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Class 12th English (100M) Poetry : Chapter - 4 (To Autumn ) Summary Objective Subjective


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Class 12th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

To Autumn  - Author 

To Autumn  - Summary

 Here John keats has mode sweet description and compliment of Autumn . He says that this season is the symbol of dew and mist. The trees laden with fruits and maturing sun beams are whispering to the ear of the poet to observe the beauty of this nature. Vines are around the hut, are full of juicy fruits. apple trees are looking like a thatched hut and fruits on i are growing. 

The fleshy part and juice are growing abundantly around the kernel Bees are buzzing around the fruits. These all are allusions of coming Autumn .This goes till  spring does not come. Sometimes travellers are getting tired to search out their houses. They rest for a while on the greeny floor. When travelers become tired, they go to greeny floor to have rest a while where buds are going to blossom with a sweet fragrance of the winnowing wind. Fragrance are scattered in open air and tipsy is prevailed in the atmosphere. Those who work in the frame house also enjoy with the sweetes blossom of the wind. the poet asks spring season where its song is where they are , no more think about that . Robin and Hedge cricket are bewailing to the loss of romantic season of spring . they all are creating contrivance and colloquial disastrous mouronful life. the poet wants t tell about autumn that it is not less than spring season. the poet says that the excitement ; thrilling, passion, joy and everything are very superior  

To Autumn  - Summary In Hindi

यहाँ जॉन कीट्स में शरद ऋतु का मधुर वर्णन और प्रशंसा है। उनका कहना है कि यह मौसम ओस और धुंध का प्रतीक है। फलों से लदे पेड़ और परिपक्व सूरज की किरणें इस प्रकृति की सुंदरता का निरीक्षण करने के लिए कवि के कान में फुसफुसा रही हैं। झोंपड़ी के चारों ओर बेलें हैं, रसीले फलों से भरी हैं। सेब के पेड़ फूस की झोंपड़ी की तरह दिख रहे हैं और मुझ पर फल लग रहे हैं।
गिरी के चारों ओर मांसल भाग और रस बहुतायत से उग रहे हैं। ये सब आने वाली शरद ऋतु के संकेत हैं। यह तब तक चलता है जब तक वसंत नहीं आता। कभी-कभी यात्री अपने घरों की तलाशी लेने के लिए थक जाते हैं। वे हरी-भरी मंजिल पर कुछ देर आराम करते हैं। जब यात्री थक जाते हैं, तो वे कुछ देर आराम करने के लिए हरी-भरी मंजिल पर चले जाते हैं, जहाँ कलियाँ खिलखिलाती हवा की मीठी सुगंध के साथ खिलने वाली होती हैं। खुली हवा में सुगंध बिखरी हुई है और वातावरण में टिप्पी व्याप्त है। फ्रेम हाउस में काम करने वाले भी हवा की मिठाइयों का लुत्फ उठाते हैं। कवि वसंत ऋतु से पूछता है कि उसका गीत कहाँ है, वे कहाँ हैं, उसके बारे में अब और मत सोचो। रॉबिन और हेज क्रिकेट वसंत के रोमांटिक मौसम के नुकसान के लिए तड़प रहे हैं। वे सभी युक्तिसंगत और बोलचाल की आपदाजनक शोकपूर्ण जीवन का निर्माण कर रहे हैं। कवि शरद ऋतु के बारे में यह नहीं बताना चाहता कि यह वसंत ऋतु से कम नहीं है। कवि कहता है कि उत्साह; रोमांचकारी, जोश, आनंद और सब कुछ बहुत बेहतर है

To Autumn  - Textual Question Solved 

B.1.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of what you have studied 

(a) the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.  
(b) ........................ fill all fruits with repeness. 
(c) ........................ sits carelessly on a granary floor. 
(d) The winnowing wind softly lifts the hair of ............................
(e) ...................twitter in the sky. 

Ans -  (a) Autumn  (b) Ans (c) Thee   (d ) thy (e) Gathering swallows . 

