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part II Psychology Subsidiary and General Syllabus - Purnea university | BNMU


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Home Science (Subsidiary /General) part II Syllabus- Purnea university | BNMU

Psychology (General/ Sub)  

Time - 3 Hours 

Full Mark - 75


Unite - I Introduction 

1.Meaning of Normal , Abnormal and Genius , Different view about abnormality. 
2. Topographical and Dynamic aspects mind , Nature of unconsiour ( Freud , Adler and Jung ) , Characteristics & Proofs of unconscious , Characteristics and relationship between Id, ego and super ego.
3. Uses of Psychology in Psychopathology and mental health. 

Unite - II : Neurosis & Psychosis 

1. Neurosis and Psychosis : Nature, characteristics and differences between the two. 
2. Anxiety neurosis : Phobic neurosis, Dissociative and conversion reaction . 
3. Manic Depression , Involution melancholia - symptoms & etiology. 

Unite - III : Psychosomatic Disorder 

1.Clinical picture and general causes of psychosomatic disorders . 
2. Psychosomatic disorders related to cardio - vascular and digestive disorder symptoms and etiology 
3. Treatment and outcomes. 

Unite - IV : Alcoholism and Drug abuse. 

1. Stages in Alcohol dependence, Clinical picture and causes of alcoholism 
2. Drug abuse and drug dependence, Perspectives of drug usages. 
3. Treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics and drug dependents .

Unite - v : Manipulative Behavior of Group . 

1. Aggression and Violence : Nature Psychological bases, prevention. 
2. War and threat of war with special reference to extremism and terrorism . 
3. Cost of war prevention and outcome of war. 

Book Recommended : 

1. Coleman , J.C. (1976 ) Abnormal Psychology and Modern life . 
2. Harry , Gotherfield (1979) Abnormal Psychology , a community Mental health Perspective . 
3. Arun K. Sen & Anis Ahmed (1999) Drug abuse and youth : A psychological study , Gyan publicity House , New Delhi . 

Psychology (Practical Syllabus)  

Time - 3 Hours 

Full Mark - 25

Two question for each unit will be set. Examinees are required to answer one for each unit . 

Unite - I : Statistics 

1. Measure of variability - Average Deviation & Standard Deviation . 

2. Signification of difference between two mean - t - test 

3. Application and calculation of product moment correlation . 

Unite - II : Experiment 

1. Extent  of Muller - lyre illusion : Method of average error 

2. Aesthesioretric Matrix - Method of limit 

3. Jodhpur Multiphasis Personality Inventory (JMP ) 

4. Eysenck Personality Questonnaire ( EPQ-R)

Book Recommended : 

1. Garett : Statistics in Education and Psychology . 

2. Down , N.M. & Health , R.W. ( 1983) Basic statistical Method , Harpea & Row , New York . 

3. Sinha & Mishra - Manovigyan Mein Prayog Prikshan Bharati Bhawan , Patna 

4. Laxmi A. (1997) Introduction to Psychopathology . 

5. Buss , A.W. (1999) Psychopathology N.Y. John Wiley 

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