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Class 12th English 100 Marks “ The Earth ” Summary , Objective | Subjective | Long | Question


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Class 12th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

The Earth - Author 

The Earth - Summary 

The Earth is a very touching story written by H.F. Bates This story shows how the Johnson ( the parents ) were lazy and their son was growing into a selfish and cunning fellow. At firs , they had  their land but they  didn't realize and at last even lost that also . 
The story revolves round a farmer Johnson who lived with his wife and son in the English countryside. He had his land but never realized its importance . Their son's name was Benjy . After thirty years they realized that being needed a doctor as he wasn't mentally well developed. He looked to have simple hearted and simple minded fellow . Slowly he was growing childish but cunning . The doctor advised them to give their only son some occupation like keeping hens. It started working well at first he had few hens . Gradually the number grew and his income too. The parents did everything to grow well. They gave more value to faith than sweat. His father kept himself busy with words. He was like a philosopher preaching crowd of people but his son continued his small business in a growing trend. They were often hurted by Benjy's reactions . He didn't show an intimate emotion of thank foulness and love to his parents. They were beyond his understanding . When they gave him money he intended to spent it on himself buying land for hims . He continued improving his business. Once they came to know that their land was for sale. They were shocked. They came to know that their son who was buying it. In the meantime he had married Florence who was not liked by the parents. they feared that this intelligent girl would take him away from them. This resulted into a feud and Benjy said his parents that it was his house angered but they tried to stop him but in vain. AT last, he took them to the town in his van and the parents realized that earlier they had land but now nothing. This shows , we must be laborious and hard working. 

The Earth - Summary  in Hindi 

(पृथ्वी एच.एफ. बेट्स द्वारा लिखी गई एक बहुत ही मार्मिक कहानी है यह कहानी दिखाती है कि कैसे जॉनसन (माता-पिता) आलसी थे और उनका बेटा एक स्वार्थी और चालाक साथी के रूप में विकसित हो रहा था। प्राथमिकी में, उनके पास अपनी जमीन थी, लेकिन उन्हें पता नहीं चला और अंत में वह भी खो दिया।
कहानी एक किसान जॉनसन के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है, जो अपनी पत्नी और बेटे के साथ अंग्रेजी ग्रामीण इलाकों में रहता था। उनके पास अपनी जमीन थी लेकिन इसके महत्व को कभी महसूस नहीं किया। उनके बेटे का नाम बेंजी था। तीस साल बाद उन्होंने महसूस किया कि उन्हें डॉक्टर की जरूरत है क्योंकि वह मानसिक रूप से विकसित नहीं थे। वे सरल हृदय और सरल विचारों वाले व्यक्ति लगते थे। धीरे-धीरे वह बचकाना लेकिन चालाक होता जा रहा था। डॉक्टर ने उन्हें सलाह दी कि वे अपने इकलौते बेटे को मुर्गी पालन जैसा कोई पेशा दें। यह अच्छी तरह से काम करना शुरू कर दिया पहले उसके पास कुछ मुर्गियां थीं। धीरे-धीरे संख्या बढ़ती गई और उसकी आमदनी भी। माता-पिता ने अच्छी तरह बढ़ने के लिए सब कुछ किया। उन्होंने पसीने से ज्यादा आस्था को अहमियत दी। उनके पिता ने खुद को शब्दों में व्यस्त रखा। वह एक दार्शनिक की तरह था जो लोगों की भीड़ का प्रचार करता था लेकिन उसके बेटे ने अपना छोटा व्यवसाय बढ़ते हुए जारी रखा। वे बेंजी की प्रतिक्रियाओं से अक्सर आहत होते थे। उसने अपने माता-पिता के प्रति बेईमानी और प्रेम का धन्यवाद करने की अंतरंग भावना नहीं दिखाई। वे उसकी समझ से परे थे। जब उन्होंने उसे पैसे दिए तो उसने उसे अपने लिए जमीन खरीदने पर खर्च करने का इरादा किया। उन्होंने अपने व्यवसाय में सुधार जारी रखा। एक बार उन्हें पता चला कि उनकी जमीन बिक्री के लिए है। वे चौंक गए। उन्हें पता चला कि उनका बेटा जो इसे खरीद रहा था। इसी बीच उन्होंने फ्लोरेंस से शादी कर ली थी जो माता-पिता को पसंद नहीं थी। उन्हें डर था कि यह बुद्धिमान लड़की उसे उनसे दूर ले जाएगी। इसके परिणामस्वरूप झगड़ा हुआ और बेंजी ने कहा कि उसके माता-पिता ने कहा कि यह उसका घर था, लेकिन उन्होंने उसे रोकने की कोशिश की लेकिन व्यर्थ। अंत में, वह उन्हें अपनी वैन में शहर ले गया और माता-पिता को एहसास हुआ कि पहले उनके पास जमीन थी लेकिन अब कुछ भी नहीं है। इससे पता चलता है कि हमें मेहनती और मेहनती होना चाहिए।)

