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Class 12th English 100 Marks “ Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast ” Summary , Objective | Subjective | Long | Question


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Class 12th English 100 Marks-Bihar Board

Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast  - Author 

Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast - Summary 

Now the leaves are falling fast is the work of W.H. Auden Here the poet has enacted the frustration inherent in human life, the aspiration that has not fulfilled and the sense of loneliness in which ever individual lives and dies. 
During the autumn the leaves of the trees began to fall fast. Flowers going under do not last. The supporting tree, go to the grave. A four wheeled baby carriage go rolling on. 
The poet finds the same thing in human life . The messenger of death approaches and takes away our happiness, our body becomes cold. the poet means to say here that as the trees seem naked and lifeless after detaching leaves, the human beings get the same fate. 
The poet says that death is inevitable Hundreds of people get the same fate and wrapped in the wooden coffrns . Arms are raised in difficult way to rebuke. It is nothing but a false way of thinking regarding love. Here the poet presents the frustration inherent in human life. 
Trolls , a wicked and ugly creature, who depends upon the trees for his livelihood has been disappointed. He is in the position to starve. He goes round the trees and finds nothing to eat. He scolds but gets nothing . the nightingale is mum. None comes forward to support him. 
Unbearable cold stretches, lovely mountain heads is covered with ice. Water fall comes out , travelers find these things after death. 

Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast - Summary In Hindi 

Now the leaves are falling fast  W.H . द्वारा लिखी  poetry  काम है।  यहाँ कवि ने मानव जीवन में निहित कुंठा, अभी तक पूरी न होने वाली आकांक्षा और अकेलेपन की भावना को व्यक्त किया है जिसमें व्यक्ति रहता है और मर जाता है।
शरद ऋतु के दौरान पेड़ों की पत्तियां तेजी से गिरने लगीं। नीचे जाने वाले फूल टिकते नहीं हैं। सहायक वृक्ष, कब्र में जाओ। एक चार पहिया बच्चा गाड़ी चलती है।
कवि मानव जीवन में वही पाता है। मृत्यु का दूत आता है और हमारे सुखों को छीन लेता है, हमारा शरीर ठंडा हो जाता है। कवि का यहाँ कहने का तात्पर्य यह है कि जैसे वृक्ष पत्तों को अलग करने के बाद नग्न और निर्जीव लगते हैं, वैसे ही मनुष्य को भी वैसा ही भाग्य मिलता है।
कवि कहता है कि मृत्यु अवश्यंभावी है सैकड़ों लोगों को एक ही भाग्य मिलता है और वे लकड़ी के ताबूतों में लिपटे रहते हैं। कठिन तरीके से फटकारने के लिए हथियार उठाए जाते हैं। यह कुछ और नहीं बल्कि प्यार के बारे में सोचने का एक झूठा तरीका है। यहाँ कवि मानव जीवन में निहित कुंठा को प्रस्तुत करता है।
ट्रोल्स, एक दुष्ट और बदसूरत प्राणी, जो अपनी आजीविका के लिए पेड़ों पर निर्भर है, निराश हो गया है। वह भूखे रहने की स्थिति में है। वह पेड़ों के चारों ओर जाता है और खाने के लिए कुछ नहीं पाता है। वह डांटता है लेकिन मिलता कुछ नहीं। कोकिला माँ है। उनके समर्थन में कोई आगे नहीं आता।
असहनीय ठंडी हवाएँ, सुंदर पर्वत शिखर बर्फ से ढके हुए हैं। निकलता है झरना, मरने के बाद यात्रियों को मिलती है ये चीजें

Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast - Objective Question 

1. In the second line of the poem, Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ‘Nurse’ stands for —

(A) a plant
(B) a fruit
(C) a tree
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  C

2. In the poem, ‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast ‘Whispering neighbours’ stand for-

(A) agents of Life Insurance
(B) agents of State Bank of India
(C) agents of Sahara India
(D) agents of death

Answer ⇒  D

3. “Trolls’ mentioned in the poem, ‘Now The Leaves are Falling Fast’ are …….. mythological creatures.

