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 ऑनलाईन Part - II Physics syllabus general /subsidiary - Purnea University | BNMU


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Purnea University Physics General / Subsidiary Examination Pattern  

Time : 3 Hours 

Full Mark : 75 M 

Group - A 

It is a compulsory Group . Out of ten short answer/numerical type questions spread uniformly over the entire syllabus of the paper. the students will have to answer any five. Every such questions will carry five marks. The aim of these questions is to test the comprehension of the subject. 

There will be eight question from Group - B , Group - C and Group - D . The students are required to answer four questions selecting at least one from each Group. Each question carries twelve and half marks.

Purnea University Physics General / Subsidiary Syllabus

Theory (Syllabus)

Group - B


Fermat's principle , Newton's ring,Michelson Interferometer, Fresnel's diffraction at straight edge, Fraunhoffer's diffraction, single slit, duble slit, Plane Transmission grating, Resolving power of microscope and telescope , polarsation, Production of plane, Circularly and elliptically polarised light , Nicol prism , Quarter waveplate, Half shade polarimeter, Babinet compensator.

Bohr's theory of hydrogen spectra, principle of laser action , Ruby laser. Maxwell equations , Equation of plane electromagnetic waves and its solution 

Group - C

Electrostatics and Magnetism 

Boundary conditions at the surface of separation of two dielectrics. Electric doublets, Dipole moments, Dielectric polarisation , Electrical images,Problems involving infinite conducting plane and thin conducting spherical shell only. 

Magnetic shell , Langevin and Weiss theory of dia, para and ferromagnetism , Curie law , Production and measurement of strong magnetic fields , magnetic circuit and electromagnets. 

Groupd - D 

Current electricity and modern physics 

 Thermodynamic treatment of Seebeck, Peltier and Thomson effects and their applications, Moving coil aperiodic and ballistic galvanometers, Growth and decay of currents in electric circuit , oscillatory discharge of a condenser. 

A.C and circuits, use of vectors and complex quantities in A.C. circuit theory (L.R , CR and LCR circuits ) Desanty's bridge, Anderson bridge , Carey Foster's bridge 

Measurement of charge of Milllikan's methods and specific charge of an electron by Thomson method, Natural radio activity, Rutherford soddy's theory of radioactive decay. Geiger Mueller counter, Discovery of nutron, Isotopes , Artificial radioactivity , Elementary ideas about nucleus and its structure m,Nuclear fussion , Reactors Aston's mass spectrographd. 

Photo electric emission , Einotein's photo electric equation , photo conductivity and photo voltaic cells.

Compton effect , Bragg's law and determination of x-rays wavelength , Cathode ray oscilloscope and its uses in amplitude , frequency and phase measurements, solid state rectifier , one stage R.C. amplifier, Principle of amplitude modulation and demodulation, Radio receive through block diagram. 

Purnea University Physics General / Subsidiary Syllabus

PRACTICAL (Syllabus)

Time : 3 Hours
Full Marks : 25
Pass Mark : 10

The Student are required to perform one experiment alloted to them, The practical note book signed at regular intervals by the teacher under whom the  candidate worked , shall be considered while awarding marks for the practical examination. The practical note book shall carry twenty percent of the marks prescribed for the ractical examination. The practical examination shall include a viva examination carrying ten percent of the marks prescribed for the practical examination.

The course shall include the following experiments.

1. Refractive index by spectrometer.
2. Wavelength by Newton's ring 
3. Wavelength by plane transmission grating 
4. Magnifying power of telescope 
5. Magnifying power of Microscope 
6. Resolving power of telescope 
7. Dip by (i) Dip-circle (ii) Earth's inductor 
8. Figure of merit of moving coil galvanometer 
9. Calibration of Ammeter and voltmeter by potentiometer.
10. B.G constant and logarithmic decrements. 
11. Measurement of low and high resistances 
12. Temperature variation of electrical resistances . 
13. Characteristics of valve and semiconductor diodes. 

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