The Earth - Summary  Objective Question 

[ 1 ] His hens were producing an average of –

(A) three hundred eggs
(B) two hundred eggs
(C) one hundred eggs
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 2 ] Benjy’s father was –

(A) a doctor
(B) a teacher
(C) a preacher
(D) a painter

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 3 ] Benjy’s father valued…

(A) sweat
(B) fate
(C) both
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 4 ] Benjy’s parents planned for a ceremony when he was

(A) thirty
(B) twenty-five
(C) twenty-one
(D) fifteen

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 5 ] H.E. Bates was born in—

(A) 1906
(B) 1905
(C) 1915
(D) 1925

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 6 ] HE, Bates died in–

(A) 1974
(B) 1984
(C) 1964
(D) 1954

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 7 ] H.E. Bates’ first novel was published when he was only –

(A) 20 years old
(B) 21 years old
(C) 25 years old
(D) 30 years old

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 8 ] The name of Johnsons’ son was

(A) Jack
(B) Tom
(C) Benjy
(D) Tony

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 9 ] The Johnsons’ son was-

(A) insane
(B) blind
(C) lame
(D) simple

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 10 ] The doctor advised the parents to give to Benjy—

(A) medicine
(B) toys
(C) some work
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

The earth objective question class 12th 

[ 11 ] The doctor suggested to let him keep

(A) cows
(B) hens
(C) horses
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 12 ]  At first Benjy kept-

(A) ten or a dozen hens
(B) two dozen hens
(C) four dozen hens
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 13 ] Benjy left the school at-

(A) twenty
(B) twelve
(C) fourteen
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 14 ] When he left the school he had

(A) forty or fifty hens
(B) thirty of forty hens
(C) sixty or seventy hens
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 15 ] ‘The Earth’ has been written by –

(A) Germaine Greer
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Anton Chekhov
(D) Shiga Naoya

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 16 ] H.E. Bates has written the story-

(A) A Pinch of Snuff
(B) The Artist
(C) The Earth
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 17 ] v’s parents did not like ……….. because of grey.

(A) Rekha
(B) Shikha
(C) Mary
(D) Florence

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 18 ] Benjy purchased land from –

(A) Sanders
(B) Meanders
(C) Randers
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 19 ] Florence later on became the wife of –

(A) Benjy’s friend
(B) Benjy
(C) Ranjay
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 20 ] Benjy was the son of –

(A) Robinsons
(B) Stevensons
(C) Rocksons
(D) Johnsons

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 21 ] …………. Was the real owner of the land.

(A) Landers
(B) Manders
(C) Sanders
(D) Randers

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 22 ] Benjy wanted to marry

(A) Clorence
(B) Florence
(C) Rupani
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B

The earth class 12th objective question

[ 23 ] Johnson was a poor

(A) farmer
(B) teacher
(C) doctor
(D) trader

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 24 ] Benjy’s parents.gave him a passbook when he was ………. years old.

(A) 20
(B) 21
(C) 22
(D) 23

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 25 ] Johnson was in the possession of ………… land.

(A) two acre
(B) three acre
(C) four acre
(D) five acre

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 26 ]  Benjy should be allowed to keen

(A) Hens
(B) Dogs
(C) Cows
(D) Cats

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 27 ] The ………….. suggested that Benjy should be allowed to keep bens.

(A) teacher
(B) doctor
(C) friend
(D) saint

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 28 ] “The Earth’ is a –

(A) poem
(B) essay
(C) drama
(D) story

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 29 ]  Benjy told his parents to eat in the –

(A) drawing room
(B) bathroom
(C) bedroom
(D) kitchen

 Answer ⇒  D

[ 30 ] Benjy left his ……….. on the pavement.

(A) brother
(B) parents
(C) sister
(D) wife

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 31 ] ……………… drives his parents from their house.