(A) Scandinavian
(B) Indian
(C) Russian
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  A

4. ‘Now the Leaves are Falling Fast’ is ………… poem.

(A) a pessimistic
(B) optimistic
(C) a pessimistic-cum-optimistic
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  C

5. Who has composed the poem, Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ?

(A) W.H. Auden
(B) Walter de la Mare
(C) D.H. Lawrence
(D) Rupert Brooke

Answer ⇒  A

6. Auden won the Pulitzer prize in-

(A) 1947
(B) 1948
(C) 1949
(D) 1950

Answer ⇒  B

7. For Auden poetry was-

(A) a light game
(B) an interesting game
(C) a serious game
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  C

8. Auden was –
(A) a poet
(B) a verse dramatist’
(C) a serious game
(D) All of these

Answer ⇒  D

9. ‘Now The Leaves are Falling’ is-

(A) a lyric
(B) an ode
(C) a sonnet
(D) an elegy

Answer ⇒  A

10. ‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ………… the frustration inherent in human life.

(A) reacts
(B) enacts
(C) accepts
(D) protests

Answer ⇒  B

11. W.H. Auden has written the poem-

(A) John Keats
(B) Walt Whitman
(C) W.H. Auden
(D) T.S. Eliot

Answer ⇒  C

12. The prams are —

(A) running
(B) standing
(C) lying
(D) rolling

Answer ⇒  D

13. The travellers are we ………….. beings, moving towards our death.

(A) human
(B) animal
(C) urbon
(D) rural

Answer ⇒  A

14. Human life is no better than —

(A) life
(B) death
(C) journey
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  B

15. The leaves are falling —

(A) slow
(B) soon
(C) fast
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  C

16. Trees shed their leaves in –

(A) rain
(B) summer
(C) winter
(D) autumn

Answer ⇒  D

17. The ……………. has become dumb to see the leafless trees.

(A) hen
(B) sparrow
(C) nightingale
(D) peacock

Answer ⇒  C

18. ………….. waterfall could bless the travellers passing through that way.

(A) Yellow
(B) White
(C) Red
(D) Grey

Answer ⇒  B

19. The falling of …………….. refer to the speedy arrival of death.

(A) leaves
(B) stones
(C) snows
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  A

20. The ……………… of death are the whispering neighbour.

(A) messenger
(B) friends
(C) enemies
(D) God

Answer ⇒  A

21. ‘Whispering neighbours, left and right’ is a line from the poem—

(A) An Epitaph
(B) Song of Myself
(C) Now the Leaves Are falling Fast
(D) Snake

Answer ⇒  C

22. ‘Nurse’s flowers will not last’ is a line written by—

(A) John keats
(B) John Donne
(C) Walt Whitman
(D) W.H. Auden

Answer ⇒  D

Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast - Subjective Question 

B.1.1 Read the following sentences and write T for true and F for false statements. 

(a) The leaves are falling very fast 
(b) The nurses are still there to take care of the flower. 
(c) All the prams are gone to the grave . 
(d) Whispering neighbors disturb the real delight of the ageing person. 
(e) Old persons feel lovely as they gradually become inactive. 
(f) Death freezes the body and separates us from the crowd of the people . 
(g) The promise of love are often deceptive. 
(h) Starvation and suffering do not characteristic human life. 
(i) Travellers get one relief in the waterfall of the mountain . 
(j) The prams go rolling on suggests the continuity of life. 

Ans  - (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) T (e) T (f) T (g) T (h) T (i) T (j) F 

B.2 Complete the following sentences on the basis of the poem. 

(i) Nurses to the .......................rolling on. 
(ii) Cold impossible, ahead ...................................lovely head.
     ........................................could bless.
     .........................................last distress. 
Ans : (i) graves are gone 
              And the prams go
           (ii) Cold , impossible, ahead 
                  List the mountain's lovey head . 
                   Whose white waterfall could bless
                    Travelers in their last distress. 
B.3 Answer the following questions briefly . 

