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B.A Part 2 Philosophy (Honours/Subsidiary) Syllabus - Purine university | BNMU


Raj singh classes

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PHILOSOPHY (HONS) part II Syllabus- Purnea university | BNMU

PHILOSOPHY (Honours)  

PAPER - III  (Syllabus)  

Time - 3 Hours 

Full Mark - 100


1. Nature of Ethics . 

2. Ethical concepts : Right and good , duty & obligation , Highest Good. 

3. Moral and non - moral actions. 

4. Postutates of Morality 

5. Nature and object of Moral  Judgements

6. Standarad of morality - Hedonistic , Rationalism and perfectionism

7. Theories of Punishments - Retributive, Reformative and Deterent 

8. Indian Ethics - Varnashram Dharma , Purushartha 

9. Gita : Niskam Karma 

Book Recommended 

1. Prarambhik Achar Shastra - By Dr. A.K. Verma 

2. Bhartiya Achar Shastra - Diwakar Pathak 

3. Nitishastra - B.N. singh 

4. Nitishastra Ke sidhanta - Ved Prakash Verma 

PHILOSOPHY (Honours)  

PAPER - IV  (Syllabus)  

Time - 3 Hours 

Full Mark - 100

History of Western Philosophy 

1. Descarde : method , cogito Ergo sum, Proofs for the existence for the existence of God- word 

   Substance mind body relation 

2. Spinoza : Substance , Attributes, Modes and Mind body relation . 

3. Leibnitz : Monands, God , Pre - established - Harmony 

4. Locke : Refulation of innate ideas, simple and complex ideas, primary an secondary qualities, 

5. Berkeley - Refutation of Matter , Esse -est - Percipi 

6. Hume - Impressions and ideas, causality and scepticipi , 

7. Kant - Nature and formation of knowledge space and time, categories & phenomenon 

Book Recommended 

1. History of Western Philosophy - by Dr. Y. Masih 

2. History of Western Philosophy - Falken Berg 

3. History of Western philosophy - B.N. Singh 

4. History of Western Philosophy - Dr. Thilly 


Time - 3 Hours 

Full Mark - 100


1. Nature of Philosophy 

2. Ontological - Materialism, Neutralism, Idealism 

3. Epistemology - Rationalism and empiricism 

4. Theory of God - Deism Pantheism and panentheism 

5. Evolution - Darwin's theory of evolution 

6. Theory of Truth - Correspondence, coherence and pragmatic 

Book Recommended 

1. Dr. A.K. Verma : Tattva Mimansa Ki Ruprekha 

2. Dr. R. Pd - Darashan Shastra ki Ruprekha 

3. Dr. A. Jha - TAtva Mimansa ki Ruprekha 

PHILOSOPHY (Subsidiary)  

Time - 3 Hours 

Full Mark - 100

Ethics & Metaphysics 

1. Nature of Ethics 

2. Ethical Concopts - Right and Good , duty & obligation . 

3. Moral and non - moral actions . 

4. Postulates of morality 

5. Standard of Morality - Hedonism and Rigorism 

6. Theories of punishment - Retributive and reformative 

7. Indian Ethics - Varnasharam Sharam and Purushartha 

8. Materialism and Idealism 

9. Rationalism and Empiricism 

10 . Theism and Pantheism 

Book Recommended 

1. Dr. A.K. Verma : Prarambhik Achar Shastra 

2. Dr. B.N. Singh : Nitishastra 

3. Dr. L. Prasad : Srashan Shastra Ki Ruprekha 

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