(A) Johnson
(B) Benjy
(C) Sanders
(D) Florence

 Answer ⇒  B

[ 32 ] For many years Benjy’s father had been a local

(A) doctor
(B) teacher
(C) preacher
(D) farmer

 Answer ⇒  C

[ 33 ] Johnson vented land from —

(A) Sanders
(B) Randers
(C) Panders
(D) Landers

 Answer ⇒  A

[ 34 ]  Benjy moved into the house with………. as his wife at the age of 40.

(A) Clorence
(B) Florence
(C) Victoria
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒  B
B.1.1 Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied . 

(a) A simple minded person is ...........................and .............................
(b) Johnson was more interested in .............................
(c) Johnson's possession included ................................
(d) Benjy's simplicity seemed gradually to have become .....................

Ans - (a) quit calm , peaceful (b) talking (c) a plugh , a two wheeled cart , tools , a bony brown mare (d) the cause of his loneliness. 

B.1.2 Read the following sentences and write "T" for true and 'F" for false statements :- 

(i) Johnson was a hard - working man . 
(ii) Johnson was interested in preaching 
(iii) Johnson had an insane son. 
(iv) Benjy hated his hens. 
Ans - (i) F (ii) T (iii) T (iv) F

B1.3 Answer the following questions briefly : 

Q1. Who is a tenant farmer ? 

Ans - Johnson is a tenant farmer .
Q2. What did the doctor advise Benjy's parents to ensure his mental growth ? 

Ans - The doctor had persuaded them that they. needed to encourage the child's interest that would be good if they gave him something to do . 

Q3. What did Benjy understand about a hen ? 

Ans - Benjy understood the fist and last thing about a hen. that it exists for the purpose of laying eggs . 

Q4. What did Benjy understand about the business of hens ? 

Ans - Benjy understood another thing about the business of hens and that was that eggs could be sold from the back door of house . in scores and half - scores and fivers and the money from these eggs was put carefully . 

B.2.1 Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied . 

(a) Benjy left school at the age of ---------------------
(b) By then Benjy had -------------------- hens 
(c) Benjy knew about segregating breeds of hens through ---------------
(d) Johnson believed that the earth designed and created by God would -------------------
(e) When Benjy was 21 his father handed him -----------

Ans - (a) Fourteen  (b) Forty or fifty  (c) keeping white leghoms separate from Rihode Islands and young from old (d) done day outgrow its property (e) passbook 

B.2.2 Answer the following questions briefly : 

Q1. What silent belief did Benjy's parents cherish about their land ? 

Ans - They cherished a silent belief that the earth would one day outgrow its poverty . 

Q2. Why has their land not yielded much ? 

Ans - The earth had yielded stubbornly from them . The reason was not in earth but in themselves . They did not work hard enough. 

Q3. How did Benjy's parents feel when he silently put the passbook in his pocket ? 

Ans - They did not hope and did not mean that Benjy should give it back to them, but there was something about the silent , simple finality of his putting the pass-book into his pocket that struck them like a blow in the face. 

Q4. What had Benjy's parents expected when they handed hims the passbook ? 

Ans - They had expected something else a word of thanks , perhaps a concession a willingness that they should share the money they had helped to save... 

Q5. What did Benjy want to do with money ? 

Ans - Benjy went on creating more houses for more hens and then selling more eggs and making more mony . He could not have made a pair of boots . He knew nothing about the stock market. 

B.3.1 Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied . 

(a) The only difference between Benjy's hens and his parent's land was that ........
(b) Benjy wanted to buy his parents's land to ........
(c) It was possible to gauge Benjays progress by ......
(d) Benjy's parents did not like Florence because.........

Ans - (a) The hens belonged to Benjy (b) put up more incubator houses (c) the new chicken houses covering his father's farmer land , and by the fact that he now employed people to help him. (d) she had thick heavy legs and lose lips and uneffective grey eyes. 

B.3.2 Answer the following questions briefly . 

Q1. Who had Johnson rented their land from ? 

Ans - Johnson had rented it from a man named Sanders for forty year. on a yearly tenancy. 

Q2. What information did Sanders give them that made them happy ? 

Ans - They had often spoken of buying the land but somehow the scheme never come to anything. It was easier for Benjy's father to stand at the doer not to talk . or to talk in the pupil and trust in God. than to make a business proposition . And now . at sixty-five they were too old to think of buying lad. even if there had been any money for buying land . 

Q3. Who was Florence ? 

Ans - She was an intelligent girl when Benjy married .  However the parents didn't like her . 

Q4. Why did Benjy want to marry Florence ? 