To Autumn  - Objective Question 

1. Who has composed the poem, ‘Ode To Autumn’ ?

(A) Keats
(B) Wordsworth
(C) Coleridge
(D) Shelley

Answer ⇒  A

2. ‘Ode To Autumn’ is written in—

(A) October 1819
(3) September 1819
(C) November 1819
(D) December 1819

Answer ⇒  B

3.’Ode To Autumn’ is—

(A) an epic
(B) an elegy
(C) an ode
(D) a ballad

Answer ⇒  C

4. In ‘Ode to Autumn’ Keats deals with ………. in detail.

(A) Spring
(B) Winter
(C) Summer
(D) Autumn

Answer ⇒  D

5. ‘Ode To Autumn’ consists of —

(A) four stanzas
(B) three stanzas
(C) five stanzas
(D)six stanzas

Answer ⇒  B

6. The theme of Autumn is —-

(A) scarcity
(B) abundance
(C) fulfilment/maturity
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  C

7. Keats was………. poet.

(A) a romantic
(B) a victorian
(C) modern
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  A

8. Who called ‘Ode To Autumn’Keats’ most satisfying of all the odes ?

(A) Dryden
(B) Coleridge
(C) Wordsworth
(D) Arthur Compton-Rickett.

Answer ⇒  D

9. Each stanza of ‘Ode To Autumn’ consists-

(A) 11 lines
(B) 12 lines
(C) 13 lines
(D) 14 lines

Answer ⇒  A

10. Who has been personified in ‘Ode To Autumn’ ?

(A) Spring
(B) Autumn
(C) Winter
(D) Summer

Answer ⇒  B

11. John Keats has written the poem-

(A) An Epitaph
(B) Ode To Autumn
(C) The Soldier
(D) Fire-Hymn

Answer ⇒  B

12. Autumn is a season of mellow—

(A) no wind
(B) fruitlessness
(C) fruitfulness
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  C

13. Autumn starts with the departure of the …………… season.

(A) winter
(B) spring
(C) rainy
(D) summer

Answer ⇒  D

14…………….scene was a great lover of nature.

(A) John Keats
(B) John Donne
(C) W.H. Auden
(D) Walt Whitman

Answer ⇒  A

15. In ……………. new leaves and fruits come out on trees.

(A) spring
(B) autumn
(C) summer
(D) winter

Answer ⇒  B

16. ‘And gathering swallows twitter in the skies’ is taken from –

(A) snake
(B) The soldier
(C) ode to Autumn
(D) An Epitaph

Answer ⇒  C

17. ‘Season of mists and inellow fruitfulness’ is written by-

(A) John Donne
(B) Walt Whitman
(C) W.H. Auden
(D) John Keats

Answer ⇒  D
B.1.2. Answer the following question briefly : -  

Q1. Who are depieted as friends in the first two lines ? 
Ans- Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness are the close friends of maturing sun. It means Autumn 
Q2. What happens in autumn ?

 Ans- In autumn garden is full of weet smelling flowers , trees are laden with fruits and fields are full of crops . 

Q3. In what sense does the sun conspire with autumn ? 

Ans - The sun conspires how to load and bless with fruit the vines that round the thatched roof . In the mean time it creates some budens. 

Q4. How do the sun and summer help in ripeness of fruits in autumn ? 

Ans- The sun and summer help in ripeness of fruits in autumn. Spring comes with buds and flowers and gives a shape of fruits at last , and Autumn nourishes it gladly and make if blosom. 

Q5. How are autumn and summer related to spring ? 

Ans- Autumn and summer are realated to spring . Spring comes first and brings a fresh look of nature. Autumn comes after spring season and summer comes later on . The estacious moment comes with spring and goes to last wit summer season. what is founded by spring is natully nourished by Autumn and summer 

To Autumn  - Long Question Solved 

Q1.  What is the central idea of the poem ? 
Ans- Ode to Autumn is an artistic poem of Keats which dispenses with the beauty and characteristic spirit of autumn in a series of memorable pictures. To Keats , a think of beauty is a joy for ever and this ode exhibits the principle of beauty in Nature. 
The firs stanza describes the bounty of the season. the season is described from vegetative aspect. Autumn is a season of mists and ripeness. The sun is the friend of the season. With the help of the sun, Autumn loads the fruittress of the countryside with their peritteasure , It is associated with the grape , the apple, all ripe fruits - the gourd, the hazel nut and the honey flowers. The bees are representative of insect life their exercise is more than that of any insect bound up with flowers. The bees imagine that the warmth of summer will continue because the store of honey flowers seems exhausted. 
The second stanza displays Autumn itself . The familiar figures of the season are passed before us in a series of glowing pictures. Each one of it presents Autumn under its own aspect. Firstly the season has been personified as a harvester during the winnowing . In the other hand the season appears personified as a tired reaper. the reaper falls asleep in the very midst of his toil, his hand still grasping the sickle, while the garden-corn stands waiting to be reaped. Then the season appears as a gleaner going home at evening carrying the result of day's gathering in a sheaf upon the head. she chooses her steps as she goes. Next the season appears as a cider maker watching the working of the autumn. If spring has music, Autumn has its music too. Autumn has its song like the other seasons. It produces fine harmony of sounds. It is the songs like the other seasons. It produces fine harmony of sounds. It is the song of the earth , the poetry of the earth . At sunset the music of Autumn is heard. Then the gnat mourns by the river, the lamb bleats from the hill, grasshopper sings in the lane, the ribbon whistles in the garden and the swallows twitter in the sky. 
Ode to Autumn breathes a happy and tranquil spirit , wholly free from the melancholy hat inspired so much of his other works . Though romantic in spirit , it has a classical sense of perfection. As Middleton Murray says, The ode to Autumn is Shakespearean in its rich and opulent serenity of mood Shakespearean in its lovely and large periodic movement like the drawn of a deep, full breath This return to the shakespearern ideal, which was manifest in the province , of pure literature by the abandonment of the second Hyperion and the Miltonic influence was influence was inevitably a moment of Keats whole being . This poem shows a rich sense of organization, a mature sense of art. 

