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Bihar Board Class 12 English - Previous Year Question Paper | Arts Question Bank | Science Question Bank

                                 Bihar Board Class 12 English - Previous Year Question Paper 

                            अंग्रजी (English) 100 अंक & 2009


Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes                                                        [ Full Marks : 100 ]

Instruction To candidate: 


                                                                   Group  - A


1.    1.  Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning  : 10

(a)   No other boy in the class in the better than                     ( Into positive )

(b)   The are rich                                                                  (Intro Interrogative )

(c)    I am to tired to work .                                                   ( Remove “:too” )

2.    2.  Use Three of the following idioms and phrases in sentences of your own :  3

          Ups and down , turn over, without fail, off and on, above all. 

3.    3. Pick out the sub-ordinate clauses in the following sentences :  3

(a)   He said the he was going to the school.

(b)   I have read the book that is lying here .

(c)   As he is ill  , he is absent.

Or , Combine the following sentences into one :

He finished his work. He went to catch the train . He had to go to Mumbai.

4.    4. Changes the following sentences into passive voice : 3

(a)   Lata will sing a song.

(b)   The cow eats grass. We crossed the river easily.

5.     5. Fill in the blanks with suitable auxiliary verbs : 3

(a)   You.........not go in this old car.

(b)   He...............obey the teacher.

(c)   We .........die sooner or later.

6.     6.Turn the Following in Indirect Narration :  3

(a)   He said, “Let me sleep well tonight.

(b)   “What am I to do Sir? said rupesh.

(c)   He said , “ I shall go as soon as it is possible . “

7.     7.Translate the following sentences in to English 

  •           (a)   भारत एक कृशिप्रधान देष है । 
  •           (b)  यहाँ की 80 प्रतिषत जनता कृशि पर निर्भर करती है । 
  •           (c)  किसान हमें अन्न देते है । 
  •           (d)  हमें किसानों की मदद करनी चाहिए । 
  •           (e) उन्हें उन्नत बीज और उन्नत मषीन देकर हम उनकी मदद कर सकते है । 

1.     8Make a précis of the following passage giving a suitable title: 7

When we speak of the freedom of the press , we usually mean freedom in a very technical and restricted sense – namely , freedom from direction or censorship by the Government. In this respect, the British press in, under ordinary conditions, in the delicate machinery of , foreign diplomacy, con-duct campaigns  to subvert   the Constitution , Incite – citizen to discontent and rebellion , expose scandals and format  variances, and generally harry and belabor  the servants of the sates with almost perfect liberty. On occasion, it can become an weapon to coerce the Government of conform to what it asserts to be the will of the people.

2.  9.  Put the verbs in the following sentences into correct tense forms :  3

(a)   It.......Since morning (rain).

(b)   The.........(rise) in the East and.........(set) in the West.


3.   10. Read carefully the passage given below and answer the question that follow :4 x3 = 12

Civilization is that mode of conduct which points out to man the path o duty. Performance of duty and observance of morality is to attain mastery over our minds and our passions. So doing , we know ourselves. To Gujarati equivalent for civilization means ‘good conduct’

It this definition be correct, then India , as so many writers have shows has nothing to learn from anybody else, and this is as it should be. We notice that mind is a restless bird, the more it gets the more it wants, and still remains unsatisfied. The more we indulge in our passions, the more un-bridled they become.

Question :

(a)   What is Civilization ?

(b)   What does the Gujrati Equivalent of civilization mean ?

(c)   Why does the writer say that the mind is a restless bird ?

(d)   Match the word given in Column A with their Meaning in Column B :  

Column A                                           Column B

(i)   Convertible                       (a) To satisfy a particular desire

(ii) Unbridled                          ( b) A person in your family who lived a long time ago .

(iii)  Indulge                            (c) not controlled

(iv)  Ancestor                          (d) Than can changed to a different form or use

4.    11. Write an essay in about 100 words on any one of the following :

(a)   Future of English in India                            

(b)   A Picnic trip

(c)   Corruption in India

(d)   Diary writing

(e)   Co- education

(f)    Discipline

                                                          Group - B 

5.     12. Match the title given in List – A  with appropriate name from List-B     : 5


                      List – A                                                                                   List – B

(             (a)   An Epitaph                                                                         (i) Walt Whitman

(b           (b)  The soldier                                                                          (ii) D.H. Lawrence

(             (c)  To Autumn                                                                           (iii) Walter de la mare

(             (d)  Snake                                                                                  (iv) Rupert Brooke

(e           (c)  Song of Myself                                                                     (v) John Keats



6.    13.  Write in short, the summary of any one of their following poems : 4

(a        (a)   The soldier   

(b        (b)   song of Myself

(c        (c)   Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe

(d        (d)  My Grandmother’s House

7.   14.  Name the poets who wrote the following verb lines : 5 

(a)    Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe for Weariness of three.

(b)   I celebrate myself and sing myself.

(c)   Here lies a most beautiful lady.

(d)   If I should die. think only this of me.

(e)   The voice of my education said to me. He must be killed .

                                                  Group   - C

8.     15. Read the following sentences and state whether they are true or false :  2

(a)   Press is free everywhere.

(b)   Proprietors have their personal interests as well.

9.    16.  Write in short, Summary of any one the following pieces :

(a)   The Artist

(b)   A Pinch of Snuff

(c)   I Have a Dream

(d)   A Marriage Proposal

(e)   Indian Civilization and culture

17.  Name the author of any three of the following prose pieces :3

Bharat is My home

      (b)   The Earth

      (c)    A child is Born

      (d)   Ideas that Have Helped Mankind

                 (e) How Free is the Press

1     18 Write name of three modern English novelist or poets.

    or, Write a short sentence on English as international language.

 19.  Write a short note on the following :

   Difference between Novel and Short story

      20.  Match the given in List – A with List –B :

                 List - A                                                 List –B

(a)   Julius Caesar                         (i) Ernest Hemingway

(b)   Arms and the Man                 (ii) William Shakespeare

(c)   Old Man and the Sea             (iii) G.B. Shaw   

Or, Mention one novel of each of the following Indo –Anglian Novelists :

(a       (a)   Raja Rao      (b) Mulk Raj Anand   (c) R.K Narayan






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