was asked , what were my plans for the future ? I paid better and that financial considerations not with standing. if the opportunity to write a play were to present itself - for example. another commission for the " canterburg festival I should undoubtedly write it. This reply duly appeared in the . in the form miss Sayers said she would write no moer play - except on commission " 

Q3. Describe in your own words the instance of deliberate miracle mongering ? 

Ans - Deliberate Miracle mongering it was recently reported in various local papers that , in a public address, I had delivered some 20,000 words is the space of hour and a quarter . This would in any case have been impossible actually, the reporter had the full text of my speech in his hands and could have seen for himself that it consisted of almost exacty 8000 wards. The error was thus precisely 150 percent, a useful figure on which to base one's estimate of truth in reporting 

Q4. How are letters protest treated by the newspapers? Describe in your own words . 

Ans - To get misleading statements corrected entials. in my case a heavy and exhausting of correspondence of the falseshood may be syndicated all over the words over - night and appear simultaneously in several hundred papers . 

In addition . if one makes a fuss. or ventures to accuse the newspapers of lack of veracity there always lurks in the background the shadow of genteel blackmail . Any public person - write . speaker actor politician is subtly made to feel that if he offends the press he will suffer for it. 

Q5. Have you ever written a letter of protest to any Newspaper ? What was the fate of this letter ? 

Ans - No I do not ever written a letter of protest to any news paper 

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