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Class 12th English (100M) Poetry : Chapter - 1 Sweetest Love I Do not Goe - Summary , Objective , Subjective


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Sweetest Love I Do not Goe - Author 

John Donne 

JOHN DONNE (1572-1631) - the pioneer of a new kind of lyrical and satirical verse called 'Metaphysical' , was born in London into a prosperous Roman Catholic Family of traders at a time when England was staunchly anti-Catholic. Donne was forced to leave Oxford University without a degree because of his religion. He studied law, and read theology. He also participated in two Naval expeditions and became secretary to a powerful noble, a job he last when he was briefly sent to prison for secretly marrying his patron's niece. In 1615, at the age of 42, Donne accepted ordination in the Anglican Church and soon became one of the grates preachers of his time. In love -lyricism, Donne broke completely with the Petrarchan tradition ,introducing an intellectual and colloquial tone. His love poems use the latest discoveries of science and geography to hammer home a point and combine passion with verbal and intellectual teasing Donne is well known for his Song and Sonnets, Satires and the Elegies and Sermons. Genuine poetic feeling, harsh metres, strained and whimsical images characterise all his poetic creations .

Sweetest Love I Do not Goe - Author in Hindi 

जॉन डोने (1572-1631) - 'मेटाफिजिकल' नामक एक नए प्रकार के गीतात्मक और व्यंग्य कविता के अग्रदूत, लंदन में व्यापारियों के एक समृद्ध रोमन कैथोलिक परिवार में पैदा हुए थे, जब इंग्लैंड कट्टर कैथोलिक विरोधी था। डॉन को अपने धर्म के कारण बिना डिग्री के ऑक्सफोर्ड विश्वविद्यालय छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा। उन्होंने कानून का अध्ययन किया, और धर्मशास्त्र पढ़ा। उन्होंने दो नौसेना अभियानों में भी भाग लिया और एक शक्तिशाली रईस के सचिव बन गए, एक नौकरी जब उन्हें अपने संरक्षक की भतीजी से गुप्त रूप से शादी करने के लिए संक्षेप में जेल भेज दिया गया था। 1615 में, 42 वर्ष की आयु में, डोने ने एंग्लिकन चर्च में समन्वय स्वीकार किया और जल्द ही अपने समय के महान प्रचारकों में से एक बन गए। प्रेम-गीतवाद में, डोने ने एक बौद्धिक और बोलचाल के स्वर का परिचय देते हुए, पेट्रार्चन परंपरा को पूरी तरह से तोड़ दिया। उनकी प्रेम कविताएँ विज्ञान और भूगोल की नवीनतम खोजों का उपयोग करके एक बिंदु को प्रभावित करती हैं और जुनून को मौखिक और बौद्धिक चिढ़ाने के साथ जोड़ती हैं, डोने अपने गीत और सोंनेट्स, व्यंग्य और एलिगियों और उपदेशों के लिए जाने जाते हैं। वास्तविक काव्यात्मक भाव, कठोर मीटर, तनावपूर्ण और सनकी चित्र उनकी सभी काव्य रचनाओं की विशेषता हैं।

Sweetest Love I Do not Goe - Summary 

In this poem , John Donne has described his noble impulse of love, presenting cris-cross logical arguments. Once he says to his beloved that he wants to go apart from her for sometime. He makes an earnest request to her not to lament during his exhalation in solitary. His intention is not to hurt her nor he feels any boring that is why he is going away from her. He wants to feel the pangs of death in life himself during separation from her. To live separately is more than death for him . He keeps an oath and swear that he will come to her just after a while spending sometime. As the sun sets daily and again rises in the morning just like he will appear before her. The poet urges that she should not be troubled and penetrated in his absence . He also consoles her by telling that she should neither bemoan nor weeping because the life span of the poet may change his life. The noble soul may come out from his heart if she weeps, then there will be blood of the put come out only. The poet makes request not to think any ill thought during Isolation because sometimes destine may prove what the felling arouse in our heart. She should feel only a retirement at night and a night mare of isolation only. She should take it as both of them are sleeping and turning themselves. Both of them are each other's life and it's beyond imagination to live apart . 

Sweetest Love I Do not Goe - Summary in Hindi 

सारांष: कवि एक बार अपनी प्रेयसी से बिछुड़ना चाहता है इसलिए नहीं कि उसे उससे भी ज्यादा सुंदर / हसीन प्रेमिका मिल गयी है बल्कि जीवन में मौत की अनुभूति प्राप्त करना चाहते है । उसका मन अपनी प्रेयसी से थक नहीं गया है । वह । तन्हाई और अकेलापन में जीवन के कष्टों को महसूस करना चहता है । वह उसे भरोसा दिलाता है कि एक दिन वह पुनः लौटकर उसके पास आ जाएगा । जिस प्रकार सूरत प्रतिदिन शाम को नीले आसमान के अस्ताचल तले विश्राम करने चला जाता है और सुबह पुनः क्षितिज पर मुस्कुराने आ जाता है वैसे ही कुछ पलों के लिए अलग होकर वो अपनी प्रेमिका के पास आ जाएगा । कवि का हृदय स्वतः बाहर निकल आएगा और उसके प्राण पखेरू निकल जाऐगे । उसकी आँखों से बहते आँसू कवि के षरीर के खुन है जो उन्हें चैन से मरने भी नहीं देंगे । कवि उसे समझाता है कि इस जुदाई के आलम में वह किसी भी प्रकार के बुरी - भावना का शिकार न हो तथा किसी बुराई की कल्पना न करें । वह केवल इस आलम को ठीक उसी तरह से लेने का प्रयास करे जैसे रात्रि की बेला में दो प्रेमी एक दूसरे के पास मगर करवट सोते रहते है । ठीक कवि का दूर जाना ऐसा ही कुछ है 

