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English subsidiary Syllabus part II | English (subsidiary) Cours Structure Part - II | Purnea university | BNMU

raj singh classes

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English subsidiary part II Syllabus - Purnea university | BNMU


Time : 3 Hours 
Full Mark : 100

1. Two question from the texts prescribed    ( 20  x 2 = 40 ) 
2. Two explanations from the texts prescribed  ( 10  x 2 = 20 ) 

Texts prescribed 

1. A Book of Short Stories : Ed. A . Thakur ( Indian Press Pvt.Ltd. Allahabad ) 

Stories Prescribed 

(i) The Necklace 
(ii) The gift of the Magi 
(iii)A work of Art 
(iv) The Lady or the Tiger 
(v) A cup of Tea 

2. The Tempest : William Shakespeare 

3. Essay    ( 25 Mark) 
4. Precis Writing ( 15 Mark ) 

English subsidiary part II Syllabus - Purnea university | BNMU

ENGLISH (M.B ) For Non-Hindi Speaking Student  

Time  : 1 : 30 Min 
Full Mark : 50 

1. One question from the text prescribed Arms and the Man : G.B Shaw    - 15 
2. One explanation from the prescribed text - 10
3. One essay on a current topic        -  15
4. Comprehension of a prose passage - 10 

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