Q2. What does Keats mean by "T" was here we loved in summer day and greener. 

Ans- "T" was here who loved in summer day and greener" 
It is just like the phenomena of natural scenic scene with coming of various moods of season. Relay spring season is the king of season. Autumn is the youth of summer season and it comes between spring and summer season. the forbidding of spring and welcoming of Autumn , both are gracious in the view of the poet  . 
Autumn season brings greenery to the atmosphere. Trees are laden with fruits. Flowers are with fragrance and fields are with crops. Every where looking annihilation of greenery. there is a lot of emotion creating through natural aspect. Each and everyone gets the five segments of beauty . Love emerges there where happiness glance.

Q3. Does the poet convey his love to nature through such lines as given above ? If yes give examples.

Ans- Yes the poet conveys his love to Nature by appreciating Autumn. In this season every where outskirt is full of greeny excitement those have come with laden of fruits , flowers and corns in the field. Every thing is smiling lovely and enchanting to the loveliest ways. The echoing sound of birds and playful activity of life is emerging who have not seen the oft amid they store ? Sometimes who even seek abroad may find . 
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor. 
This shows the extreme love of the poet for nature, that's why the poet compels to traveler to have enjoy and free from filthy nature. 

Q4. Pick out the images related to different aspects of nature . Write a note on the use of images in the poem . 

Ans- Image has been picture sized in the poem where different thoughts have been occured to show and magnify the assertion of the poet. The poet has tried his full effort to make profound sense from bottom to top - vines that round the thatch leaves run to bend with apples the moss'd cottage tree" 
It shows image with pen sticky embroidery and description to hurt run about " And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep. " The appraisal of the natural beauty creates a fine image before reader which the poet likes to show and it is really very eithinic and interesting. the perfect sense of the poem which it demands the rashness and down wardness of the reekling retrenchment of ill will just passing over spring. 

Q5. What do Autumn and spring symbolise in the poem ? Explain 

Ans- Autumn is the symbol of fruits . flowers, corns , happiness , joy excitement and satisfaction. Autumn enhances thirst of everyone . The poet says that it is more beneficial than spring season. Spring season is only the beginning of greeny atmosphere, daising and the symbol of buds and fragrance. People feel bother while passing spring season but it is not fair to think that the coming of rehearse and rejuvanating philosophy is not enough to weild the circumstances. the wailing is not adequate in the atonment of spring season. Autumn fill nature with pleasure and creates a noble love with presenting so much aptful things. 

Q6. Do you like this poem ? Give two reasons. 

Ans- Yes , I like this poem very much . I would like to say because John Keats a romantic poet has given a lovely description of comparatively achievement of top to bottom ecstatic beaty and  joy. His divine creation is lovely and really comprehensible. the beauty of nature and dancing natural aspects ae the main stream of philosophy and gayful life. 

Q7. What does the poet say about the music of autumn ? Do you like his music ? 

Ans - The poet tells a rare sonorous pitch - fledged music rhythm and melodious term with high image must be lovingly by the represent action of Autumn. The high soaring and high decoration music have been galnced to the fittest of all liable and lovely system. the winnowing wind has a power of sweet attraction. 
Where are the songs of spring ? Ay, where are they ? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too " 
These lines show the alternate of music which is also available in Autumn . In Autumn the sustain goes in echoing form . 

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