Sweetest Love I Do not Goe - Objective Question 

1. Donne present himself in ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ in-

(A) the first person singular number
(B) the first person plural number
(c) the third person singular number
(D) None of thes

Answer ⇒  A

2. Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ is-

(A) a didactic poem
(B) an allegorical poem
(C) a love poem
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  C

3. Donne is well-known for his-

(A) songs and sonnets
(B) satires
(C) sermons
(D) All of these

Answer ⇒  D

4. In the poem, ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ ‘dye’ stands for-

(A) to die
(B) to paint
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  A

5. ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ may be compared with Shakespeare’s-

(A) ‘All the World’s Stage’
(B) ‘The Marriage of True Minds’
(C) ‘Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind’
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  B

6. Who has composed the poem,’Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe ?

(A) John Donne
(B) Andrew Marvell
(C) George Herbert L.
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  A

7. John Donne was the pioneer of –

(A) Elizabethan poetry
(B) Metaphysical poetry
(C) Restoration poetry
(D) Neo-classical poetry

Answer ⇒  B

8. Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ is-

(A) sonnet
(B) an ode
(C) a lyric
(D) a ballad

Answer ⇒  C
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9. ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ has been addressed to-

(A) Donne’s sistet
(B) Donne’s mother
(C) Donne’s friend
(D) Donne’s wife

Answer ⇒  D

10. The occasion of the poem, ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ is Donne’s-

(A) continental trip
(B) space tour
(C) voyage
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  A

11. John Donne has written the poem –

(A) Song of Myself
(B) An Epitaph
(C) Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe
(D) The Soilder

Answer ⇒  C

12. The poet in Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe is…………. his beloved.

(A) tired of
(B) angry with
(C) sad for
(D) happy for

Answer ⇒  C

13. John Donne is going to ………… leaving his wife behind.

(A) France
(B) Germany
(C) Italy
(D) England

Answer ⇒  B

14. John Donne thinks that that ………….. is certain.

(A) death
(B) work
(C) life
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒  A

15. John Donne wants to go away because he is not tired on his ……………..

(A) mother
(B) father
(C) beloved
(D) sister

Answer ⇒  C

16. The poet (John Donne) is better than the –

(A) moon
(B) sun
(C) earth
(D) sky

Answer ⇒  B

17. John Donne feels that a …………. is very hopeless.

(A) animal
(B) goat
(C) bird
(D) man

Answer ⇒  D

18…. has been described as a metaphysical poet.

(A) John Keats
(B) T.S. Eliot
(C) John Donne
(D) Walt Whitman

Answer ⇒  B

19. . .. wants to gladly accept death,

(A)Walt Whitman
(B) John Keats
(C) John Donne
(D) T.S. Eliot

Answer ⇒  C

20. John Donne had seen the sun setting ……………. night.

(A) today
(B) yesterday
(C) tomorrow
(D) None of these
(C) bird

Answer ⇒  B

Sweetest Love I Do not Goe - Short Question 

Q1- Why does the poet want ot go away from his beloved ? 

Ans- He wants to go away to feel the pangs of eath in life himself . 

Q2- What are the things that the sun does not have?

Ans- The sun does not have power to stay even in night time and to light as doing in day time . 

Q3- What will make the speaker's journey speedier ? 

Ans- The consent of his beloved and encouragement of hers can only make his journey speedier .

Q4- What makes a man's power feeble ? 

Ans - Man's power is feeble because every thing is not in man's hand man cannot bring only good fortune that's the reason. 

Q5- How do sighing  and weeping affect the speaker ?  

Ans - Yes . seeing the condition of sighing and weeping the poet feel and obstruction to go in isolation. He feels a pain in his heart to do Separation. 

Q6- How does the beloved waste the speaker's life ? 

Ans - The beloved is sighing and weeping. To see her trouble, the poet feels discouraged to go apart from her. He will not feel the real life if he does not go. 

Q7- In what way will the lovers remain united ? 

Ans - Physically they are going to be separated but heir minds and soul are beating each other's body. So they will remain united . 

Sweetest Love I Do not Goe - Long Question 

Q1. Find out examples of hyperbole in the poem . 

Q2. Write a note on the use of hyperbole in the poem ? 

Q3. Comment on the power of love in the light of the poem ? 

Q4. Example They who one another keepe alive, ne'r parted bee. 

Q5. Summarise the poem in 100  words 

Q6. What arguments does the poet give at the time of parting with his beloved ? 

Q7. How can levers overcome " Bad chance ?

Q8. What images from nature are used in  the poem ? 

Q9. What image do you like the most ? 

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