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B.A Part 2 Psychology Honor's Syllabus - Purine university | BNMU

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PSYCHOLOGY (HONS) part II Syllabus- Purnea university | BNMU

Psychology (Honours)  


Time - 3 Hours 

Full Mark - 75

Unite - I Applied Psychology 

 1. Nature and field : Healt Psychology , Environmental Psychology , organisational Behaviour , Community Psychology , Clinical Psychology, Population Psychology 

2. Profession of Psychology and role of applied behavioural scientific in managing human resource. 

Unite - II  Psychology in Industry 

1. Personnel selection : Meaning, Objective and methods. 

2. Accidents proneness and safety training . 

3. Job analysis : Nature , Method and Need of Job analysis . 

4. Industrial Relation 

Unite - III  Community Psychology 

1. Historical background for the emergence of community psychology, nature and fields. 

2. Community and Group ( Self - help through group cohesiveness and leadership ) 

3. Intervention and preventive approach 

Unite - IV  Understanding Deviant Behaviour . 

1. Delinquency and criminal behaviour - Nature & Causes. 

2. Problems of drug addiction -Nature , causes of drug addiction . 

3. Prevention of delinquency , drug addiction, smoking 

Unite - V  Psychology in other field 

1. Psvhology & mass media ( Print media , Radio and audio - visual devices ) and info - technology . 

2. Psychology in Education - Educating socially , disadvantages. 

3. Education of Human rights - Discrimination and human rights, preparing women & youth for future societies . 

4. Guidance & counselling - Definition and need for guidance and counselling . 

Book Recommended : 

1. Anstasi a ( 1979 ) Field of Applied Psychology 

2. Maysmith : Industrial Psychology 

3. Colemen : Abnormal Psychology and Modern life 

4. M. Rajawanickar - Fields and experiments in Psychology 

Psychology (Honours)  


Time - 3 Hours 

Full Mark - 75

Unite - I Introduction 

1. A working definition of social psychology origin and development of social psychology , states of social psychology in India . 

2. Methods :        (a) Experimental Method 

                             (b) Correlational Method 

                             (c) Survey & Field Studies 

 Unite - II   Understanding of self and others 

1. Self perception 

         (a) The self - component of ones , identity , self consent and self estem. 

          (b) Additional aspect of self functioning , focussing , Monitoring and efficacy 

2. Social perception ( understanding others ) 

          (a) Communication in understanding others 

          (b) Attribution - Theories of attribution, some basic sources of error in attribution . 

 Unite - III   Prejudice & Discrimination 

1. Nature and source of origin 

2. Countering effects of prejudice and discrimination 

 Unite - IV   Prejudice & Discrimination 

1. Nature and components ., Development or factors of formation of attitude, attitude & beliefs, attitude & value , attitude and prejudice. 

2. Changing of attitude modifiability - factors

3. Measuring attitude - Difficulties in measuring attitude Likert & thurstone teachniques. 

 Unite - V   Prejudice & Discrimination 

1. Meaning and Nature , attributes or traits of leaders. 

2. Emergence of leadership - Traits, situation or both . 

3. Function and styles of leadership . 

4. Transformation leadership 

 Book Recommended : - 

1. Barron , R. A. & Bryne D.D. ( 1992) Social Psy - understanding human interaction , Alyn & Bacon, Torento 

2. Lindgren : Social Psychology 

3. Wrightsman : Social Psychology 

4. Meiyers : Social Psychology 

5. G.D. Restogi : Samaj Manovigyan 

Psychology (PRACTICAL)  Syllabus 

Time - 4 Hours 

Full Mark - 50

Students have to conduct the following exercises and experiments. They have to answer one from Unit - I and two for  Unit - II out of four questions to be set. 

Unite - I : Statistics 

1. Calculation of t-ratios for single mean . 

2. Testing significance of difference between two mean F-test ( simple ) 

3. Correlation method - Pearsnian and spearians method 

Unite - II : Experiment 

(a) Applied Psychology 

(i) Semorial and muscular Reaction time 

(ii) Knowledge of result 

(iii) Leigarnik effect 

(b) Social Psychology 

(i) Development of Likert type scale 

(ii) Measurement of cast / their prejudice. 

Practical Note Book 

1. Anastari A ( 1982) Psychological Testing Mc Millan, New York 

2. Downie & Health ( 1983) . Basic Statistical Method, Hyper & Row , New York 

3. Sinha & Mishra - Manovigyan Prayog Even Parikshan 

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