Ans - It is so because he knew that she would be a helping hand in maintaining his hens. 

B.4.1 Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied . 

(a) When Benjy asked his parents to vacate the front bed room. they ----------------
(b) Benjy asked parents to go somewhere else because he ------------------
(c) Benjy's parents did not speak when their son drove them down into the town because .---------------------
Ans - (a) They moved without protest (b) was the owner of the house (c) they were trightened of Benjy too. 

B.4.2 Read the following sentences and write "T" for true and "F" for false statements : 

(i) With the arrival of Florence as Benjy's wife, the house was filled with happiness . 
(ii) Benjy and his wife lived in one part of the house and his parents in the other . 
(iii) Benjy paid utmost attention to his ageing parents 

Ans - (i) F  , (ii) T   (iii) F 

The Earth - Long Question 

 Q1. Did Benjy treat his parents justly ? What would you do if you were Benjy ? 

Ans - Yes according to me Benjy treated his parents justly . It is possible that a hen being a simple creature thrives less or simple treatment. Benjy understood the first and last thing about a hen that it exists for the purpose of laying eggs the same what we got. His treatment was a lesson for them.. Though I would not have done like this . I would have made a proper bridge between us and remove the problems . 

Q2. Om how many occasions were Benjy's parents disappointed with Benjy's behavior ? Describe each occasion briefly in your own words .

Ans - There times Benjy's parents were hurted by him. 
(i) Once , when he married Florence when they didn't like 
(ii) Then , when he took the passbook without showing any emotion. 
(iii) Thirdly , when he said the to leave the house as he had purchased it. 

Q3. Looks are deceptive . How does this apply to Benjy ? 

Ans - As time passed on and Benjy acquired the land. His father and mother not only felt that it was a good idea but they felt very proud of him. first waord or takes its first step . Benjy's simple minded man. had taken his first step in normal, about things. It was wonderful, that he had taken the step without help , without force or prompting . At his life they had treated him as a child that will not grow up and now suddenly , he had grown of though they could scarcely realize it. Benjy was a man of property and at last forgot his parents. 

Q4. What is the role of Florence in this story ? How did she affect Benjy's life? 

Ans - One of such peo;e was a girl named Florence . She had thick heavy legs and loose lops and uneffective grey eyes that matched Benjy's in their apparent simplicity. When Florence went down to clean the chicken house. which were raised up of the ground. Benjy could see a gap of Bare flash above her grey stocking. In a little while Benjy was catching Florence about the waste in the warm dark inceptor house and for the first time in his life had some another interest besides him. She proved to be a guide and shaper of his life. She made his life purposeful. ?She made him understand tit for tat and made his parents leave the house 

Q5. Johnson himself was responsible to his tragety or troubles . Do you agree with this ? Give reasons. 

Ans - Yes , I agree that Johnson was responsible for his troubles. He believed in preaching . He believed on words more than action. He was lazy the never treated his son nicely . Thought him a dull and useless boy. The same treatment was given by his son to him. 

Q6. How is a simple minded man defined in the story ? Do you agree with his definition ?

Ans - A simple minded man is described as a man with no wit . A dull kind of a man with less understanding. A man swayed by all elements around him. I do not agree with his agreement as it does not hold good always and everywhere. 

Q7. Sketch the character of Johnson. 

Ans - He had spent many years being a little too kind , too anxious and too sacrificial towards him, so that he had grown up to see worse, in their eyes, than he really was. Benjy had the large house bimb that the belong to the simple minded , and thick soil fair hair on his face. He had the look of being a simple hearted man as well as a simple minded man. His eyes wee blue and all they long he had a simple on his face. But some were behind the blue eyes . The simple smile and he soft childish hair , his simplicity seemed gradually to have become kind of cunning. At last he showed his curnning nature by throu wing them out of the house 

Q8. Sketch the character of Benjy.

Ans - Benjy is a person of substance . He is the most impressive character of the stroy. He was not like an ordinary child. He understood his family needs and his role to it. Since his childhood instead of playing he took to the work of earning for his family. However , sometimes his behavior was not liked by his parents. 
Being treated his parents justly . The only problem was that his parents did like egg bnsins. But Benjy was a laborious cha. He earned huje money in his business and purehated the land of his parents. The parents felt very proud of him. Firstly , they were thinking that Benjy is not shrewd minded. But now he has become a man of property. 
But the dark point of his character is that he ousted his old parents from the house, he paid not attention to his ageing parents. He only loved to Florence who help in building his career. 

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