Q1. What does the poet mean when he says " Now the leaves are falling fast " ? 

Ans - By saying ' Now the leave are falling fast the poet presents the life span of human beings. an meets his end like the leaves. 

Q2. What are the words in the second stanza that suggest death and the effect of death on human . 
Ans - The words pluck and freeze in the second stanza suggest death and its effect on human body. 

Q3. How do we complete our last Journey to the grave? 

Ans- After death , our body is kept in the wooden coffins and buried . this way our last journey to the grave is completed . 

Q4. What do " Trolls ' do in the leafless wood ?

Ans - Trolls go round the leafless wood to get their food. 

Q5. Who are the "Traveller" and how will they be blessed ? 

Ans - Men are the travelers and they are blessed by the waterfall at the from nature . 

Q6. Which words in the first stanza suggest object from natures ? 

Ans - Nurse's flowers are the words in the firs stanza which suggest objects from nature. 

Q7. Who are the ' whispering neighbors? 

Ans - Yama or messenger of death are the whispering neighbors. 

Q8. How does human life become miserable ? 

Ans - Suffering from a disease makes human life miserable
Q9. In what way will the travellers be blessed ? 

Ans - The water fall of the mountain will bless the travellers. 

Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast - Long Question 

Q1. Falling of leaves suggests the process of death and human waster on a large scale. Explain with reference to the poem ? 

Ans - In the peom Now the leaves are falling fast the poet has beautifully characteristic the process of death and human waste on a large scale. Leaves are the man organs of the trees. The leaves come out in the tress and make the trees lively . In Autumn the leaves begin to fall fast and the trees become naked. This is the same case with the human beings. Man comes on the earth and grows fastly . The baby becomes grown up. Time comes, when the organs become useless. At last man passes away. the poet has presented the life span of Man. Child , Young , grown up and old are the four spans of life. The poet says that old persons feel lovely like a tree as they gradually become inactive Death freezes the body and separates us from the crowd of the people. The trees are the symbols of life. The leafless trees are the symbol of old. The leaves detach and never attach again to the res. This is natural truth. Thus the poet has correctly suggested us that nothing is real and all are the subject of decay. Falling of leaves suggest the process of death and human west on a large scale. 

Q2. The poet is critical of negative tendencies of the human society what are these tendencies ? give details . 

Ans - W.H. Auden is critical of negative tendencies of the human society in his poem . Now the leaves are falling fast. He has enacted the frustration in herent in human life. the aspirations that are not fulfilled and the sense of loneliness in which individual lives and dies. The poet says that man lives in society and fulfills his aspiration living in the society but men are selfish . 
They never care for others. They are divided into different sects and creeds. 
The moral obligation is no where and they are doing something for their own. 
This is what the poet has characteristic as the negative tendencies of the human society . 

Q3. Who are the strolls in the real world? 

Ans - In the poem " Now the leaves are falling fast' W.H. Auden has mentioned the name of stroll. He is wicked and ugly creature in Scandinavian mythology. In the real world strolls are those who disregard the moral code and behave other not properly . They create disturbances and spread hatred in the society 
Q4. Though the poet refers to " death " several times " , Yet the poem is not pessimistic one. Justify your answer.

Ans - W.H. Auden has refered death several times, but he does not think that every thing is for worst. Really the poet has presented the life span of human beings. Death is the last span, before that man fulfills his apparitions and he does his duty what - ever given by the creator properly . Life is valuable it is rare and graceful. We know that who comes on the earth must die. But man never thinks bout death and goes ahead with the objects whatever provided. Man is the architect of his fate and thinks more and more about the forth coming events. The poet has mentioned the life span of a tree and suggests us to remember that every one may meet his decay . So we may full full our aims and objectives properly 

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